Chapter 1: Beachside Highschool


The celestial court was a vision of divine majesty, a vast white room that seemed to stretch into infinity. Clouds swirled underfoot, soft as whispers, forming a floor of mist and vapor that caressed the skin with a cool touch. The scent of ozone lingered in the air, sharp and electric, heightening the tension that crackled like static electricity. Above, the sky was a canvas of ethereal light, where the sun and stars merged into one. Gold thrones, each intricately carved with the history of the cosmos, formed a semi-circle around the center of the room, where Amos the Sunwarrior stood shackled in golden spiritual chains, a stark contrast to the freedom of the heavens.

The faint sound of ethereal music played in the background, a melody that seemed to emanate from the very walls of the court itself. It was haunting and beautiful, weaving through the air like a gentle breeze, but it did little to soothe the gathered gods. Aresian, God of War, stood with arms crossed, his muscular frame tense, eyes narrowed in judgment. Seraphina, Goddess of Peace, radiated calmness, her presence a soothing balm against the storm that brewed among the gods.

Thorion, God of Thunder, loomed large and imposing, his brow furrowed with righteous fury. "Amos Sunheart, you will be held accountable to the highest order!" His voice boomed, reverberating through the court and causing the clouds beneath to roil. "Your actions have not only upset the balance of the cosmos but have also threatened the very fabric of our existence. The god crystals, which are the source of our power and the lifeblood of the planets, are now at risk of being exploited."

Zephyrus, God of Honour, stepped forward, his eyes—usually filled with compassion—now holding a glimmer of disappointment. "You have invaded my realm and taken our god crystal. It's not just a simple artifact, Amos. It's a key to unlocking the secrets of the universe, and its power could be catastrophic in the wrong hands. I demand its return. If you can give it back, I will drop my charges against you." His voice was steady but tinged with the weight of betrayal, as if he felt the loss deeply.

A smirk crossed Amos's face as a halo appeared above him, casting a warm glow that pulsed with his heartbeat. "The absorption of the god crystals has set off a chain of events that will shake the very fabric of our existence," Thorion explained, his tone grave, his fists clenched at his sides. He stepped closer, the air around him crackling with barely contained energy.

Thorion leaned forward, his eyes narrowing. "You've made a grave mistake coming to my land. My thunder attacks souls. Since you're immortal, my thunder will shock you forever. Quite the punishment, don't you think?" The air crackled with electricity, the sound of gathering energy building like a storm.

Just as Thorion prepared to unleash a thunderous clap, Zephyrus intervened, raising a hand. "Thorion, enough! Let him speak!" His voice sliced through the tension, calm yet firm. "We will have an appropriate celestial trial, as Eria has requested. We will honor her and show mercy on her father."

Eria stepped forward, her eyes glowing white, a storm of energy swirling around her. Halos formed around her neck, wrists, and head, intensifying her divine presence. "You have no right to speak, Amos Sunheart," she commanded, her voice firm and unwavering, echoing with authority.

Amos met her gaze, unflinching. "Where's my mother?" Eria demanded, her energy radiating with a blinding brilliance that filled the room, the pressure of her presence demanding answers. Amos regarded her with a mix of pride and sorrow. "Eria, your desire for answers runs deep. But some truths are like shadows—ever shifting and difficult to grasp. Your mother's connection to the god crystals is deeper than you think. She understood the true power of the crystals and the risks of exploiting them."

As he spoke, his body began to shimmer, a bright light emanating from within him, illuminating the celestial court with a golden hue. The ethereal music grew softer, replaced by the sound of a heartbeat—deep and resonant. "Your mother is where the light meets the shadows, a place beyond the reach of even the most powerful gods. She is safe, but not in the way you might hope." His voice was smooth, almost teasing, as if he were sharing a secret meant for her alone.

Eria's expression shifted from anger to confusion, her glowing energy wavering slightly. "What do you mean? You can't just—"

"Don't fret," Amos interrupted, his tone playful yet cryptic. "Reality is a tapestry, woven with hidden patterns that reveal themselves slowly. Your mother's story isn't over; it's unfolding in ways we're yet to understand."

As Amos continued to glow, the light around him intensified, casting long shadows that danced across the misty floor. "But remember, Eria, you carry the essence of the stars within you. You have the strength to forge your own path." With a flourish, he raised his hands, and the light erupted into a dazzling display, bright enough to blind the onlookers.

"And this is where I must take my leave," Amos said, before transforming into a sphere of radiant light, pulsating with energy, and vanishing completely. The celestial court fell silent, the gods exchanging glances, their expressions a mixture of shock and intrigue. Eria stood alone, her heart racing, the glow around her dimming as she processed her father's cryptic words. She felt the weight of his absence and the burden of the truth he had hinted at, a new determination igniting within her.

