Chapter 4: Military academy

Eria returned the smile, her eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and past sorrows. "At school, it was tough, you know? Always feeling like the odd one out, the target for every joke that wasn't funny..." Alex's smile softened, and he leaned in, whispering just loud enough for her to hear. "Well, at least you weren't voted 'Most Likely to Accidentally Start a Fire' in the yearbook."

Eria's laughter was genuine, and she nudged him playfully. "I know I just met you, but it feels like we've been friends for a while now."

Suddenly, Officer Janet appeared before them with a small pop of displaced air. "Look, I like you two, but pipe down," she said sternly before vanishing as quickly as she had arrived.

Alex watched her go and then turned to Eria, his voice serious but his eyes twinkling. "You know, if she keeps popping in and out like that, we're going to have to start charging her rent for the space in front of our seats."

Officer Janet's clap resonated through the bus, commanding attention. "ATTENTION! AS YOU ALL KNOW THIS IS THE MILITARY SO YOU HAVE TO BE READY AT ALL TIMES," she declared with a sly smile. "Defend yourselves."

As the bus's lights flickered, a shadowy figure materialized before Eria. Its face distorted, like melted wax, and Eria's eyes widened in unease.

Aida's voice chimed in, "Eria, this is a simulation utilizing new technology. You are not in real danger."

The shadow figure solidified, its distorted face sneering. Eria's mind racing, she thought, "What is this thing?" Her heart pounded in her chest.

Eria positioned herself in a combat stance, her eyes locked on the shadow user. "I always fought back," she whispered to herself.

With a fierce cry, she threw a jab, aiming for the figure's jaw. The shadow user smirked, leaning his head to the side, dodging the hit with ease. His eyes seemed to bore into Eria's soul.

"You're slow," he taunted, conjuring a shadowy tendril that snaked under Eria's feet, slowing her movements.

Eria's face twisted in frustration. "No!" she growled, throwing another jab.

Alex shouted, "Attack the person, not the shadow!" as he hurled a reddish blast at his own opponent.

Across the bus, Tova employed his mist ability, enveloping his shadow user. The mist coalesced into razor-sharp tendrils, slicing at the shadow from multiple angles.

"Tova's got this," Alex muttered, impressed.

Back to Eria, the shadow user launched a swift punch. Eria's eyes widened, and she bobbed her head, dodging by mere inches. But a shadow crept up behind her, threatening to engulf her.

"No, no, no!" Eria's thoughts screamed.

Undeterred, Eria seized the user's fist and executed a grabbing toss, sending him flying out of the bus.

Quest Complete. 1 of 3 shadow users defeated. -5 HP.

Eria's Stats:

Level: 1

Health: 95/100

EXP: 35/100

New Quest: Reach level 5 to unlock first skill.

Skill: N/A

"Congratulations, quest complete," Aida's voice resonated.

Alex approached Eria, admiring. "Wow, you're good. Unorthodox, but good. Are you an energy user?"

Eria's confusion was evident. "What's that? Isn't it just water, earth, and air?"

Alex chuckled. "Wait, you're kidding, right?"

Eria's expression sobered. "I don't know much, and I don't have an ability," she confessed.

Alex leaned in, his voice low. "We don't know how many abilities there are. We're just now figuring out how to combine two abilities."

Alex's contemplated as he stroked his chin, lost in thought. "Some leaders can merge more than two elements, creating something entirely new," he mused, nodding to himself. "What if you could combine poison, fire, and water to create something unique?"

Eria raised an eyebrow, intrigued despite herself. "What do you mean?"

Alex leaned forward, his eyes bright with excitement. "Think about it. 'Mystic Flame Torrent'—it combines fire's intensity, water's fluidity, and poison's toxic properties."

Eria shook her head, skepticism etched on her face. "You're kidding, right? Mystic Flame Torrent? That sounds made-up."

"I'm serious," Alex insisted, his tone earnest. "My dad can combine three abilities. Maybe this military training will help you discover your own potential. Just remember, everyone will judge you based on your ability and level."

He paused, his gaze turning inquisitive. "So, what's your ability, Eria?"

Eria frowned, frustration bubbling beneath the surface. "I don't have an ability, Alex."

His eyes narrowed, a hint of concern creeping in. "Are you sure? I've seen your eyes glow a little before."

Her brow furrowed in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

Alex leaned in, his voice low and urgent. "At Beachside High, during that bonfire… your eyes glowed. Briefly, a velvet hue. I thought it was just the firelight, but now I'm not so sure."

