Chapter 5: who is she?

Officer Janet stood before Eria and Alex, her stern expression commanding attention. Her eyes flashed with authority.

"Wait here," she ordered, then turned and vanished into thin air.

Alex turned to Eria, excitement shining in his eyes. "Wow, this place looks amazing! I've never seen anything like it."

Eria's calm demeanor was a stark contrast to Alex's enthusiasm. She crossed her arms, her gaze steady. "Make sure you stay here and don't wander off, Alex. It's exciting to be here, but we need to stay focused."

Moments later, Officer Janet reappeared, this time with Lilly—a girl with vibrant orange hair cascading down her back and orange-hazel eyes that sparkled in the sunlight. Lilly exuded confidence, standing tall with her shoulders squared.

"Eria, this is Lilly Mayhem," Officer Janet said firmly. "Lilly, this is Eria Sunheart. Make sure you make yourselves acquainted."

As Officer Janet's gaze swept the area, searching for someone, her eyes narrowed. She took a step forward and disappeared again.

Lilly's eyes snapped to Eria's, their intensity electrifying the air. Eria squared her shoulders, her jaw clenched. The tension hung between them like a taut wire.

What is she? Eria thought, her brow furrowing. We share the same fiery hair, the same radiant skin… but there's something different about her. Something that sets my instincts on edge.

Lilly's expression remained icy, her gaze unwavering. Is she the same race as me? Lilly wondered, her lip curling slightly. I won't let my guard down like I did before. Not again.

The background chatter and the sounds of teleporting groups filled the air, but the two girls remained locked in their silent standoff.

Alex's voice broke the tension. "Whoa, look at those Beast swords! I've only seen those in vids! This place has everything!" He walked toward the swords, eyes wide with wonder. "Hey, I'm Alex! Can I see your sword?" he asked a nearby instructor.

While Alex marveled at the weapons, Lilly and Eria remained still, emotions simmering beneath the surface.

Officer Janet materialized again, this time with a blonde boy who had striking white eyes and an athletic build. His shoulder-length hair framed a confident expression as he stood 6 feet tall, his gaze drifting to Lilly and Eria. A flicker of surprise crossed his face.

Are they sisters? This can't be right. We're supposed to be scrambled away from people we know, he thought.

He spotted Alex by the swords, holding one up in awe. Is that a Phoenix emblem? he mused. Why does Alex have brown hair instead of red? Don't the Pharaonic Clan always have red hair? His eyes are red, though… that's weird.

Officer Janet's face turned red, her eyes narrowing. "Not again! Where is he?" she muttered before vanishing once more.

Lilly and Eria continued staring at each other, their emotions escalating.

I won't be bullied here, Eria thought, determination surging within her. I won't let her push me around.

Alex's voice grew louder. "Can you believe these Beast swords? Are they fully loaded? Do they have special properties? Is it a ghost sword? Flame! Come on, tell me!"

The instructor's nervous response was barely audible. "Uggghhh…"

Just then, Officer Janet appeared beside Alex. The instructor bowed. "It's a pleasure to be in your presence, Officer Janet."

In an instant, Officer Janet teleported back with Alex, who exclaimed, "I was looking at that!"

"Drop and hold, Alex," Officer Janet commanded, forcing him into a push-up position. "Hold this until I'm done."

Alex grumbled, "This is nothing! I can do this in my sleep."

Lilly and Eria turned to Alex, their expressions shifting. Lilly's gaze flicked to his Phoenix emblem, twisting in disdain. Childish rich snobs, she thought, rolling her eyes.

She walked toward Alex, her eyes glowing with an otherworldly energy. As she approached, Alex's eyes widened, surprise etched on his face. His hands rose, palms open, as if to shield himself.

In that moment, a butterfly fluttered near Alex's ear, suspended mid-air, its delicate wings frozen in time. A speck of dust drifted toward the ground, hovering beside his cheek, caught in a moment that felt like eternity. The air around Alex thickened, as if time itself had paused.

