- Clear Respite


Two days had passed since the kidnapping. Frizz messaged his boss, Mr. Sim, explaining his predicament, his absence, and to deduct his pay. Mr. Sim sent his sympathies, as did Mina, whose expression was muted but still sympathetic.

Frizz smiled at the news that Mr. Sim had hired another person to help them; their small convenience store family had grown by one.

Frizz ate heavily and consumed vitamin supplements to aid his healing and recovery. The bruises and cuts have mostly disappeared from his body within two days, surprising him and his brother Weng, who regularly checked up on him. His stab and laceration wounds were scabbing and properly healing.

On the first day, he'd spent most of his time replaying the events in his mind. He would tremble in fear as he recalled the torture, the repeated beatings on his hands and legs. He could vividly remember his chest and face turning purple from the relentless blows.

Sleeping proved to be difficult. Frizz would suddenly wake up at night from stress and check outside his window, checking if any suspicious figures were lurking.

The paranoia was the worst he'd ever experienced. However, by the second day, his stress and anxiety had reduced to the point where he was able to take proper naps and not check his windows every ten minutes. Instead of regularly checking his windows, he regularly checked his social media.

Frizz mentally noted that it was his perk's doing since normally it would take a few weeks, if not months to properly ease the mental strain.

As he was heading to his third day of respite, he finally checked his chat messages. Frizz messaged and greeted his friend, Mill, who was slowly healing from his injuries.


Frizz: What's up, man? How are you?

Mill: Doing well! ;) Your money really helped, it helped pay for my motorcycle.

Frizz: -_- It was for your health. Hahahaha.

Mill: Wanna play? BUBG? Invite!!!

Frizz: Sure!


One hour later...

After an hour of playing, Mill said goodbye, stating that his girlfriend had arrived and that they were going to take a nap. Frizz understood the 'nap' and bid his farewell as well. He then checked his superhero/anime group chat and smirked at its lively state.


redhairchainsawlover: [message automatically removed]

sigmaballs1999: @redhairchainsawlover you have a good point about laser vision, however please don't emphasize your point with slurs.

axejuggernaut: [message automatically removed]

sigmaballs1999: no unnecessary swearing!!!!! >:( 

sexretiveplotter: heya frizzsoda, you were absent for quite some time.

frizzsoda: yeah, i had to write my story.

gojosatorz: smut?

frizzsoda: no.

gojosatorz: (A gif of a man shaking his head in disagreement.)

angrypuppies777: @redhairchainsawlover sent you a DM


Then Frizz remembered Kae, the woman who came on to him last week and gave him a Fish-book account name. He looked her up and found her; the profile picture of the account was Kae in a skimpy dress looking seductively at the camera.

(Oh well, I'll add her. Maybe she'll be a consistent post reactor.) Frizz didn't have any romantic or lewd interests concerning her, only adding her since she might react to his posts or pictures every now and then.

Frizz has had enough of scouring, so he turned off his computer and went to the top balcony. He relaxed on his reclining chair and stared at the cloudy sky. Letting his mind slowly drift away.

"Joseph wasn't lying after all; they really didn't know where I lived." Frizz paused as a chill went up his spine. "Then who the heck was spying on me?"

"It's only a matter of time though." Frizz shrugged, putting the thoughts aside for now.

*Ding!* The chime of a doorbell and several knocks broke Frizz's relaxed trance; he stood up from his reclining chair and leaned against the railings. Trying to see who it was, to his surprise, it was her co-worker Mina. (What's she doing here?)

Mina was darkened by a sudden shadow, causing her to look up and spot Frizz.

Three minutes later...

Mina shifted around Frizz's room; she stealthily looked around and scanned her surroundings. (Rather unremarkable, huh?) She mused as he met Frizz's curious gaze.

"So can I help you?" Frizz asked as he placed a cup of tea on a small table that he set up. 

"It's about..." Mina paused as she crossed her hands and tightened her grip on her arms. She shivered for a while, recollecting painful experiences.

"Baron," Frizz added as he sipped on his tea. (Too hot.)

"I thought they finally stopped since after you walked me home, they didn't come back." Mina's eyes swelled up and teared as she hiccupped. "However, yesterday..."

