Chapter 12: *Purple Moon*

Chapter 12: *Purple Moon*

Kaminari struggled to catch his breath, still feeling drained from earlier exertions. Meanwhile, Fulan's eyes gleamed with a faint purple hue, his dark hair beginning to shimmer, as electric energy coursed through him once more. The static crackled around him, growing stronger. His voice broke through the quiet, calm but charged with resolve.

"I need to go all out again," Fulan said, his voice steady but intense. "This time, there's no one in my path. The sparks won't hurt anyone, but are you sure you want to fall behind? I'm giving you a chance to win here, Kaminari."

Kaminari's gaze was unwavering, his posture casual despite the rising tension. He glanced at the faint purple sparks that flared and disappeared around Fulan, contemplating the challenge. The decision came quickly, his lips curling into a confident smirk. He extended his hand towards Fulan, forcing himself to stand despite his weariness.

"Just finish it already," Kaminari muttered with a slight chuckle.

Fulan's lips twitched into a smile, but before he could respond, a chilling voice cut through the air.

"I won't let you get away so easily."

Todoroki had arrived. His sharp eyes narrowed as he planted his right foot firmly into the sandy ground. With a swift, deliberate motion, he thrust his hand forward.


The ground trembled as Todoroki unleashed a devastating wave of ice, cascading forward like a wall of jagged crystals. It was an overwhelming surge, freezing everything in its path, aimed directly at both Fulan and Kaminari.

Kaminari's eyes widened in terror, his body instinctively reacting. He raised his arm to shield his face, even though he knew it would be useless. "Are you kidding me?!" he shouted, panic evident in his voice as the deadly ice drew near.

In a split second, Fulan seized the back of Kaminari's shirt, yanking him forcefully behind him. Now standing in front, Fulan faced the oncoming ice head-on. His jaw clenched, muscles tensing as he prepared to counter. With a sharp, defiant shout, he punched the ground with all his strength.

*"Purple Moon!"*

The earth beneath them rumbled violently as shards of purple crystal erupted from the ground, hurtling forward with a force equal to Todoroki's ice. The two attacks collided midair, ice and crystal clashing in a dazzling display of raw elemental power. The collision sent shockwaves rippling through the air, the ground beneath them trembling from the impact.

For a moment, everything was silent—frozen in awe at the sheer force of the clash. Even the commentator, Yamada, struggled to find words. "W-what just happened?! I thought Fulan's quirk was just speed, but what is this?!"

The crowd, too stunned to react immediately, held their breath. Then, as realization dawned, gasps and cheers erupted through the arena. Todoroki Shoto—the son of Endeavor, the top candidate to win the sports festival—had met his match. Someone had actually stopped his most powerful ice attack.

In the stands, three figures remained unfazed by the shocking display. Aizawa, who had known of Fulan's abilities for some time, simply watched with mild interest. Fulan's mother smiled softly to herself, her eyes glowing with pride. "This is just the beginning," she whispered. "Show them everything, my son."

The third figure was Endeavor, his intense gaze fixated on the battlefield. Though his face remained stoic, his thoughts raced. *This power... it can't just be a coincidence, can it?*

Questions filled his mind as he stared at the collision, the mystery behind Fulan's quirk gnawing at him.

As for the spectators, they were still reeling from the incredible scene—the unexpected meeting of ice and crystal. The tension in the stadium soared as the crowd erupted into frenzied cheers. Yamada's voice rose above the noise. "What is this?! Ice versus purple crystal—this isn't even a battle stage!"

Back on the racetrack, Kaminari blinked in astonishment as he stared at Fulan's back. The sight of Fulan standing firm, having just protected him from Todoroki's ice, was awe-inspiring. The sunlight glistened off the fractured ice and purple crystals, creating a surreal, almost beautiful image—a brief calm before the storm.

Midoriya landed nearby after a controlled fall, avoiding injury by rolling onto his shoulder. As he regained his footing, his eyes fixed on Fulan's impressive defense. "So... that's Fulan's true ability?" he muttered, more to himself than anyone else.

Todoroki, however, wasn't finished. His eyes burned with determination, his teeth grinding in frustration. "So you're a hybrid too," he growled, raising his right hand again. "It doesn't matter. My job is to stop you here!"

But before Todoroki could launch another attack, an explosion echoed above them.

Bakugo descended from the sky, propelled by his explosive quirk. "Who said I'd let you losers take the lead?" he roared, glaring down at both Todoroki and Fulan. His right palm began to glow a fierce orange as he aimed it at Fulan.


A powerful, concentrated beam of orange light shot toward the purple crystal barrier that Fulan had conjured. But Fulan's expression shifted to one of alarm—Bakugo's attack wasn't like Todoroki's. He had no time to think, no time to hesitate.

In a blur of motion, Fulan grabbed Kaminari by the shoulder again, yanking him as they sprinted out of harm's way.


Bakugo's attack collided with the purple crystal, shattering it into a thousand glittering shards, sending debris flying in all directions. The force of the explosion rippled through the racetrack, leaving a smoldering crater where the crystal once stood.

The chaos had only just begun.



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