Girlfriend (1/2)

"..." In bed, my mother's eyes opened to find the smoke alarms going off nonstop. She blinked for a moment before she jumped to her feet and although she felt weak, she rushed downstairs to the kitchen, and there she found me cooking.

Her face turned dark seeing me dancing to the music my headphones were playing, clearly not hearing the smoke alarm. Her eyes burned with rage before she walked over, and gave me a hard pinch which caused me to jump in pain.

"Ouch, is that how you thank your son for cooking your breakfast?" I cried while getting away from her. I removed my headphones, before pausing to hear the alarm.

I looked at my mother watching the stove, turning off the fire, before looking at the egg I had cooked. Her face twisted in disgust seeing the demonic-looking egg I had cooked,

"What did I say about you cooking?" She asked angrily,

"You were too weak to cook, so I thought I could cook you something... I was sure my cooking would be better than when I was a kid. Try eating it." I said with expectation, causing her face to turn dark. The last time she ate my cooking, she almost died of food poisoning, forcing her to quickly use her sacred gear to heal herself before she could die.

"Your power can't be controlled, cooking is a delicate task that you can't do." She said while throwing the food away.

"But my control is far better than in the past," I said while in deep thought. My power was far greater when Anos thanks to the means behind his death. Because of that, my affinity towards Destruction and Nothingness was unmatched compared to my affinity towards Creation and Manipulation.

Anos constantly suppresses his destructive power by offsetting his power with his power and normally controls only the barely remaining power after that, all to prevent the universe from being destroyed by his mere presence. What Anos has left is just a fragment of his true power.

I had to do that, not only with the Power of Destruction but also with Nothingness. These two powers had to offset each other, canceling each other, and leaving me with nothing but an extremely small amount of Demonic energy I could use. Even so, that extremely small amount of Demonic power was extremely hard for me to control, after all, most of my control was on controlling the power of Destruction and Nothingness to not just erase everything in this verse.

So, my demonic power does leak out. Although I created spells to prevent such a thing, every breath I took, and every movement I made did release demonic energy. Because of this, everything I do that would need delicate work... well, you saw the egg, it was demonic.

But it wasn't limited to just that, when it comes to creating stuff, such as art, or being creative, I had a hard time doing so. Luckily, this limitation wasn't the same for magic. I had pretty much unlimited potential towards magic, it was as if all things that could limit me were destroyed or turned into nothingness. Like Anos, I could even create things from nothingness... but I could do it on a scale far above even Anos himself.

"Fine, I will buy takeouts," I said while stopping the alarms with a simple wave of my finger. This caused My mother to sigh, she sat down to rest,

"I have to get to work soon." She said with a sigh, unsure if we had the money for takeout. At those words I frowned, like hell she was going to work. I needed to pick up a job, she had always forbidden me from having a job, and I was sure I needed to start saving up money. 

"I have a date today..." I said lightly, 

"That's good." She said with a yawn... before she paused, unsure if she heard me correctly. She looked at me, wanting to know if she had heard me correctly. I never had a girlfriend, or even had sex. I wanted to, but knowing my mother, I couldn't.

"Y-you lying, you have a date? What did you say in the past? I would never marry, it sounds like a pain. Or why would I chain myself to a woman when I could be free?" She said mockingly, making me blush lightly.

"She is different..." I said not knowing what to say, if Rias is as good as I hope she is, then I wouldn't mind marriage since she would be worth it. If not, then forget it, I got my hopes up.

"What? Tell me, I have to know everything." She said her eyes shining wanting to know the whole story. But I ignored her, quickly getting ready to leave.

"I'm going to get you something to eat," I said escaping the house, leaving her pouting as she wanted to know everything. But she smiled in the end, she couldn't picture the future ahead of me seeing as I couldn't cook for myself, and refused to use magic unless I had to.

I rushed to a fast-food restaurant, where I quickly bought her something to eat... I brought a lot of stuff before I ran back home and gave her the goods. I was already running late, so I wasted no time and rushed off to school after giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.

I quickly rushed to the school, and although I was late, I didn't care much as I went on to sit in my class and waited for the day to pass... and that it did, and before long I stood before Rias who had a nervous look. 

"I don't know Japan like you do... this would be my chance to know the place. So, you lead the place." I said calmly, leaving Rias speechless for a second, before she smiled. 

"Okay," Rias said pumping herself up, so she led the way, showing me around Kuoh town, there was a lot of stuff to see. It was a nice date, it just sucked that we had to wait for buses or trains to get from place to place,

"So, how was the date?" Rias asked while looking at me, enjoying the cotton candy in my hands.

"That was my first date, so I wouldn't be lying if I said that was the best date I ever experienced," I said with a smile, before I brought my face extremely close to her face, causing her face to turn red.

"I do see myself marrying you, it's just that I feel like you're hiding something from me... but then again, so am I. So, I will be your boyfriend. With that, I expect one thing between us. Honesty. If that's impossible, then let's end things here and now." I said calmly, Rias paused for a second, going over my words before she took a deep breath and nodded.

"B-but, let's take things slow. I will tell you everything over time," She said somewhat uneasy that I wouldn't accept that.

"I can respect that, you don't need to rush yourself to do something if you're not ready. I can wait for you, but I want you to wait for me as well." I said with a smile, to which Rias nodded in joy.

"Then I should get going home, my mother is sick. I can't stay too far from her, every passing day she grows weaker." I said lightly, to which Rias' eyes widened.

"My parents have the best of doctors, I also know a thing or two, so they would listen to me if I speak out," Rias said to which I smiled lightly. I was the best doctor on earth, and even I was struggling on this task. Even so, I nodded seeing how she wanted to join me.