- Grand Massive Technique


Frizz grunted as he hid the last body behind the garden plants. His interest was momentarily piqued by the arrangement and variety of the surrounding potted flora, though he could only identify lavender, aloe vera, and basil.

"You know, Baron's garden here isn't bad. He clearly looks after his plants," Frizz commented, observing the various leaves and stems. "No weeds, dry leaves, and insect bites. This garden is routinely monitored."

Frizz turned to the plant he recognized. (This is basil, right? Smart! It repels mosquitoes and flies.) He added, turning to Mina. "Anything good?"

"Three thousand and one hundred five pesos, four pistols, eight magazines, and four smartphones," Mina replied; her tone had a hint of excitement. "Is this what you usually do? Loot your enemies?"

Frizz shook his head. "Not always, and you can keep the money; leave the rest near the gate. You and I can't carry them all," he ordered, as Mina eagerly pocketed the cash without hesitation.

Frizz wore the hat and medical mask Mina bought earlier. "You should wear yours." Mina obliged, wearing her medical mask and hat.

"I'll look for a bag and then put the loot there," Frizz added.

(What a weird way of thinking, like he's playing a game.) "What now?" Mina questioned, brandishing a pistol.

Frizz's anxiety rose, furrowing his brows. "Do you even know how to use that?" Noticing her improper handling of the weapon as he dual-wielded the two pipe wrenches.

Mina scoffed. "I'm not planning to use it; besides, the safety is on."

Frizz closed his eyes, shrugging away his worries, and focused. "Hide here, behind the plants. I'll go inside myself." His figure shimmered then faded.

"Frizz! Wait!" Mina whispered loudly, terror washing over her as she was left behind with several unconscious criminals.

Frizz peeked through an open window, spotting several people huddled inside. The living room was packed with armed henchmen, some smoking, others scrolling through their phones. He glanced at the second floor, noticing the still-broken wooden railing from their previous encounter. (They never fixed it, huh?)

"Two, four, six, eight... twelve, twelve people." He counted, spotting several familiar faces.

(That's the brass-knuckled big guy, and that's Joseph, and that's the first person that I've ever knocked out. That guard from the gate before.) Frizz recognized some of them. (However, where's Baron?)

One of the henchmen shifted aside, revealing an injured and beaten-up Baron tied to a wooden chair. (Woah... His whole face is bloodied.)

"How hard is it? To fucking kill someone?" A loud voice boomed throughout the house. Frizz then spotted an elderly man with grey hair in casual clothes with a beer gut. (That's the boss? He looks like your average grandpa.)

The elderly boss stepped forward, holding a thin wooden whip. "I've tolerated you long enough. I gave you several chances because this was an unusual situation, but is it really that fucking hard to do a drive-by assassination?"

Frizz listened to the rant. (The way he's presenting himself and talking, it feels like he's a retired policeman.)

"Boss, please. I had to tread lightly; I didn't know what he was capable of. I had to be careful." Baron pleaded, spitting out blood.

The elderly boss whipped Baron's, adding more to the already damaged face. "Look at where that got you. You had him tied up; you were this close to finally ending a goddamned thorn, but you wanted the kill, and look at where we are now!"

The whip cracked at Baron's face again, causing Joseph and the big, burly man to turn away. Fear was apparent on their faces. The elderly boss briefly looked at the two, their punishment already planned, then looked away.

"Several of your—MY—men are injured, and with FOUR! I repeat, FOUR of them are currently in police fucking custody." The elderly boss ranted, his voice growing louder as another lash landed on Baron's face.

"I didn't make you the leader just to fuck around." The elderly boss paused, catching his breath and clutching his chest. "Your heart, sir." The boss waved his concerned assistant away, not needing his input.

"Where does this guy live? Do you at least have that?" The elderly boss asked one of Baron's guards.

The guard jittered, hesitated to answer for a moment. "We weren't able to track him down; some of us were hesitant, even more after he escaped."

The elderly boss facepalmed, annoyed by the excuses. "Oh my fucking god, how incompetent can your men be?"

(You said they were your men earlier.) Baron thought, silently spitting.

