Chapter 2: My system: Aida

Eria's fingers traced the contours of the sun pendant, its surface smooth and warm, pulsing with an energy that seemed to beat in time with her heart. Her mother's words echoed in her mind: "Life is about balance, Eria. Give to receive, and enjoy your rewards. You will be the strongest warrior. Grow strong, my child." The image of her mother—toned, athletic, her orange hair a fiery cascade of strength and beauty—filled Eria's thoughts, her mother's citrus perfume a comforting presence that enveloped her in an embrace of the past.

As she stepped forward, the symphony of teenage voices became a distant lullaby, their laughter and secrets fading into the canvas of her solitude. The sun pendant, a radiant red against her chest, began to emit an intense orange light, reacting to the storm of emotions within her. Eria's eyes glowed a fiery red, a reflection of the pendant's mysterious power. "What's happening?" she wondered aloud, her voice steady despite the whirlwind of confusion. "This has never happened before." A pull at her chest drew her attention to the charm's enigmatic force, snapping her out of her emotional reverie and igniting a spark of determination to uncover the truth behind its sudden awakening.

Her mind raced with questions as she hastened her steps, the charm around her neck pulsating with a mysterious warmth. "Why now? Why glow with such fervor?" she questioned, her thoughts a whirlwind of denial and hope. "Could it be a fire crystal, like the one Mother wielded with such grace?" The possibility seemed as distant as the stars, yet as close as the beating of her own heart.

Her pace turned into a run, her feet pounding against the pavement in a rhythmic cadence. "Stop running, Eria!" shouted a passerby, their voice lost in the clangor of metal and the hum of the city. Trains whistled by, and water ability users collaborated with earth users to mold the very ground beneath them. Yet Eria's focus remained unbroken—she needed to reach home, to understand the enigma of her glowing pendant.

"Hello, Eria. I am your assistant, AIDA!" a voice chimed in her mind. She dismissed it, attributing the greeting to her neighbor's usual attempts at small talk. The world around her was a blur of motion and sound, people cautioning her, "Watch where you're going, orphan!" But their words were mere echoes against the drumbeat of her determination.

Her home loomed ahead, a two-story structure with a well-kept lawn and barren trees standing sentinel. She ascended the steps, the AI named Genius greeting her as the silver sliding door parted on her command. Inside, the modern abode welcomed her with wooden floors that exuded the scent of citrus, the living room adorned with sun artifacts and images of golden-armored warriors—a tribute to a legacy etched in light and shadow.

Each step Eria took was a step closer to unraveling the secrets that lay dormant within her diary, the Book of Trials. Over 3,000 recorded attempts to activate the charm whispered from its pages, each whisper a testament to perseverance and the unyielding quest for knowledge.

Her bedroom, a sanctuary of grey and orange, offered solace amidst the storm of her emotions. The king-sized bed, an island amidst the sea of papers and memories, beckoned her to rest, but her mission was clear. "Is today the day I unlock the charm's secrets?" she asked herself, her voice a mix of doubt and yearning. "Mother said it would reveal its power when I was ready. But am I truly ready?"

With a deep breath, Eria faced her desk, the charm's glow a beacon in the dim light. "Wait! No!" she cried out as the light began to fade. In a fit of frustration, she hurled the charm against the metal wall, where it erupted into flames, a fiery dance that mirrored her inner turmoil. "Did I break it?" she gasped, but as the flames died down, the charm remained intact, as indestructible as the bond she shared with her mother. "Why won't you open?" she screamed, her voice a crescendo of anger and desperation, echoing through the silent house.

"Mother, why did you leave me with more questions than answers?" Eria's voice broke as she sank to her knees, the diary lying open before her—a chronicle of failed attempts and unfulfilled promises. "I will find the truth," she vowed, her eyes ablaze with the same fiery determination that once burned in her mother's gaze.

Eria rose from her chair, her silhouette a play of shadows and light against the dimly lit backdrop of her room. The walls, adorned with memories, stood as silent guardians of her mother's legacy. The chair, a patchwork of duct tape and history, groaned under her weight, its fabric imbued with the lingering scent of citrus—her mother's perfume, now a comforting shroud of remembrance.

With a motion that spoke of routine and resolve, she swiveled the chair to face the television, the remote in her hand an anachronism amidst the relics of her past. The screen came alive, washing her face in a pale glow as she pondered the enigma of the charm. "What secrets do you hold?" she mused, her thoughts a tempest as the news anchor's voice filled the room.

