Chapter 10: Take The Spotlight

**Chapter 10: Take The Spotlight**

As soon as Fulan grasped Kaminari's hand, he unleashed the full force of his electrical Quirk. Purple sparks crackled around them, filling the air with a sharp electrical hum. Kaminari, however, absorbed the sparks effortlessly, grinning as he muttered, "For me, this is like a delicious meal!"

Hearing Kaminari's casual remark, Fulan couldn't help but smile. He pulled Kaminari closer and slung his arm around Kaminari's neck, as if helping a friend barely able to stand. Kaminari blinked in confusion, asking, "What are you doing?"

Fulan's eyes locked onto the race track with intense focus. "You'd better hold on tight," he said with a smirk, "because if you don't, you're going to fall."

Before Kaminari could reply, his eyes widened in realization. And then—


The world around them blurred as Fulan rocketed forward, breaking the sound barrier. The students he passed by seemed frozen in time, their faces barely registering surprise as the purple blur shot past them. Fulan's speed was so extraordinary, it was impossible to follow with the naked eye. In mere moments, he had reached the second obstacle: a massive pit, with small mountains spaced across it and ropes suspended between each peak for the students to traverse.

Todoroki, who had been leading the race, was carefully navigating the ropes, only steps away from completing the obstacle. But in the blink of an eye, Fulan shot past him like a bolt of purple lightning. Todoroki barely had time to react—his senses were too slow to even comprehend what had happened. His eyes flickered, searching for answers, but there was nothing he could grasp onto except the faint memory of a flash.

Meanwhile, Kaminari was in a state of shock. His hair flew backward in the wind, his skin pulled tight by the sheer speed, and his mouth hung open in a silent scream. Tears streamed from his eyes as if he were on a high-speed motorcycle, careening down an empty road.

Despite the breakneck speed, Fulan was finding it hard to maintain control. The race track curved ahead, and turning at this velocity was proving difficult. He gritted his teeth as the purple glow in his eyes dimmed, his hair slowly returning to its messy state, no longer spiked with energy. However, even though the sparks had vanished, the speed remained dangerously high.

Realizing he had to stop, Fulan summoned purple crystal thorns from his feet, tearing through the soles of his shoes. He tried to use them as brakes, but the friction against the sandy ground was too much—the crystals shattered on impact.


Still unable to stop, Fulan's feet skidded across the ground as he fought to regain control. Back at the obstacle, Todoroki's eyes widened as he finally registered what had passed by him. "Lightning?" he muttered, still piecing together the incredible speed he had witnessed. As he scanned the track, he spotted Fulan—now 80 meters ahead—struggling to avoid slamming into the wall.

Determined to catch up, Todoroki's expression hardened. "What just happened? How fast was that?" He broke into a sprint, desperate to close the gap.

Meanwhile, the other students were just beginning to process what had happened. Midoriya, Bakugo, and the rest of the pack had been left in the dust. Bakugo, upon seeing the purple flash, clenched his teeth in frustration. "That bastard! There's no way I'm letting anyone else win!"


With an explosive burst from his palms, Bakugo launched himself into the sky, propelling himself forward in an attempt to catch up to Fulan. Midoriya, on the other hand, found himself frozen in place. The second obstacle was only 30 meters away, but after seeing Fulan's speed, doubt gnawed at him. *There's no way I can keep up with them,* he thought, his mind racing. *Who was that? Was it Fulan?*

But before Midoriya could dwell too long on the thought, he shook his head, determination returning to his eyes. *No... I can't fall behind here!*

As if to punctuate his resolve, the crowd's gasps filled the arena, the sound of awe and surprise echoing throughout the stadium. On the giant screens overhead, the spectators had a bird's eye view of the race. Fulan's electrifying display had left them in shock.

In the commentator booth, Yamada gripped his microphone, his voice booming across the stadium. "What is going on here?!"

But before he could finish his sentence—

**[One For All ~ 100%!!]**

Midoriya activated his full power, focusing all of his strength into a single toe on his left foot. *This isn't my strongest push, but it should be enough!*



The air around Midoriya cracked as he launched himself forward, blowing past Uraraka, who had been just ahead of him. The force of his speed sent her hair whipping around her face, eyes wide with shock. Midoriya soared over the entire second obstacle in a single leap, his image flashing on the stadium screen as his face contorted in pain.

"Midoriya!" Uraraka shouted in concern.

"He really used it... Did he break his foot again?" Iida murmured in worry.

"Oh man! I have to hurry, or I'll lose for sure!" Kirishima exclaimed, realizing the stakes.

Midoriya's jump carried him over the obstacle, but his pained expression made it clear he wouldn't be able to keep running at this pace.

Back with Fulan, the fight to stop continued. After his initial crystal thorns shattered, he summoned more, digging them into the ground. Each set broke under the intense pressure, but Fulan didn't give up. Again and again, he summoned thorns, each time slowing just a little more. Finally, after several tense seconds, Fulan and Kaminari screeched to a halt, mere meters from slamming into the wall.

Kaminari, now completely exhausted, staggered as foam bubbled from his mouth. He wobbled on his feet before collapsing onto the sandy ground, utterly drained.

Fulan, breathing heavily, wiped sweat from his brow. His purple hair, now disheveled, clung to his forehead as he surveyed the race track. From where he stood, he could see both the second obstacle he had just passed and the final one looming ahead. But to his dismay, he wasn't alone anymore.

Behind him, Todoroki was closing in fast on the ground, while Midoriya soared overhead, and Bakugo streaked through the sky in a trail of smoke and explosions. Not far behind them were Iida, Uraraka, Ashido, and Kirishima, along with the students from Class 1-B.

Fulan sighed, leaning against the wall for support. "Oh, come on... Can't I get just a few seconds to rest?"



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