"He's not a demon or some fucking spirit; he's just a guy that can make things float. The boss clutched his chest, his heart aching from his outburst. "He's just some guy who has superpowers; he's not a goddamned fucking mythical creature."

Frizz crouched, looking away from the window. "They think I am some sort of demon?" he whispered, snickering. He then slowly climbed inside the window, entering and moving to a dim corner.

Frizz looked around, and an idea formed in his mind. (A direct confrontation would just be suicide, but maybe…) He noticed a large stack of plastic chairs neatly piled on top of each other. (Did they have a huge meeting these past few days? That's a lot of chairs.)

"Let me try this." Frizz mulled, telekinetically unfurling the several plastic chairs, surrounding and circling all of them. The whole living room was flooded with floating plastic chairs and other various small items like books, phones, and vases.

The elderly boss looked around in disbelief as his assistant frantically shouted at the others. The henchmen snapped to attention, dropped what they were doing, and aimed their weapons at the floating chairs.

Baron smiled, in slight relief. (Now you'll know what we're dealing with, boss.)

"What!?" "He's here?" "Where is he?" "Find him!" "I think he's outside!" "Call for backup!"



Telekinesis soft weight limit overreached!

Utilizing mana reserves.


The loud cacophony of panicked voices grew louder as the plastic chairs and other small items began to spin; a whirring sound could be heard. The assistant pulled out a pistol and covered the boss, who fell to the floor while clutching his head.

"Shoot at them!" The assistant shouted, aware of the damage these floating objects would inflict.

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

The henchmen erratically fired at the floating and spinning chairs but to no avail. Outside, Mina clutched her head and collapsed on the floor, muttering a prayer.

"Sleep tight, assholes." Frizz muttered as the plastic chairs and other items instantly shot forward, producing a loud bang as it impacted. The barrage died down, and the whole living room fogged from the dust; sounds of coughing and groaning could be heard.

Mina jolted up from the sound, feeling the ground vibrate. She stared towards the house and muttered, "Frizz…?"



New Name is now level 11.

Select a perk: [Soothing Touch II], [Reflexive Telekinesis], [Mana Capacity], [Intimidation], [Ricochet]


Frizz's form was now revealed as he looked at the system notification and smiled; he was prepared to run away if he was discovered or if his grand massive attack failed.

"Now that I think about it, I don't think I picked a perk when I leveled up to ten," he commented, rubbing his chin.

Frizz read his selection, noting that his options increased by one. "Give me the intimidation perk." He selected it despite his interest in the reflexive telekinesis perk. (I can get that one later; what I need is information, and intimidation seemed like the best perk for it.)



New name received: [Intimidation]

Displaying descriptions: The perk user's threats are more believable, sowing more doubt and fear. The perk's effects increase as the perk user showcases his feats and capabilities.


"Huh, a bit boring, but if it works, it works."

Frizz approached the restricted and cowering bloodied man, carefully not stepping on the groaning bodies beneath and telekinetically shoving away the plastic chairs.

Baron slowly opened his eyes; his ears rang from the rapid gunshots and the loud impact. His eyes slowly focused on the man standing in front of him, adjusting their mask and revealing a huge grin.

Frizz invaded again.

"Hey bro, tough day?" Frizz mocked as he poked the restricted Baron with the pipe wrench, then held their head with the two pipe wrenches and forced him to look straight into Frizz's eye.

Baron observed for a moment, confused at what Frizz in front of him asked. "Bro?" he stammered, still registering what Frizz had said.

Frizz's expression soured, letting go of Baron's head. The restrained man was exhausted and injured. (It doesn't feel right beating this guy since he's already down for the count.)

"Frizz?" Mina asked, noticing the mess and the bodies collapsed on the floor. "It's like a storm passed through here," she added, carefully entering through the window and stepping on a broken plastic chair, almost losing her footing. "Shit!"

"Didn't I tell you to stay away?" Frizz sighed, scratching the back of his head with a pipe wrench. Mina slowly approached, stepping on the bodies, indifferent to the casualties.

"Is that who I think it is?" she asked, clutching Frizz's right arm, her chest brushing against it.

"Yeah, it's Baron," he answered. "Now, please, go away," he said, nudging Mina toward the door.

*Bang!* "Die, you piece of shit!" A gunshot rang from behind.