chapter 3: Meeting New People

A student approached, his footsteps quiet on the grass. "This is beautiful and peaceful," Eria said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Too bad we're on the brink of war."

Eria stood up, her eyes fixed on the holographic screen before her. "I see a checkmark by jogging three miles… and a time of 38:24… wow, I'm slow…" She chuckled, a light, airy sound.

As she savored a long gulp of water, Aida chimed in, "Ding! Quest complete. 10/100 EXP gained. No more quests today; system update: you've been in direct sunlight for over an hour. Enjoy a 5% stat increase."

Eria's curiosity was piqued. "A 5% boost from the sun? How does that work?" she wondered aloud.

Alex appeared beside her, his shadow merging with hers. "Hey, sunshine," he said, his voice casual. "Quite the fiery exit from school today, huh?"

Eria replied cautiously, distracted by the absence of her charm. "Do I know you?"

Alex laughed, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Nope, but you're hard to miss with that 'walking on sunshine' aura."

Their banter was a lively dance, with Alex quipping, "When life gives you lemons, skip the lemonade. Make orange juice instead, and leave everyone guessing."

Eria smiled, her guard lowering. "That's… impressively corny."

As they introduced themselves, Alex declared, "I'm Alex, full of surprises. And you are?"

"Eria," she replied, her smile growing.

Alex's eyes sparkled with amusement as he said, "Don't remember me? I'm the guy from the school yard? Remember when Mr. Talkalot tried to attack you? I stepped in heroically and saved the day?"

Eria's eyes widened in surprise, and then her face lit up with recognition. "Oh, wait... you're that guy! I remember now. You're the one who... um... 'heroically' saved me from Mr. Talkalot's verbal barrage."

Alex grinned, his chest puffing out with pride. "That's me! I'm a regular hero. And don't forget, I also distracted Mr. Johnson during that pop quiz, so you could sneak a peek at your notes."

Eria chuckled, her eyes shining with amusement. "I think I owe you one, Alex. Or maybe two."

Their conversation flowed easily, with Alex proclaiming, "Life's too short for predictability. You're a firecracker, and I'm an earth guy. We're the balance the world needs. That's why we're friends."

Their laughter mingled with the gentle lapping of the lake's waves. "Friends, then. But ease up on the jokes," Eria chuckled.

Alex winked. "No promises. But I'll try."

As they neared the crosswalk, Alex cracked another joke. "I'm reading an anti-gravity book. It's impossible to put down!"

Eria groaned, her smile lingering. "That's awful, Alex."

Just then, Aida's voice cut through the lighthearted moment. "Eria, there's a disturbance. An entity approaches."

Alex's demeanor shifted, his eyes serious. "A teleporter, maybe? You feel it?"

Eria nodded, her heart racing. "Yeah, let's see what this is about."

The woman who appeared before them was a formidable presence, standing at 5 feet 11 inches, her muscular build a testament to rigorous training. Her round glasses sat authoritatively on her nose, framing intense brown eyes that seemed to look right through them. She clutched a book in her arms like a shield, her silver gear catching the last rays of the day, making her seem armored in twilight itself. Her blond hair was pulled back in a no-nonsense fashion, and though her face was beautiful, her stern expression kept most at bay.

"Alex Sawyer, and Eria Sunheart?" she addressed them with a voice that brooked no argument. "You are late. The bus has been waiting for you two for an hour now. Today is the day you two are enrolled in Military school."

Alex's smile faltered as Officer Janet's reply came devoid of amusement. "Teleportation is no laughing matter, Mr. Sawyer. It's a precise and serious skill, not a punchline."

Without warning, she extended her hand, and in a blink, they were standing in front of Eria's house, the bus idling as if it had been there all along. As reality settled back around them, Alex quipped, "Well, that was one way to skip the line!"

Eria, feeling the aftereffects of the sudden teleport, leaned over, trying to steady herself. Officer Janet's gaze was as sharp as a drill sergeant's. "I am Officer Janet," she introduced herself with crisp formality. "For the next two years at the military, I will be your superintendent. I suggest you board the bus and find a seat."

Alex's smile persisted, unfazed by her stern look. "I hope it's not a 'bumpy' ride to the base!" he said, his optimism a bright flame in the dimming light.

Eria, her cheeks tinged with embarrassment, managed to say, "Please don't mind him..." Her voice was weak, still recovering from the teleportation sickness.

The bus before them was a marvel of military efficiency, its sleek silver form designed for speed. The emblem of the military base, a phoenix rising from flames, adorned its sides, a symbol of rebirth and strength. Through the clear, reinforced windows, they could see rows of seats occupied by other students, their expressions a mosaic of excitement and nerves.

As they prepared to board, Alex gestured to Eria. "Ladies first—unless you're worried about teleporting again, then I'll bravely lead the way!"

Eria, gathering her composure, replied with a mix of annoyance and amusement, "Okay, sir, that's enough jokes, Alex."

Eria's steps up the bus stairs were hesitant, her mind suddenly racing with the realization of what she had left behind. "Wait, Officer Janet! I need to get my clothes! I'm not ready," she exclaimed, the urgency clear in her voice.

Officer Janet slammed the bus door shut with a finality that echoed through the vehicle. "You don't need to bring anything," she stated firmly, leaving no room for argument.

Settling into the driver's seat with a thud that served as a stark reminder of the military's efficiency, Officer Janet pressed her watch. A hologram of names flickered to life in front of the bus, and she directed Eria and Alex to row G with a pointed finger. Then, with a voice that commanded attention, she began roll call.

"Reply 'AYE!'"

Attempting to lighten the mood, Officer Janet delivered a joke with a deadpan delivery that fell flat in the charged atmosphere of the bus. "Why did the soldier go to art school? To learn how to draw blood." The silence that followed was palpable, the students' confusion and concern evident in their exchanged glances. Alex, ever the peacemaker, stepped in with a smile and a joke of his own, diffusing the tension and earning a few chuckles from the crowd.

Officer Janet's cheeks bloomed with a flush of embarrassment, but she quickly regained her composure. "Enough!" she bellowed, her voice amplified by some unseen force, commanding silence from the students.

She continued the roll call with an authoritative air, her voice echoing through the bus.

"Famburn, Stacey!"


"Hault, Tova!"


"Sawyer, Alex!"

"Aye!" Alex responded promptly.

"Sunshield!" Officer Janet called next, but Alex quickly corrected her with a chuckle. "It's Sunheart, ma'am! Like the heart of the sun—warm and vital!"

Officer Janet's face reddened with irritation. "Silence! And cease," she ordered, her tone leaving no room for further jest.

Alex stood, his posture straight and respectful, yet his voice carried a hint of mischief. "Aye, ma'am!"

"Valve, Shein!"


"Heart, Alexsis!"


Once the roll call was complete, Officer Janet made her expectations clear. "Great! We will ride the bus in silence! And you will remain silent! I want to hear myself breathe! Do you understand me?" Her voice boomed with such authority that the bus's frame seemed to tremble.

"Aye!!" they all shouted in unison, though whispers quickly spread among the students, their words a mix of admiration and disdain for Alex's boldness.

Alex turned back to Eria, a defiant glint in his eye. "They're all weak, we can take them all. We make a good team," he said, loud enough for others to overhear.

The bus went quiet as all eyes turned to Alex and Eria.

Eria sighed, her voice low but firm. "Alex, we're not here to 'take on' anyone. We're here to learn and grow. And honestly, after everything at school... the teasing, the fights, the constant pressure to be something I'm not... I just want to get through this without any more drama, okay?"

"Hey," Alex said with a smile. "We're friends, right? I got you and you got me."