Eria's expression shifted from confusion to unease. "That was just the flames, Alex."

Alex's intensity grew, but then he relented, his shoulders relaxing. "Okay, then. It's not that serious."

Eria's unease lingered, but Alex's sudden change in tone eased some of the tension. She felt a mix of relief and disappointment; part of her wished he was right.

Officer Janet addressed the bus, "Good, everyone. Most of you passed, and a few failed. Now we'll decide where to send you all." She paused, surveying the students before adding, "Oh yeah, and goodnight, everyone."

As Officer Janet finished speaking, the bus's interior began to glow with an eerie blue light. The air hummed, and the students exchanged uneasy glances.

"What's going on?" Eria asked, concern lacing her voice.

Before anyone could respond, the light intensified, and a blinding flash enveloped the bus, knocking the students unconscious.

Eria's world went dark. Then, as she opened her eyes, a desolate landscape unfolded before her. The sky ablaze with an otherworldly fire, and the air reeked of smoke and ozone.

A voice echoed through the chaos—her mother's voice, desperate and distant.


A figure emerged from the flames—a woman with a determined look, rushing toward Eria.

"Eria, run!" she shouted, urgency lacing her tone.

A figure emerged from the flames—a woman with a determined look, rushing toward Eria.

"Eria, run!" she shouted, urgency lacing her tone.

Eria's feet felt heavy, as if rooted to the ground. The woman grasped her hand, pulling her forward.

Suddenly, a voice boomed, "Time loop."

The world around Eria distorted, time fragmenting into disjointed moments. A figure appeared—a tall, imposing man with piercing orange eyes and curly hair that matched the flames around them. His physique rivaled that of a Greek god.

Time seemed to slow around him, the air thick with tension.

Eria and the woman fled a crumbling building, debris freezing mid-air. A larger structure looked as if it was falling and reappearing back at its starting point.

"Get out of here!" the man yelled, his voice cutting through the chaos.

Once they reached safety, the man turned to Eria, his gaze intense.

"You look just like your mother," he said, his voice resonating with authority.

With a wave of his hand, Eria was enveloped in a time void.

A mysterious voice whispered, "You're safe now."

Eria asked, "Who are you?"

"I'm someone who's been watching you," the voice replied, its tone both familiar and unsettling.

Eria's mind reeled as the voice continued, "Your mother is searching for you. Hold on, Eria. She'll find you."

The void dissolved, and Eria felt herself returning to the world.

"Remember," the voice whispered, "time is relative."

Eria's eyes fluttered open, finding herself back on the bus. Officer Janet stood over her, concern etched on her expression.

"If you were having a nightmare, we have counselors here to assist you," Officer Janet said gently. "Welcome back, Eria. You're one of the last to awaken."

Eria sat up, disoriented. The other students stirred, equally confused.

"What happened?" Alex asked, rubbing his temples.

Officer Janet's expression turned stern. "That's classified. Welcome to the military. We'll discuss details later."

The bus doors slid open, revealing a sprawling military complex.

The students gasped in unison.

Before them lay a futuristic city, with floating skyscrapers and vast lines stretching out for miles. Water surrounded the base on all corners, and a lush garden bloomed with oversized, vibrant fruits.

"Your new home," Officer Janet said, her voice firm.

With a swift hand gesture, Officer Janet teleported outside the bus.

"Please unload the bus and make your way to the middle ground."

As the students disembarked, Alex walked out with his jaw dropping.

"Whoa, this place is insane! I've never seen anything like it!"

Eria ignored him, lost in thought. She couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity as she noticed a girl with the same skin complexion, hair, and eye color walking through the crowd.

She had the same hair color and eye color… Who was that girl?

Alex continued, "I'm gonna crush it here. No one's gonna beat me!" A sly grin spread across his face.

Eria's gaze wandered, searching for the mysterious girl with orange hair and navel greenish-orange eyes. Their eyes met, but when Eria looked again, the girl was gone.

The students converged on the middle ground, joining others from different buses.

Confused chatter filled the air.

But when they reached the middle ground, Officer Janet was nowhere to be found.

"Where's Officer Janet?" Eria asked, scanning the area.

Alex looked around, his brow furrowed. "I don't know, but we're on our own now."

Tova Hault bumped into Eria while walking forward. "Sorry," Tova muttered, his tone distracted, before walking toward the crowd.

