Are you a God

The walls surrounding orario are massive and its governrd jointly by The Guild who are responsible for identity check and The Ganesha Familia are responsible for management and security. Arthur can already see the guardwalls of city of Orario from a long distance. He tried to maintain a low profile because he knew just how dangerous this city is.

Still, as he approached, he quickly became the center of attention, and when he was just about to queue, someone suddenly asked "Excuse me, are you a God? "


Arthur was in silennt while looking at the man in front of him. He already know what caused this misunderstanding.

Earlier when he was checking the katana blade, that's the first time he saw his new face in the shining blade. It's so handsome that a seraph in the heavens could fall form grace.

He could see this man was full of respect and worship, which made him realize how the influence of God or Goddess was in this world. It was also the reason he realized it would be a big problem if he nodded and admitted he was a God.

Arthur knew the prestige of God, and by pretending to be one, it would be easier for him to do anything, but the consequences was also great!

"No, I'm not. I'm just a normal Human." Arthur answered stiffly. He was trying to maintain a profile but he is already too high profile.

"Ah, I see..." However the guard only nodded, showing and understanding expression.


Arthur's lips twiched, and he also understood what kind of misunderstanding this man had with him.

Gods are mischievous.

They had been living for so long, and they were easily bored, so they often turned off their divinity to pretend to be human.

The guard thought Arthur was like that.

"Really..... I'm not!" Arthur said with a tired sigh.

However, the guard didn't believe it and nodded with an understanding expression.

Still the guard asked whether there was something he could do to help Arthur.

Arthur didn't waste his time and asked he could have a earlier pass to the city skipping the long queue. The guard complied with his wishes and give him pass to the city immediately.

'Its your problem you didnt believe me that I'm not a God. You give this pass to me your own accord and i didn't ever admit that I am God'

Some people doubted him being a God but others prevented them to voice that out too much and he also told then he is human, no God but no one dared to guarantee whether what he said was true or not. After all, Gods are famous for their mischief.

They felt it's better to let him enter the city instead of doubting or causing trouble. After all, the crime of damaging or tarnishing God wasn't something a normal person like them could bear.

Unless that God have a unique hobby, of course.

Gods had been living for so many eons, so they had one or two unique hobbies. Just like Goddess Freya who is obsessed with the colour of Bell's soul in canon and try to take Bell from Goddess Hestia by one way or another.

Arthur didnt doubt it, especially when he taught about Greek Gods, this pantheon was full of sh*t. Their lives were just so messy that he just wanted to laugh sometimes.

Still, a human wasn't much different since some of their lives were like a comedy and some of them even a horror story.

Gods, Especially Zeus, the chairman of Green Hat distribution committee. You offend him a little, you will sure to get a glowing green hat.

'Hmm, Bell is, Zeus's adopted grandson right? Should I give him some green hat too?'

Nah, I have to become stronger as soon as possible who knows how much time is left to stop that mad fu*ker Dionysus from destroying Orario.

Anyway it had nothing to do with him for short time, probably.

The guard told him he should visit Guild first to understand more about Orario.

'Guild, huh?'

"Are you really not a God?"

Looking at the guard sitting at checkpost looked at him with a suspicious gaze, Arthur was really tried.

"As I have said before I am not a God"

However, the guards didn't believe him and checked his Items, when they saw more than 10,000 valis, no one showed greed toward them since they taught Arthur was a God.

This reaction surprised him since Arthur realized the influence of Gods and Godesses was even stronger than he had taught, which made him become curious about them.

Anyway, after a series of questions, Arthur entered the Orario, and he must admit, he was amazed by the bustling city. When he entered, he saw many races that he ony saw in the anime. There are humans, elfs, dwarfs, therianthroupe, pallum etc.

He also saw in the anime the talking monsters which they called xenos.

Generally he taught they shouldnot exist. Their existence is Blashphemy. They may got their intelligence, but deep down they are still monsters and that he saw when Dix remove whine girls consusness gem. She turned into a mindless monster attacking left and right. For this he decided.... To leave it upto Bell. If he can't solve this problem, he will kill all the xenos to lessen his own burden.

While wandering in Orario, He also understood why he had alawys been mistaken as a God since when he saw Gods and Goddess in this city, he knew how breathtaking their appearance was.

However, when Arthur entered, his appearance also attracted everyone. When they saw him, they just couldn't look away, he was like a whirlpool, pulling them and drowing them, but they were happy with it.

While people were stunned, the Gods and Goddess, who happened to see him, were stunned for couple of seconds before they tried to approach him, asking him if he is a new diety, since they never saw him in heavens.

He cleared their misunderstanding and left as soon as possible. He have seen some Goddess with very attractive figures are interested in him but, there was also God who was wearing a red towel or something? Got a boner after shaking his hands!?

' Shit! Creepy fu*ker. He must be a Greek God'

After walking for an hour or something, he reach The Babel tower's first floor, The Adventures Guild.