chapter 6b: The Test

"Jake, up! And Eria, you're on deck! Gene, you're in the hole!" The announcer's voice boomed across the stadium, reverberating in the hearts of the spectators and igniting a wave of excitement that swept through the crowd like wildfire. Eria stepped onto the field, her heart racing as she stepped up to the holding block. The energy of the audience surged around her, a palpable force that exhilarated and intimidated her in equal measure. She stood there, nerves tingling, feeling the weight of their eager anticipation pressing down on her.

General Ruthgart, a figure of authority with a neatly stroked beard and a sharp gaze, tilted his head curiously as he observed her. Sunheart? Are you related to Amos Sunheart? he mused to himself. Would that make you a princess, Eria? Do you possess the legendary ability of the Sun Warrior race? The thought lingered in his mind, but he kept his musings to himself, focusing instead on the competitors before him.

"On your mark!" Officer Janet's voice rang out, cutting through the tension like a knife.

Jake's name flashed across the scoreboard: Jake Fang, 1st Year, Ability: Copy, Doppelgänger. The audience murmured in confusion, their curiosity piqued. "Hey, what's a doppelgänger? Isn't that the same as copying?" one spectator questioned, his brow furrowed in confusion.

An instructor stepped forward to clarify, his tone authoritative. "While they may seem similar, they are entirely different abilities. Both come with significant conditions and require touch to activate. The Copy ability allows one to mimic another's skill for a limited time, while the Doppelgänger ability enables the creation of a duplicate of oneself or another person, complete with their abilities. I'm particularly curious to see how these abilities work together, as Jake is a formidable contender. Let's see what he can do!"

"Get set!" Officer Janet raised her arm, and the tension in the air was electric, crackling like static. Jake took a deep breath, centering himself for the challenge that lay ahead.


At that command, a burst of energy erupted from Jake, dark orange flames shooting out behind him and propelling him forward like a rocket. His body began to glow a rich velvet color, captivating the crowd. Gasps echoed throughout the stadium as Jake thought to himself, "This is a powerful skill to have. They have no idea how potent this really is. That person has great potential."

He completed the first 40 meters in an astonishing 2.98 seconds. With a powerful leap, he soared over the platform, grasping the monkey bars with a fierce grip. The flames and velvet energy swirled around him, enhancing his ascent and creating a mesmerizing display. As he climbed, the pupils of his eyes began to glow, adding to the spectacle and leaving the crowd in awe, captivated by the strange energy radiating from him.

Jake teleported down the pole, landing gracefully and zipping through the zigzag portion of the course with remarkable agility. He touched the wall with determination, his focus unwavering as he sprinted back to the finish line. In a heartbeat, he disappeared and reappeared right before the finish line, crossing it with a time of 2.33 seconds!

Jake turned back, glancing at the scoreboard, his expression shifting as he processed the numbers. He scored a 30 out of 50. Scratching his head in disbelief, he muttered, "Well, I guess I was right; I actually have to do the course…"

In the background, Lilly's voice rang out, cutting through the crowd noise. "He should have scored a 50 out of 50, Officer Janet!" The crowd erupted into a chorus of boos, frustration simmering as they perceived the score as unfair.

Officer Janet, unfazed by the discontent, stepped forward to address the audience, her demeanor calm and authoritative. " a request! Was made for Gene and Eria, you two do not have abilities, so you will take the test at the same time to encourage friendly competition. Eria and Gene, you're up!"

Gene looked up and started walking beside Eria, their footsteps synchronized as they proceeded onto the field. The crowd's chatter intensified with the announcement, and Gene's gaze swept across the sea of faces, searching for familiar ones.

"Hey, did Officer Janet say no ability? Both of them? Ahh, this is going to be boring," a spectator complained. "Hey, I'm going to get some food. You guys want to come?" Daniel invited, and a few people began to get up and leave.

Eria and Gene exchanged a knowing glance, acutely aware of the audience's waning interest. Officer Janet's voice cut through the din: "On your marks!" She raised both hands, and the air seemed to vibrate with anticipation. "Get set!"

Lilly shifted uncomfortably, her brow furrowed. "Isn't she a Sunlet? She should have some of her skills, right? She can use that, can't she?" Jake appeared beside her, his silent presence causing Lilly's face to flush.

As Officer Janet yelled "Go!", Eria and Gene burst into action. Eria sprinted the 40 meters in 4.96 seconds, Gene finishing in 4.56. They began scaling the wall, Gene marginally ahead.

Lilly rolled her eyes. "I cannot let her embarrass our race like this." Eria landed gracefully and zigzagged through the poles, touching the wall as she sped toward the finish. Her impressive time of 10.54 seconds was eclipsed by Gene's 9.92.

Jake observed, "For people without an ability, they're top-tier contenders… have we really advanced this far as a race?" Eria crossed the finish line, gasping for breath, while Gene strode calmly to his zone and sat down, arms crossed.

Lilly confronted Eria, her voice low and urgent. "You need an ability." Eria met her gaze, still catching her breath. "No, I don't." Lilly crouched, her eyes locking onto Eria's, frustration simmering beneath her calm exterior.

"Yes, you do. Do you even know your skill? You should have a skill. What is it?" Eria hesitated, her heart racing. "I don't know, Lilly."

Lilly's expression turned stern. "You need an ability! How can you defend yourself if something happens?"

Eria stood her ground, her resolve hardening. "Do you even know your ability, Lilly?"

Lilly's retort was swift and sharp: "Of course I do, Eria!" She turned and walked away, leaving Eria feeling a mix of confusion and determination.

Jake approached Eria, his curiosity evident. "What was that about? Do you two know each other?"

Eria stood up, her expression guarded. "No… no, I don't."

Officer Janet's voice boomed through the speakers: "Eria and Gene! You scored 20/50. Now it's time for the next course, or last test! You'll all take this simultaneously, and your potential level will be announced. Got it? Everyone to the holding area, please!"

Jake, Lilly, Eria, and Gene made their way to the holding area, their footsteps echoing through the room. Gene glanced up at Eria, thinking, "I hope she knows she's about to be teleported again." Jake reached for Eria's hand, his touch sending a flutter through her chest. He grasped her hand firmly, causing her face to flush red.

Eria looked at Jake, puzzled, but before she could react, he grabbed Lilly's hand and brought the two together, forcing them to hold hands. Lilly's eyes narrowed, her gaze flashing with annoyance.

"What's going on?" Eria thought, her face burning.

Jake smiled mischievously. "You two going to stay like this?"

Officer Janet smirked, waving her hands in a fluid motion. The air shimmered, and they teleported to the next holding area. As they materialized, Eria's head spun again, her vision blurring.

Lilly's slap struck Eria's cheek, the sound echoing through the silence. "Snap out of it, if you're like me, this is nothing, Eria."

Eria's eyes flashed open, her breath catching. She took a deep breath, stood up, and glared at Lilly. "How about you try slapping me again?"

Lilly turned and walked away, her stride confident. "That's more like it."

Gene watched the interaction, thinking, "It's like wind and fire... Eria is wind, and Lilly is fire."

Officer Janet stepped forward, her voice calm and authoritative. "Okay, as you see, we're away from the facility. This open field stretches for miles, so you don't have to worry about the crowds watching. After this, you'll report to your new rooms with your roommates."

"This is an easy test," she continued. "All you have to do is hit the target as fast as you can and as many times as you can, okay?"

"Aye, ma'am," they replied in unison.

"We've already graded your levels, potentials, and abilities. This is just extra, requested by General Ruthgart. So Please step to your starting lines; I'll explain once everyone is set up."