"The peace treaty between the dragon warriors and the alien race has held for two years," the anchor intoned, his voice a flat note against the canvas of political tension. "Tensions rise among humans, sun warriors, and dragon warriors. Our alliance with the sun warriors remains fragile. Enjoy this peace while it lasts." Eria's scoff cut through the air, a sharp sound of disdain as she flicked the television off. "Enough," she muttered, her eyes reflecting a storm of emotions.

The charm, now a beacon in the gloom, called to her. As she reached out, her hand brushed against the chair's rough edge, drawing blood—a crimson testament to her frustration. "Ouch!" she cried, her voice a crescendo of irritation. "This damned chair!" The charm, responding to her touch, began to pulse with life, its light a hypnotic rhythm that held her captive.

It floated before her, spinning in place, emanating a bright reddish-orange hue that filled the room. Eria reached out, her hair billowing as if caught in an unseen gale, the charm's energy pushing back against the world. A beam of light struck her, a force that sent her tumbling into the abyss of unconsciousness.

"Hello, Eria Sunheart," a voice resonated within her, as real as the world she was swiftly leaving behind. "I am your Assistant, AIDA."

"AIDA?" Eria's voice was a fading whisper, her consciousness slipping away like sand through an hourglass. The world tilted on its axis, her balance lost to the pull of the void. She fell to the floor with a thud, her body surrendering to the gravity of her situation. AIDA's voice was the last tether to reality, a soothing echo in the growing darkness. "Correct," it whispered, as Eria succumbed to the embrace of the unknown, her heartbeat a soft drum fading into silence.

Eria's Dream

"Mom! Dad! Uncle Ben! Where are you?" Eria's voice echoed, her words dissolving into the tumultuous sea of war. The metallic clang of weapons and harsh cries of battle clashed in a jarring symphony. "Atomic sun blast!" A voice boomed. "Quick, everyone! Run! The king is harnessing the sun's fury!" A colossal orb of sun energy burgeoned in the sky, radiating unbearable heat.

As the chaos faded, Eria's eyes snapped open, her chest heaving. She lay on the plush carpet, her orange and white outfit rumpled. The room was dimly lit, with only a sliver of sunlight peeking through the curtains. The citrus aromatherapy wafted through the air, a soothing balm for her frazzled nerves.

She sat up, rubbing her temples. "Ugh, what was that?" she groaned. Her gaze fell upon the L-shaped desk, cluttered with books and papers. The 85" OLED TV hung on the wall, its screen dark and silent. Eria's eyes wandered to the big closet, its soft carpet like fur inviting her to step inside. Pictures of oranges adorned the walls, a vibrant splash of color.

As she took in her surroundings, Eria's thoughts turned to the strange sensation that lingered in her mind. She reached for the charm on her chest, only to find it missing. "Hmm, it must've fallen off again." She rummaged through the papers on her desk, then checked underneath her bed. "I have to clean under this bed. I'm so disorganized, Papa would kill me," she laughed.

Just as she was about to give up searching, a low hum filled the air, like a distant starship. The sound grew louder, more distinct. "Hello, Eria Sunheart. I am your assistant, Aida." The voice was monotone, yet unmistakable.

Eria's heart skipped a beat. She spun around, her eyes scanning the room. "Who's there?" she demanded, her hand darting to her side. The air seemed to vibrate with anticipation.

Aida's response was measured, deliberate. "I am an artificial intelligence embedded in your subconscious. My purpose is to assist and guide you." The words hung in the air, like a challenge.

Eria's mind reeled. "What do you mean? How are you in my head?" Her voice trembled, a mix of fear and curiosity.

Aida's response was immediate. "I am a neural implant, integrated into your brain's neural network. I can provide information, analyze data, and enhance your abilities." The words spilled out, a torrent of explanation.

As Eria listened, her eyes widened in amazement. "Abilities? What abilities?" Her gaze fell upon the notification bar, shimmering into view like a ghostly apparition. "Hand-to-hand combat is a physical confrontation..." The words scrolled by, a blur of information. Stats materialized: HTHC: 5.

Aida's voice chimed in, providing clarification. "HTHC stands for Hand-to-Hand Combat. It is a measure of your proficiency in close-quarters combat, without the use of ranged weapons. Your current rating is 5, indicating a moderate level of skill."

Eria's mind whirled, questions swirling like a maelstrom. "What does that mean? How did I get a rating?" she asked, her voice laced with confusion.

Aida's response was immediate. "Your neural implant has been monitoring your physical activities and adapting to your skills. The HTHC rating is based on your performance in various simulations and training exercises. As you continue to train and improve, your rating will increase, reflecting your growing proficiency in hand-to-hand combat."

Eria's eyes narrowed, her thoughts racing. "Simulations? Training exercises? What are you talking about?" she demanded, her voice rising in frustration..