Chapter 1: Beachside Highschool

October 7th, 344 AW (After War). The schools  futuristic lockers gleamed with digital  displays, their surfaces reflecting the harsh  fluorescent lights above. Each locker was  adorned with the date, a constant reminder  of the passage of time in this high-tech world. Eria, clad in a vibrant ensemble of  orange that seemed to defy the dullness of  her surroundings, navigated the technologically advanced hallway, her heart racing with a mix of anxiety and determination. Today was her birthday, but it was also the anniversary of her mother's death—a day she wore orange to celebrate her mother's love for the fruit. As she walked, Eria's thoughts drifted to her mother, remembering how she used to say that orange was the color of sunshine and warmth. She recalled the countless afternoons they spent together, baking orange-flavored treats and laughing. The memory brought a faint smile to her lips, but it was quickly replaced by a pang of sadness. She missed her mother dearly, and the pain of her loss still felt like an open wound .

Crystal, Deborah, and April stood huddled together near the lockers, their eyes narrowing as they followed Eria's every move  with disdain. The trio exchanged whispers, their laughter sharp and cutting, as if they were a pack of wolves sizing up their prey. "Can you believe her?" Crystal sneered, her nose wrinkling as if she'd smelled something foul. "Always trying to stand  out with those ridiculous colors,"Deborah added, shaking her head in disgust."And no abilities to speak of," April chimed in , "She's practically invisible here." The three  girls were part of the Wind Clan, aprestigious  group known for their mastery of aeromancy. Their abilities gave them asense of superiority, and they often used their powers to intimidate and belittle those they deemed inferior. Eria, with her lack of abilities, was an easy target for their bullying.

Eria had long been their target, subjected to relentless bullying. They took her credits,her food, and her books, always pushing her around and taunting her. Their disdain for her was rooted in her lack of ability, and they made it clear that her vibrant attire and citrus  scent were nothing but fodder for their mockery. Tobi, short and slightly rotund with a  bag of chips clutched in one hand,stepped into Eria's path like a boulder in ariver. His mouth was full, and as he chewed, crumbs scattered like insults in the air between them. "Hey, move it, freak!" he jeered , his voice echoing off the high-tech walls. Tobi was a Storm Caller, able to summon powerful gusts of wind with a mere thought. He reveled in his ability, using it to assert his dominance over those he deemed weaker. Eria, with her lack of powers, was the  perfect target for his cruelty.

Eria's anger simmered beneath the surface, like a growing storm ready to burst. Each taunt felt like a lightning strike, igniting her frustration. Memories of past bullying flashed through her mind, fueling the fire within her. She recalled the time Crystal andDeborah had used their wind abilities to blast her lunch tray, sending food flying on her clothes and staining her white and orange shirt. Crystal had tried to snatch her sun pendant, only to recoil with a burnt hand when Eria's anger ignited a small flame. "I'm sick of degenerates like you thinking they can bully everyone, Sherald James Tobi," she retorted, her voice rising above the din.Tobi recoiled at the mention of his realname, his face contorting with anger. "Watch where you're walking, level-one loser!" he spat, advancing toward her with a menacing glare.

Eria's frustration boiled over, her cheeks aflame with a heat that rivaled her fiery hair. She felt a rush of adrenaline coursing through her veins, a surge of power that made her heart race. "I won't be silenced anymore," she thought fiercely, her resolve hardening. Rising from the ground, her eyes alighting  with an intensity that commanded silence , she challenged, "How about you say that  to my face, you level-two scum!"Sherald, or Tobi as she scornfully named him , smirked. "Level-two scum, huh? Let's see  if you can handle this, trash!" He conjured  a beam of wind energy, the air around  him vibrating with power. The beam, a torrent of force, barreled toward Eria, who raised  her books in defense, her middlefinger raised in defiance. The impact was explosive , sending papers flying like confetti in  a storm and Eria crashing into the lockers with  a painful thud. The metallic clang echoed  in her ears, a harsh reminder of her vulnerability  in this world of power and abilities . The taste of blood was a metallic stick  on her tongue, a visceral reminder of the  assault. Pain shot through her body, adull ache that seemed to seep into her very bones . She felt helpless, trapped in a world where  she didn't belong.