Lilly's gaze locked onto Alex's, her expression unreadable, a silent challenge hanging between them. Just as the tension reached its peak, Eria stepped forward, breaking the spell. "He's strong, but you need to back off."

Jake intervened, his voice steady and calm. "Hey, ladies, let's not fight. We're a group." He positioned himself between them, hands spread in a calming gesture.

Lilly's eyes flashed with challenge. "Or what?" Her voice dripped with defiance.

Jake maintained his composure, a reassuring smile on his face. "Hey, hey, let's not fight, ladies. I'm Jake Fang. Nice to meet you all. I'm happy to be part of your group."

Lilly and Eria locked eyes, their faces etched with determination. The air was heavy with tension as they dared each other to make a move.

Lilly's hand slid behind her back, fingers wrapping around the worn leather grip of a bronze blade. The metal hummed to life, casting an ethereal glow across the surrounding environment.

Just as tensions escalated, Officer Janet materialized with a new arrival. "Gene, welcome to Group 27-GH."

Gene's black hair framed his pale face, but it was his eyes that captured attention. His irises shifted from deep black to piercing blue as he tilted his head, the color change almost imperceptible.

Jake towered over Gene, extending a hand. "Hey, I'm Jake. Are you Travis?" Gene's gaze remained fixed on the ground. "I'm Gene," he said curtly, turning away.

Jake sighed, frustration etched on his face. "What a wonderful start. This is going to be an odd group." He thought to himself, "This is going to be a tough group to deal with. What's with him?"

Jake walked over to Alex, still frozen in place, and offered a handshake. As his hand touched Alex's shoulder, he thought, "Two abilities? Who is this guy?"

Jake's gaze drifted back to Gene, whose eyes remained fixed on the ground. "Something tells me this guy isn't normal. Did his eye color change intentionally, or is it a natural trait?"

Officer Janet stepped into the center of the circle. "Group 27-GH, assemble!" she ordered.

Lilly released Alex from her time-stopping spell and walked away, her eyes never leaving Eria's face.

Eria's gaze remained locked on Lilly, her hand instinctively reaching for the charm that no longer hung around her neck.

Alex looked up, confused. "Wait, what just happened? Why do I feel so weird?" Eria's expression softened. "Don't worry about it, Alex. Let's go. We're about to make our leave."

As the others introduced themselves, Lilly and Eria stood apart, their hands folded, no longer making eye contact. Alex's enthusiasm was contagious, and the group's tension eased slightly.

Alex waved enthusiastically. "Hey, I'm Alex Sayer!" Jake chimed in, "Hey, I'm Jake Fang! And that's Gene! Don't know his family name, though."

Alex jogged over to Gene, excitement radiating from him. "You remind me of the Dragos, a legendary species known for their striking eye colors and winged silhouettes. Do you have any connection to them?" Gene looked up, surprise flickering across his face. "You're not scared?"

Alex grinned. "Heck no! You guys are awesome! Do you have wings?" As Alex patted Gene's back, Jake walked over and grasped Gene's shoulder. "This guy's energy reserve is massive. I need to stay on his good side."

Officer Janet called out, "Closer, everyone! Form a circle and hold hands." Jake positioned himself between Eria and Lilly, sensing the tension between them.

As he took their hands, Jake got an idea of Lilly's energy reserves, but his gaze lingered on Eria. Her energy felt calm, yet wild, like a storm brewing beneath the surface.

The group walked in closer, hands clasped, forming an uneasy circle. Officer Janet raised her hand, and a loud humming noise filled the air.

"Activate teleporter!" she shouted.

A blinding flash enveloped them, accompanied by a zapping noise. The world around them distorted, colors bleeding together.

"Teleportation test, initiate!" a disembodied voice announced.

The group vanished, leaving behind only the faint hum of teleportation energy.