chapter 7: results

Everyone stepped up to the starting point,and Officer Janet called out, "Ready..." Shepaused to see if anyone had questions, butthere was only silence. The fluorescentlights above hummed, casting a sterile glowover the training facility.

These kids are laser-focused, Officer Janetthought. I wonder how the Sunlets and theDracos will perform.

With a determined voice, she yelled, "Go!"The sound of rushing footsteps filled the airas the trainees sprinted forward.

Eria's System displayed her progress on thecourse: "Course 85% completed. Gravityenhanced: 15%. You are now feelingheavier." The information flashed in hermind, a familiar presence she had come torely on. "Not now, AIDA, please close thescreen," Eria thought, and the displayvanished.

She sprinted toward the first dummy, herfeet pounding the ground. The dummyloomed before her, its plastic surfacegleaming in the light. She struck it with aloud thud, then hit it a second time, leaving apool of sweat behind from her effort.

The dummy sank into the ground, and panicsurged through Eria as she searched foranother target. Just then, the seconddummy poked out from behind her. Taking adeep breath, she spun around and kicked itwith all her might.

The dummy dropped again, and she heardOfficer Janet yelling in the background, "45seconds left!" Eria took deep breaths,glancing at the scoreboard. The statsdisplayed were as follows: Jake—24 hits,Lilly—22 hits, Gene—13 hits, Eria—3 hits.

She rolled her eyes. "This System is nothelping me," she muttered. "Thanks a lot,AIDA." The System chimed in, "The Systemis happy to assist its master." Eria rolled hereyes at the monotone response.

As the countdown began, Officer Janetyelled, "3! 2! 1!" The test was over. Shewaved her hands, teleporting everyone tothe main facility. Before Eria could fullyadjust, she felt nauseous and threw up fromthe sudden teleportation.

Lilly glanced at Eria as she vomited, thenturned her head to view her band. "OfficerJanet, why is my band white?" she asked."You're a level 3 ability user, that's why,"Officer Janet replied.

Lilly frowned and questioned, "Only level 3?"She looked at Jake's band, which was black,and noticed Gene's and Eria's were clear."So, I'm guessing Jake is a level 4, and Eriaand Gene are level 1?"

"Correction: Jake is level 5, and you arecorrect about Eria and Gene," Officer Janetclarified. Lilly's curiosity continued, "Whatwould that make Alex?" Officer Janetresponded, "We have given Alex a level 10,Lilly." Lilly turned her head away from thegroup, tilting it downward, visibly disappointed .

Eria finally lifted herself up, muttering, "Ican't keep throwing up like this..." The group followed  instructions, and the screen calledout all their names as they received theirbags.

Once they had their belongings, they walked silently  down the hallway, taking in the advanced  features of their new apartments.Jake and Gene parted ways at a split in the hallway , as they were on different floors. Eria preferred  walking to teleporting.

Finally, they reached their room: Floor 1,Room 27-GH. Eria stopped Lilly at the door."Hey, Lilly, I noticed you seem down aboutyour level. But look at it this way: at least youhave color. You won't be subject to bullyinglike I am with a clear band."

Lilly turned to Eria, offering a small smile before  stepping inside the apartment. The interior  featured a common area and twoseparate bedrooms, each with its own bathroom, all fully furnished.

Eria entered her room and noticed the neatlyfolded clothes already on her bed, perfectly sized  for her. She changed out of her clothes, getting ready to settle in. After showering  and freshening up, she ended hernight with a sigh. "I wonder how Alex isdoing. I hope he's okay... and that Gene kid,his eyes seemed a little off to me."

Just then, the System chimed in:"Congratulations, you have completed yourquest. Daily tasks complete: 3 miles, drink.25 EXP granted: 50/100. Congratulations ,you have completed training: 75 EXP granted . You are now level 2: 25/200 EXP.New stats: Stamina 7, Speed 6, Strength 5,Agility 6, HTHC 5, Skill: N/A. Quest reminder:Reach level 5. New unlocked skill: Assess."

With that, Eria drifted off to sleep.

"Eria, remember to go out and pick some oranges—navels and tangerines. We need to make some orange cake, okay?" her mother called from the kitchen, the warm scent of baking spices wafting through the air, transporting Eria back to memories of lazy Sundays spent baking together.

"Yes, Mother," Eria replied, stepping outside into the radiant sunlight that cast a golden glow over their peaceful neighborhood, the same one she'd grown up in, where every house held a story and every tree was a familiar friend. The scent of blooming flowers filled the air, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the trees, creating a soothing melody that seemed to match the rhythm of her heartbeat.

But in an instant, the tranquility shattered. Giant molten rocks plummeted from the sky, crashing down and igniting chaos. Eria's world shifted from light to dark, her heart racing with every deafening crash, as if the very foundations of her reality were crumbling.

"Eria!!" her mother screamed, panic lacing her voice like a razor's edge, a sound that cut through Eria's soul and made her blood run cold. "Eria! Get out!!"

Frantic, Eria called back, "Mom, where are you?" her voice trembling with fear, as she desperately scanned the horizon for any sign of her mother's familiar smile.

A voice, cold and menacing, cut through the chaos like a scythe: "Sun barrier!!"

A brilliant, blinding light enveloped the city, as a wall of sun energy erupted from the ground, encasing the metropolis in a fiery cage. The air rippled and churned, thick with terror, as the very fabric of reality seemed to bend and warp, like a canvas torn apart by an unseen hand.

But it was only the beginning. The same voice, now filled with malevolent glee, screamed: "SUN WAVE!!"

A colossal wave of fire, born from the very heart of the sun, burst forth from the sun barrier, engulfing the city in an ocean of flames. The heat was so intense it felt like standing at the sun's edge, her skin blistering, and her lungs burning with each desperate breath, as if the very air itself was on fire.

Eria stumbled backward, her eyes fixed on the inferno, her mind reeling with horror, as if she was staring into the abyss itself. The city was consumed, reduced to ashes and embers. The sun barrier, now a prison of fire, had become a furnace, incinerating everything within its walls, leaving nothing but a desolate wasteland in its wake.

As the flames subsided, Eria's eyes widened in horror, her voice barely above a whisper: "There's… nothing left." The words hung in the air, a stark reality that seemed to suffocate her.

A figure approached, wings beating slowly against the charred air, like a dark angel descending from the heavens, his presence both ominous and mesmerizing. Clad in golden armor, his eyes gleamed with an otherworldly light, piercing the darkness, and illuminating the depths of Eria's soul. He landed gracefully, placing a hand on Eria's head, his touch warm and reassuring. "You need to remember, little girl. You need to see."