The professor's voice cut through the chaos, authoritative and booming like thunder, command  immediate attention. "Enough!No fighting on the last day of school!" His presence  was a stark contrast to the chaos, a reminder that even in a world of abilities, rules still existed. Around them, students recoil , their faces a mix of shock and excitement , drawn to the drama yet fearful of  the raw energy unleashed. "Her eyes, did you  see that? What's happening to her?" April whispered, a mix of fear and wonder in her voice. "Is that the fire ability? It has to be!" Crystal exclaimed, recalling the rumors of  a student with a similar fiery gaze. Eria stood , her gaze steady and fierce, the hazel-orange of her eyes pulsating with an innerfire—a testament to the balance she sought with  herself. In that moment, she felt a flicker  of something powerful awakening inside  her, a force she had never tapped into before . "It's my mother's death anniversary and  my birthday… I will not let this get to me," she mumbled to herself, ignoring the stare  and comments as she collected her scattered  belongings. The sun pendant at her neck glowed subtly, unnoticed by her, a warm touch against her skin, a reminder of enduring  love. As she stood there, Eria wondered if this new found intensity was asign of something more, a spark within her waiting  to be fanned into a flame. Could she even  more than just a student?, devoid of abilities ? The thought sent a shiver down her spine , a mix of excitement and trepidation.

DING DING DING The chime bell rang for anannouncement. "Attention everyone, today is the  last day of school! Some of you will be going  to military school, others will pursue further  education or pick up a career. This all depends correct on your family name and status.We have done the best we can, and we continue  to build the future. Please respect the  builders outside; they are all working hard  and coordinating with each other to make  our world a better place. For those of you  joining the military, I wish you the best of  luck and remember the last war! Stay strong , Beachside Academy, and happy birthday  to all the October babies in this school ! Everyone, you are dismissed!"

"Thank God I can leave," Eria sighed with relief  as she stepped outside into the courtyard . The courtyard was a serene space , dominated by a large water fountain with  a huge golden statue of a man at its center. The statue stood 14 feet tall, his hair reaching  his back, and he had strong facial features  that radiated handsome. His body  was encased with two radiant halos—one hovering above his head and the other over  his back, almost like magic. One of his hands  pointed toward the sun, while the other  was in a fist by his jaw in a combat position . The words below the statue read,"Greatnes rises from the ashes."

The fresh outdoors hit her, the scent  of earth and grass mingling with the promise  of freedom. The sun's brilliance makes  her squint, while the gentle breeze teased  her senses, lifting her hair slightly likea whispered secret. Her heart finally calmed from  the adrenaline rush that had gripped her  moments ago.

"Ughhh! This always happens to me!" she mumbled , frustration bubbling within as she walked  through the courtyard. What was that  surge of energy? Why did anger flare up unexpectedly ? Eria had never felt such an urge  before. She screamed inwardly, grappling with this new found intensity. "This-system is not fit for people like me," she thought  to herself.

In a world where abilities defined worth, Eria stood apart—a beacon of vibrant defiance ina sea of conformity. The ability users, once revered , now wielded their powers with acruelty that left those like Eria, the unabled, serving as mere shadows in their luminous presence . She fought back, resentful of a system  that marginalized her existence. She hated  it with every fiber of her being.

As she walked through the courtyard, her sadness  was palpable. Tears brimmed in here yes , betraying her longing for a friendship that  always seemed just out of reach. Her gaze  met that of a tall boy across the way—brown hair, white complexion, red eyes that held a goofy demeanor despite his strong jawline  and buff physique. His shirt bore the emblem  of a phoenix, and he watched her with  a slight smirk, not breaking eye contact."This guy always stares at me… I wonder when  he's going to attack me," Eria thought, breaking away first. His voice followed her,"I'll see you at the park where you always run!" She ignored him, her heart heavy with the  weight of her last day at school. Why did she  feel this way? Sadness, excitement, and a  touch of fear swirled within her, each emotion  vying for dominance.

Suddenly, she felt a shove from behind, and before  she could react, Tobi pushed her to the  ground. The impact knocked the breath out  of her, and she winced as her palm's scratching  against the pavement. "What's the matter , freak? Can't even stand up?" he taunted , his laughter echoing in her ears as he stepped over her, a smug grin plasteredon his face.

"Do you want to know why everyone respects  me?" Tobi continued, forming awind blade in his hand, the air around it shimmering  with power. "It's because I have the  Storm ability, which combines three elements: wind, thunder, and water." He waved  his hand, creating a sharp, whistling sound  that mimicked the blade slicing through  the air. "When I chop off your arm for your punishment for disrespecting me, I'll make sure these healers can't get it back for you , freak!"

Behind him, Crystal, Deborah, and April followed, their laughter ringing out like a chorus of malice. "Yeah, use your fire ability, Eria! Let's see how it works against Tobi's storm!" Crystal mocked, her voice dripping with l disdain.

