Protecting In The Dark

Dean's POV

So there I was.

A vampire.

Inhabiting a body similar to the kid's—but not quite.

At first, I wasn't as solid as I am now. No flesh. No true form. I was more like a shadow—hence the oh-so-creative name Kane's Shadow.

A wraith. A black smoke with a voice.

Drifting. Watching. Lurking just beyond reach, whispering into the night.

I couldn't touch.

I couldn't feel.

I was there, but not there. A half-existence. A curse.

Until I learned the truth.

I needed blood.

The moment I drank, I became.

The black smoke condensed, twisted, took shape.

Flesh. Bone. Strength. Power.

The more I fed, the more real I became.

And oh—how hungry I was.

And where else to get the blood, if not from the pack?