Frizz listened closely, dragging his chair closer to Mina, who was sitting on the bed, and offered a box of tissues. She accepted it and wiped her tears away.

"Yesterday night, they harassed me again. Six of them." Mina paused. "They threatened to kill me and my family if I don't say where you lived."

Mina guards her chest and lower stomach. "They also threatened to have their way on..."

"Stop, don't say anymore." Frizz held out his hand; he didn't want her to continue.

Mina nodded and continued her story. "Anyways, I only managed to escape since a patrol car arrived. Some wandering neighborhood watch called the police as soon as they realized I was being followed."

(Ha! I told you they were useful!) Frizz happily declared, slightly smirking since he was proven right.

Mina paused, glaring at Frizz. "Please tell them I had nothing to do with this." 

"I am just a clerk. I kept pleading and pleading, but they won't listen."

"Please, leave me out of this. Do something."

"I want no part of this, please." Tears flowed down Mina's eyes as she pleaded and covered her crying with her hands. The stress of being followed, harassed, and threatened has taken a toll on her. Frizz felt sorry for her; the stern, strict, and uncompromising woman turned into a fearful, stressed, and shaken woman.

Mina's quiet crying and sobbing caused Frizz to exhale deeply as he rubbed the back of his neck. (There's only one solution: to put Baron behind bars.)

"Look, I am sorry you got dragged into this mess. A part of this is my fault," Frizz muttered as he lowered his head; apologies weren't his strongest trait, but he felt like he had to.

"However, these people are criminals, and they will harass whoever is close to their target until they get what they want," Frizz whispered loudly. "It seems like they've set their sights on you, permanently." Mina's sobbing increased.

(I think I made her feel even worse)," Frizz thought. (I should do something.)

"Look, why don't we do the same thing, huh?" Frizz reached out his right hand, putting it on her shoulders.

"I'll walk you home, and if something happens, you call the police instantly." Frizz slightly increased his grip. "I'll try to hold on until then; you won't be safe unless they are caught, right?"

"They won't kill you, trust me," Frizz assured the sobbing Mina.

Mina averted her gaze, shaking her head. "This won't end; don't you get it?"

"Even if you catch some of them, what's stopping them from sending more?"

"I have a plan; I am sure it will work. Trust me." Frizz took out some tissues and offered them to Mina. "I'll make sure you will go back to your usual life."

Mina wasn't convinced by Frizz's words; however, a thought crossed her mind. (Even if what he's planning goes awry, I can still run away.) She reluctantly accepted his offer to walk her home again, seeing as she had no other choice.

(My boyfriend isn't here, the neighborhood watch won't walk me home, Mr. Sim is too old, and I don't have any reliable neighbors.)

"We should leave as soon as possible," Mina added as she gulped her tea in one sitting. (Too hot!) She exclaimed internally, mentally noting that it was also bland.



New Perk Acquired: [Soothing Touch] via Milestone.

Achievement: Don't cry, okay?

[Soothing Touch] Description: The perk-user's touch has a calming effect, easing tension and anxiety. So long as physical contact is maintained, mental tranquility will slowly increase.


A sudden notification caught Frizz off guard, letting go of Mina and looking at his new milestone. Mina stared, noticing where his eyes were focusing, yet seeing nothing there. (What's with him?) she thought.

Frizz then held and picked up her left hand and declared. "You'll feel better after this; trust my plan." He assured her again, trying to ease her nerves via his perk.

Mina instantly whisked her hand away as she looked at Frizz with a confused expression. "After all this, I will probably move away. Go back to my parents since you've brought me a lot of trouble."

(Does he like me after all?) The thought crossed Mina's mind while rubbing her left hand, feeling conflicted.

Frizz lowered his head and nodded, accepting the blame. (I wanted to hold her hand to ease her worries with my perk, but oh well.)

"Also, I thought you lived with your parents?" Frizz asked, raising a brow.

"I live in my uncle's place, as some caretaker for his kids." Mina stood up, patting her pants.

Frizz hummed, putting the cups away. "Now listen, this is what we're going to do."