- Mina's Stalkers


Frizz cleaned the glass panes of the convenience store, methodically spraying them with cleaning solution and wiping them down. His movements were steady, but his eyes darted toward the street every so often.

Frizz paused as a figure in the distance caught his attention. They stood still, lingering in a way that seemed suspicious to him.

However, a sudden pain in his stomach interrupted his concentration for a moment. (Crap, I ate way too many mashed potatoes.) He looked back, and the person was still standing around; they left as soon as their friend arrived. He exhaled heavily, his uneasiness waned a little.

"Hey." A feminine voice rang out behind. (Mina...) Frizz thought as he clutched his stomach and turned around.

"Mr. Sim wants you to clean the restroom after you're done with the windows," Mina said, her tone clipped as she shifted uncomfortably. She clutched her right arm as she walked away, and Frizz noticed a bruise. His gaze flickered from her arm to her back. (What happened to her?)

Frizz dropped the cleaning supplies behind the counter and entered the break room. Mina was there, tending to her arm. She glanced at him as he entered and motioned for him to come closer.

"I have something to say," Mina said in a faint voice, her usual confidence replaced with unease.

"Okay?" Frizz replied cautiously, narrowing his eyes.

Frizz stopped in front of Mina, towering over her; he never looked at her this close. (She really is pretty; her eyes fit just right on her face and she has a somewhat plump figure; anyone could fall for her.) He mused as he gulped; he didn't know what she wanted to say.

"What do you know about Baron?"

The name hit Frizz like a punch to the chest, and his stomach churned with a mixture of fear and dread. Of all people, Mina was the last person he expected to bring that name up.

"W-why do you a-ask?" Frizz stuttered, his voice shaky. He couldn't mask his surprise.

Mina frowned and looked down at her bruised arm before continuing. "I've been stalked lately. Two days ago, late at night, I was stopped by his gang." She paused, her expression darkening. "I realized I was being followed again, so I sped up, but they caught up with me and cornered me."

"They kept asking about you—what you've been doing lately. One of them grabbed my hand, and I couldn't shake him off. Then two more of them pinned me to a wall."

(So that's the reason for the bruise.)

"They kept pressing me about you," Mina continued, her voice trembling slightly. "I didn't know what to say, so I just pleaded for them to leave me alone."

She gritted her teeth as her glare turned icy. "They finally ran off when some people started coming down the street. But before they left, one of them mentioned Baron. He said they'd be back soon."

Her words hung in the air. Frizz could feel the anger radiating from her as she finally snapped, her voice rising. "I don't care what you're involved in, but leave me the hell out of it!" Her chest bounced with frustration. "If it weren't for the raise in my wage, I would've quit already!"

Frizz stared at her, stunned into silence. Mina's fury was palpable, and her assumption about his involvement in Baron's drug business made it clear she wanted nothing to do with him.

"I am sorry that you got caught up in all this." He sighed. "I really am sorry."

"The thing is, I did-" Frizz was cut off before he could finish. "Stop!" Mina raised her hand. "The less I know, the better. Just leave me out of this, Frizz." Without waiting for a response, she stood up and left the break room, slamming the door behind her.

Frizz took a deep breath and closed his eyes. (Thinking about it, it was only inevitable that they realize that it was me.) Frizz thought as he restlessly paced around the breakroom.

(I stand out because of my height, and that motorcycle lie was total ass.) Frizz mused to himself; in this town he mostly towered over everyone. (That guard at the entrance is not dense; he surely recognizes my voice, but I think that telekinetic display clouded his judgment.)

(I only managed to evade them for some time since they initially suspected some rival gang.) 

(The question is, why confront me now?, Were they cautious of my abilities?) He thought to himself.

(Were they spying on me to get a better understanding?)

(That stalker who took pictures of me...) Frizz paused. (God, I hope I didn't end up on the radar of some even bigger drug lord.)

Frizz restlessly darted his eyes around the room as he sweated; his serene life perk was getting overwhelmed; the amount of stress was too much to handle for a recently combined and basic perk.

"System, please guide me; what the hell should I do?" Frizz pleaded to his system and waited for an answer or notification. "Nothing." He clicked his tongue; he mentally cursed his enigmatic system.

He slumped and clutched his head; tears almost welled up in his eyes.

"No, no." Frizz suddenly stood up. "Deep calm breaths." "Inhale, exhale." "Inhale, exhale."

Frizz repeated his 'inhale and exhale' mantra for four minutes; he could finally somewhat think clearly.

"Hey, get out of the breakroom; I need help over here." Mina shouted from the counter as she tinkered with the cash register; it was broken again. Frizz grabbed a cardboard box full of chocolates and began restocking the shelves. His movements were slower, more deliberate, as he mulled over what to do next.

The entrance bell rang, and Mina instinctively turned to greet the customer. "Welcome," she said, forcing a polite smile.

Frizz glanced at the tiled floor, lost in thought. (I need to level up. It's the only choice I have. And I need to combine more perks tomorrow.) He turned around to grab another box, almost bumping into a young woman.

The customer stared at Frizz with a shocked face, confusing him. "Do you need help, ma'am?" He politely greeted the young woman in front of him that was staring at him.

"No, I am sorry." The young woman moved out of the way, letting Frizz pass through. She grabbed three chocolate bars and paid for them at the counter, then sat on the bench inside the convenience store as she stared at Frizz.

(It's him—the telekinesis guy!) The young woman smiled gleefully, barely able to contain her excitement. (So, he works here?)

(He looks troubled though; I wonder what's bothering him.) She mused as she squinted her eyes. (I should follow him later.)

Frizz noticed her staring and muttered under his breath, "Why is she looking at me like that? Do I have something on my face?"

As he continued stocking shelves, he thought about his next move. (I need to prepare for the inevitable clash with Baron. Should I strike first?) He frowned. (No, they'll be more prepared this time. A wait-and-see approach is better. It'll give me time to gather my strength and plan.)

A loud groan broke his train of thought. Mina had bumped her hand into a corner. Frizz sighed, his thoughts shifting. (I don't like her, but I should at least keep her safe. She doesn't deserve to be dragged into this mess.)

Walking over to her, he said, "Listen, they might harass you again. Can I at least follow you home tonight? From a distance?"

Mina glared at him. "I said I didn't want to be involved. If they see me with you, then they won't stop."

"I know, but they said that they'll be back for you soon. At least for this night, let me walk you to home." He paused. "I'll be following you from afar."

Mina hesitated. "If they show up tonight, what are you even going to do?"

"Buy you time so you can run and call the police," Frizz bluntly answered.

"I'll consider it; I'll tell you after this day is over," Mina replied, not interested in the conversation until later. Frizz nodded as he entered the break room.

"Alright, I have to prepare myself." He grabbed a pack of beer and placed it near the computer. (I'll pay for this one, Mr. Sim), he apologized mentally.

Frizz left the break room and caught sight of the young woman staring at her again. "Seriously, what is her deal?" He muttered as he looked away.

Several hours later...

It was a bit late. Frizz glanced at the clock; it was 9:02 pm. Mr. Sim wanted them to stay a little bit late. "I'll be closing the store today; you two can leave," Mr. Sim said, waving them off.

"Goodbye, Mr. Sim," both said in unison as they left.

"Alright, you can accompany me," Mina said as she quickly walked out of the store. "But keep your distance. I need to visit a friend first—it'll only take an hour."

Frizz grumbled but nodded. (This is going to be a long night.)