Chapter 11: The Unseen Thunder

**Chapter 11: The Unseen Thunder**

Fulan's body pulsed with power, his form surrounded by a deep purple glow as he activated the "Full Purple Charge" mode. In an instant, the race changed entirely. Moments ago, he had been in the back ranks, struggling to gain ground, but now he rocketed forward, surpassing every obstacle and leaving the other students in disbelief. Even Todoroki, the first-place runner, found himself overtaken. Fulan had passed him with such speed that it seemed impossible.

The sudden shift in the race sparked a fire in the other students. No longer could they afford to hold back. The race had transformed into something far more intense. Every student now pushed themselves to the limit, calling upon their Quirks in a desperate bid to reclaim their lost positions.

At the edge of the winding track, Fulan's sharp eyes took in the course ahead. The final obstacle loomed in the distance, and behind him was the second obstacle he had already cleared. But what caught his attention was the sheer number of students now racing after him. Todoroki led the ground pursuit with icy determination, while Midoriya and Bakugo soared through the sky, each using their abilities to close the distance.

Trailing just behind them were Iida, Uraraka, Mina Ashido, and Kirishima, all pushing themselves with fierce resolve. Even the students from Class 1-B weren't far behind, determined to prove themselves.

Fulan sighed deeply, leaning against the wall for a brief moment. "Oh come on now, just give me a few seconds..." he muttered, his voice a mixture of exhaustion and humor. But this was no time to rest, and he knew it.

From the stands, the crowd erupted into cheers and gasps of astonishment. Commentator Yamada's voice boomed across the arena, excitement spilling over. "What kind of turn of events is this?! In the blink of an eye, the purple-haired boy stole the spotlight and took first place with Kaminari! Teacher Aizawa, tell us, what just happened? And who is this purple-haired student?"

The microphone passed to Aizawa, who sat calmly beside the exuberant commentator. His bandaged hand gripped the microphone as he answered in his usual stoic tone. "Fulan Nanimo," he began, "he's a transfer student from Saikono Academy. He joined UA Academy last week, which is why there were rumors about there being 41 students in the Hero Course this year, instead of the usual 40."

Aizawa paused, glancing at the murmuring crowd before continuing, "I want to assure you, this wasn't through any special connections. Fulan was given a chance to join the academy not through favoritism but because of his undeniable talent. He didn't have the financial means to take the entrance exam initially, but fate brought him here to prove he deserves a seat among the best. And to those who doubt him, I say... he will silence all criticism with his abilities."

The confident defense from Aizawa soothed many in the audience, though the room still buzzed with murmurs. Yamada, still incredulous, leaned over and whispered to Aizawa, "You didn't even have any practical training with Class 1-A last week. How can you be so sure of him?"

The question, though meant to be private, brought memories flooding back for Aizawa. He recalled the day he first spoke with Fulan, the day Fulan explained the intricacies of his Quirk. Aizawa had been impressed then, and he had spent time with Fulan honing his unique abilities. Only Aizawa and Fulan knew the full extent of their meeting, but now, before the world, Fulan's potential was being revealed.

Despite Aizawa's defense, the murmurs in the audience grew louder. Some spectators grumbled about the idea of a student being accepted without taking the entrance exam.

"Seriously? Doesn't this mean he was accepted without proving himself?" one man exclaimed.

Another voiced their frustration, "My son cried for days when UA rejected him. Now this kid just waltzes in without an exam?"

"This is unacceptable!" several voices echoed through the stands.

Among the disgruntled crowd sat a lone woman with purple hair, her fists clenched tightly in her lap. This was Fulan's mother. She looked around at the spectators, her face filled with worry and tension. The harsh words and complaints of the crowd stung, but what could she do? She couldn't shout loud enough to be heard over the noise. Instead, she whispered softly to herself, her gaze fixed on the screen where her son raced. "Fulan..."

Her voice trembled with hope and fear.

Inside the stadium, the students heard every word through the loudspeakers. Aizawa's defense, though impassioned, left a ripple of judgment among them. Many now viewed Fulan with suspicion. The idea that he had entered the prestigious UA Academy without an exam unsettled many. Only a few from Class 1-A knew the full story, but the majority began to wonder if Fulan truly deserved his place among them.

Meanwhile, on the track, Fulan's face remained calm despite the sweat trickling down his forehead. His pupils dilated slightly as he surveyed the situation, his breath heavy but controlled. He pushed himself off the wall, knowing he couldn't afford to rest any longer.

At that moment, Kaminari stirred from the ground. He groaned, sitting up slowly, rubbing his head with a pained expression. "Absorbing all that electricity almost fried my brain... Let's agree not to do that again," he muttered, still a little dazed.

Fulan glanced at him, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. His focus quickly shifted to the third and final obstacle looming ahead. The race wasn't over yet, and with Todoroki, Bakugo, Midoriya, and the others rapidly gaining ground, every second counted.

The UA Sports Festival was nearing its climax, and the Obstacle Race was about to reach its thrilling conclusion. Fulan tightened his grip, his determination unwavering. "No time for second thoughts," he whispered to himself, ready to face the final challenge head-on.



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