Aida's tone remained calm and measured. "I will explain everything in due time, Eria. For now, let us focus on getting you acclimated to the system. Are you ready to proceed?"

Eria's scowl was a silent testament to her frustration. "Well, some help you are," she muttered under her breath. Her attention was then captured by a daily quest prompt that shimmered with the promise of progress: Drink 1 gallon of water and jog 3 miles a day. Upon completion, you will gain 10 EXP points… Current EXP: 0/100.

"Alright, this must be my power. A tangible way to visualize my own statistics," Eria pondered, her voice a blend of wonder and exasperation.

Aida's correction was as blunt as a hammer's fall. "Your current status lacks any abilities. Achieving level 5 is essential to unlock the skill tab and your inaugural skill."

Eria's reaction was visceral, her eyes widening, her brows knitting together in a portrait of frustration and disbelief. "Level 5!?? That's going to take ages! I don't even have an ability!!!" Eria's exclamation reverberated through the room, her voice a symphony of desperation, her expression the very picture of dismay.

With a sigh that seemed to carry the weight of her task, she conceded, "Well, I suppose I should start somewhere… but what skill will I end up with? What's the difference between an ability and a skill?" Her tone was laced with skepticism, her gaze sharp as she sought understanding.

Aida's explanation was precise, a stream of information flowing effortlessly. "An ability is the innate capacity to perform a certain task, while a skill is the honed proficiency to execute that task effectively. For instance, 'Fire Manipulation' could be an ability, a natural talent you possess. A skill, on the other hand, such as 'Inferno's Grasp,' would enhance that ability, increasing your energy output and benefiting you based on your unique DNA. It's a learned expertise, a technique you adopt to aid you in battles."

Eria's internal monologue was a mix of determination and trepidation. "I thought abilities and skills were the same? What exactly is a skill?" she questioned herself. "A skill enhances your ability or energy output. It'll benefit the user depending on the user's DNA. The ability is a learned… aptitude that the user takes on to assist in battles. For example, Fire manipulation, and the skill… let's call it 'Pyroclastic Surge' to enhance fire manipulation."

"Now," Aida's voice chimed in, "please proceed with your daily quest to gain EXP."

"I'll never get accustomed to this… Now, where did I put my running shoes?" Eria crossed the plush carpet to her walk-in closet, a sanctuary of vibrant hues. The air was perfumed with the scent of oranges, emanating from a candle that flickered like a captured star.

Her closet was a sea of orange, red, and white garments, each piece a memory woven into fabric. She reached for the charm on her chest, a reflex born of comfort, only to find emptiness. A pang of loss echoed in her heart as she turned to her meticulously organized boxes of shoes, searching for the pair that would carry her forward.

She found her running shoes, their laces like dormant serpents waiting to spring to life. With deft fingers, she awakened them, binding them to her feet with a sense of purpose. She grabbed a water cup from her desk, its contents sloshing a rhythm of preparation.

Descending the stairs, she passed images of golden armor, each frame whispering the legacy of the Sun Warriors, a lineage etched in metal and memory. Stepping into the sun, Eria felt a subtle thrum of energy, a whisper of power that caressed her skin, unnoticed yet omnipresent.

She began her run, her path taking her past the boy from school, his presence acknowledged with a glance and nothing more. Aida's voice, a digital siren, updated her progress. "Update: You have now completed 2 miles, 1 mile to go."

The park was a living painting, water sparkling like liquid gems, trees heavy with the promise of ripe fruit, and basic tier beasts lounging in the lake's embrace. The boy from school jogged behind her, his smile a silent companion enjoying the park's tranquil beauty.

As Eria's run came to an end, her breaths were ragged sonnets to her exertion. The sun's warmth was a golden shawl around her shoulders, a comforting presence in her moment of triumph. The air was sweet with the scent of flowers, nature's balm to her weary spirit.

Then, a chime sounded, a herald of progress. "Your stamina has leveled up to level 6," Aida announced, a note of pride in the AI's tone.

Eria's mind raced. "Stamina level 6? What's that?" Aida displayed her stats:

Name: Eria Sunheart

Race: Halfling

Level: 1

Stamina: 6


Strength: 5

Agility: 5

Skill: N/A

"Halfling? What is that?" Eria pondered, her curiosity a flame seeking fuel.

Please level up your AI to further assist you with this matter; due to my current limitations, I am unable to determine your full race," Aida instructed. "According to your DNA, you are a halfling. Please seek out the necessary set of crystals to upgrade your AI."

"Crystals?" Eria echoed, her voice laced with curiosity. She sat on the ground, her jug of water a refreshing oasis in her hands. As she drank, her gaze wandered across the park, taking in the serene atmosphere.