Eria pushed herself up, her heart racing with humiliation  and anger. She brushed the dirt off  her clothes, her cheeks flushed with amix of emotions. Just as she was about to respond , a tall figure stepped between them.It was the boy with the brown hair and red eyes —the one who had shown her kindness earlier .

"Hey, Tobi! Why don't you pick on someone your  own size?" he said, his tone light and teasing . Tobi's gaze shifted, his expression darkened  as he noticed the phoenix emblem on the boy's shirt. "What's this? Are you  one of them?" Tobi asked, a hint of respect  lacing his voice despite the bravado.

The tall boy, Alex, grinned. "Let's just say I'm more than just a pretty face." He glanced at Tobi's midsection, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. "And maybe you should lay off the chips  if you want to keep up with the rest of us ."

Tobi scowled but couldn't hide the flicker of respect  in his eyes. "Whatever, man. Just don't  think you're better than me because of that  stupid emblem."

"Let's just keep it moving, shall we?" Alex replied , his demeanor calm and confident.He turned to Eria, but before he could say anything , she felt the anger boiling inside her.

"I'm done with this!" she exclaimed, turning away  from both Tobi and Alex. With a rush of  emotions, she stormed off, her heart pounding  in her chest.

Alex watched her leave, a thoughtful expression  crossing his face. "Yeah, I will see you  later, Eria," he called after her, a hint of concern  in his voice. "You're stronger than you  think!"

As Eria walked away, the courtyard felt both liberating  and oppressive, a battle ground  of emotions  that she was determined to navigate  on her own.

For the first time that day, Eria felt a glimmerof hope. Perhaps this was the start of something  different for her. She took a deep breath , allowing the warmth of the sun to wash over her. The journey ahead was uncertain , but the fire within her flickered with  newfound strength, urging her to rise from  the ashes of her past and forge her own  path.

As she stepped out of the courtyard and into the  world beyond, she whispered to herself,"I will not be a shadow. I will shine."

The school's exit sign gleamed brightly:"You are now leaving Beachside HighSchool! Congratulations to all graduates and good  luck to military students!" Eria took a deep  breath and continued to walk, her focus  unwavering until a voice called out,"Watch your step!" Too late—she tripped over  a book in her path and fell, her hands shooting  out to break her fall. She landed with  a thud, her palms scraping against the pavement .

Eria's face turned red with anger as she glared  at the book. "Who put this here?" she yelled , her voice echoing through the courtyard .

A nearby student, a tall boy with a messymop of hair, turned to her and sneered."Shut up, Eria," he said, crumpling up apiece of paper and throwing it at her. Thepaper hit her squarely on the head, and the boy  burst out laughing. Several other students  nearby joined in, their snickers and giggles  filling the air.

Eria's face burned with embarrassment and-anger as she glared at the boy. But she refused  to give him the satisfaction of a reaction . Instead, she turned her attention back  to the book, her fingers lingering onthe ancient leather cover, the word "Energy"etched into it taunting her. The golden crescent  on the cover caught her eye,shimmering in the sunlight, almost as if it beckoned  her.

As she stood up, brushing off her clothes, Eria noticed strange symbols and markingsetched into the pages. They shimmered witha power that resonated deep within her, sending a thrill of intrigue coursing through her  veins. The leather cover felt rough and strong  under her fingers, and the gold crescent  was smooth to the touch. She ran her thumb over the cover, feeling the raised patternedt a of the symbols, while the scent ofold parchment wafted up, transporting her toa different time and place.

"I don't have time for this," she muttered, hervoice a mix of defiance and hesitation. But instead  of tossing it aside, she tried to openthe book. To her surprise, it wouldn't budge.Frustrated, she sneered and tossed the book to  the side, dismissing it, but a part of herfelt a twinge of regret. What if it held the answer  she sought?

With determined steps, she walked on, her hands  instinctively reaching for the pendant that  hung around her neck—a silent sentinel awaiting  its next moment of discovery."Balance, Eria," she whispered to herself, a mantra to steady her heart's tumultuous rhythm .

The world around her was a tapestry of memories  and the unknown, each thread woven  with the essence of experiences past and the uncertainty of futures untold. She inhaled  deeply, the air thick with the scent of earth  and metal, a reminder of the ability users  who shaped the world around her. The relentless  sun cast a mostly  of shadows at her feet, painting the pavement with the silhouettes  of leaves dancing in the gentle breeze.

"I'll see you soon, Eria!" the voice called out again, a distant echo that failed to tether her wandering  thoughts. Tears welled up, unbidden, as she thought of her mother—the last  few words she had spoken, a sacred echo  in the chambers of Eria's soul."Mother, I miss you so much," she mumbled,her voice barely a whisper, as the weight of her  loss settled heavily on her heart.