The students exchanged uneasy glances, uncertainty hanging in the air as they stepped into their new reality.

A towering figure commanded the field, standing at an imposing 7 feet tall and weighing 500 pounds of muscle. General Ruthgart's strong facial features were softened by his handsomeness. Spiked hair, the same silver as his piercing eyes, crowned his head.

The announcement jolted Eria back to reality. Her eyes fluttered open to a sea of determined faces, and the futuristic buildings gleamed, their glass façades reflecting her bewilderment.

"Uh, Eria," Alex stammered, his eyes wide. "Did we accidentally step into a sci-fi novel? Because this is next-level impressive! And that guy is huge!"

Before they could fully process the scene, Officer Janet materialized beside them, her gaze piercing through the crowd.

"Consider yourselves lucky," she said. "I pulled some strings to keep you together. You were supposed to be split apart. I like you two. Don't fail me."

Alex's attention was drawn to a nearby student holding an enormous cannon.

"Whoa, is that a Beast Cannon?" he exclaimed, taking a step forward. "I've only seen those in vids! Can I see it? Is it fully loaded?"

Before Alex could take another step, Officer Janet teleported beside him, her expression stern.

"Alex," she said, her voice low and warning.

She grasped his arm and teleported them back to Eria's side.

Alex stumbled, disoriented.

Officer Janet gave him a strong, piercing look, her eyes narrowing.

"N-no, Officer Janet! I wasn't doing anything! Just admiring the, uh, military hardware!" he stammered, backing away.

General Ruthgart's booming voice cut through the commotion.


The students snapped to attention, and Alex froze, his eyes fixed on Officer Janet.

General Ruthgart began to pace across the stage, his eyes sweeping the crowd.

"Welcome to the Aurora Military Academy," he declared, his voice commanding. "I am your first-year general, General Ruthgart."

He paused, surveying the sea of faces.

"Adapt and overcome. These words define our purpose here."

General Ruthgart stopped pacing and locked eyes with the students.

"You are not mere students; you are warriors. The shadows that threaten our world—they adapt, they evolve. And so must we."

He walked to the edge of the stage, his voice echoing.

"Long ago, a cataclysm threatened our existence. The sun waned, and shadows crept across the land."

General Ruthgart turned, his gaze piercing.

"Our ancestors rallied—a diverse coalition of energy users, elemental wielders, and strategists."

He gestured toward the academy.

"They built this fortress of knowledge, resilience, and sacrifice."

General Ruthgart's voice rose.

"See these walls? They're not just glass and steel. They pulse with ancient spells, woven by those who came before us."

He paused, scanning the crowd.

"They shield us from the unknown—the very shadows we fight."

General Ruthgart's eyes burned with intensity.

"Unity is our strength. You'll train together, learn together, and forge bonds that transcend elements."

He walked to the center of the stage.

"Each of you brings unique abilities—fire, water, earth, air, and more. But remember: we rise as one."

General Ruthgart's voice boomed.

"Welcome to the Aurora Military Academy. Here, you'll hone your skills, unravel mysteries, and become legends."

The students erupted in cheers, a chorus of determination echoing through the ranks.

General Ruthgart's voice boomed again.

"Now, it's time to assign your groups. This process may take some time, so bear with me."

The allocation began, with General Ruthgart calling out group after group.

"Group 1-Alpha—Ryker, Luna, Kaida, Arin, and Zara!"

"Group 5-Delta—Caleb, Aria, Ethan, Lila, and Julian!"

The announcements continued for 30 minutes, the tension building.

Eria felt a mix of excitement and anxiety as she waited for her name to be called.

Finally, General Ruthgart reached their group.

"Group 27-GH—Eria, Lilly, Alex, Jake, and Travis!"

Their group shared a mix of excitement and nerves, exchanging glances filled with anticipation.

"Now, we will teach you everything we can!" General Ruthgart continued.

"Do you all see the watch on your wrist and the tattoo on your arm? That is your assigned equipment."

He paused, surveying the students.

"The tattoo is your number, and the wristband indicates your level. As of now, they are not active."

General Ruthgart's stern voice cut through the jubilation.

"You'll have to test to determine your level."


And then, as if scripted, the students chanted in unison:

Aye! Aye! Aye!" Their commitment resounded—a pledge to unity and purpose.

Officer Janet stepped forward, her eyes steely. "Stay in your place," she said, her voice firm. "I'll teleport you to the red circle. Prepare yourselves; what lies ahead will challenge you like never before."