In a thrilling blend of e-sports and fantasy, the story takes place in a world where video games have advanced to intergalactic competitions. After witnessing the legendary Faker announce his retirement from League of Legends, a young fan finds himself unexpectedly transported to 2012, armed with knowledge of the future. As he navigates this new reality, he discovers his wealthy father's plan to launch an e-sports and traditional sports division. Determined to seize this opportunity, he takes over a League of Legends team, aspiring to elevate it to the top. The pressure of competition will make him face the challenges of leadership in a world where aliens dominate the gaming scene. Will he succeed in carving a niche for himself in this high-flying world?
Note = This is my first novel, English is not my main language.
The first stage of the story will focus on LOL and CSGO.
the second stage will include valorant, streamers and a virtual reality MMO.