Eina Tulle

Adventures Guild, the biggest organization in Orario. They manage adventures, dungeons, and trade of magic stones and drops.

Basically, everyone in Orario has to deal with the Guild, and any new adventurer has to register with the Guild first.

For a newcomer, the top priority is to register with the Guild and then start looking for a Familia to join.

But finding a Familia isn't easy. For a rookie adventurer, its one of the toughest decisions.

However, its not the rookie adventurers who do the choosing when it comes to Familias.

Anyone with half of a brain aim for the better Familias.

If you get the chance to join one, you don't have to worry about your future.

The stronger Familias have way more resources than the smaller ones, so picking the right Familia is a big deal for any new adventurer.

But the powerful Familias are never short on skilled newcomers. So, to get into one, you have to prove yourself.

When it comes to these top Familias, its not the rookies who pick, it's the Familias that pick the talented ones.

For a rookie adventurer, getting into a great Familia depends on their natural talent.

Having specal skills or innate magic can make all the difference. These gifted adventurers are the ones the powerful Familias goes for.

Ordinary adventures with no specal talents shouldn't even dream about joining a top Familia. Even getting into a medium or small Familia can be tough.

Now Arthur, who has a system, will play his cards on right place to achive what he desire.

Arthur have already planned to which Fimilias to join. 1 - Loki Familia, 2 - Hephaestus Familia, 3 - Ganesha Familia.

These Familias have high ranked members who can provide protection from troubles in his 'Infancy'.

He was already targeted by that hobo God, so he have to join among these Familias.

Joining Hestia Familia and being chummy with the busty loli virgin Goddess is now out of the question.

Loki Familia is his first priority because they are a adventuring Familia. In this Familia he can level up quickly. Besides they have three Lvl 6 adventurers, and four Lvl 5 adventures.

Second one is Hephaestus Familia. This is a production based Familia but they are the richest Familia around Orario. The captain of the Familia is a Lvl 5 adventurer. Even they lack high ranked adventurers, the two kings of Orario' namely Loki Familia and Freya Familia will think twice before act against them because Hephaestus is the only source of high ranking weapons used by the Adventures.

The last and final choice is Ganesha Familia.

They have eleven Lvl 5 adventurers, and current police of Orario. Other Familias will think twice before act against them.

From anime, he remembered that The Guild employee 'Eina Tulle' have good relationship with Riveria from Loki Familia.

His own passive skill 'Decendant of 'Hero of the Forest' makes him close to beings of nature, and the most closest being of nature is Elf race!, aside from spirits.

Now his target is Eina a half-elf. Even for a halfling, she is still an Elf. Her Elf instinct will surely catch Arthur's Nature aura.

'But before that lets buy a hooded hakama and a mask. This face is catching too much of attention. I really need to be low profile. '

'Across the street there is a clothing shop so lets go grab a decent outfit. '

After buying a hooded hakama and a silver mask he headed for the Guild.

Arthur entered the guild and chosse the queue to Eina's counter.

From the anime he knows that Eina is a half-elf girl and very beautiful. But now for close up he can see that she has a very curvatios body, brownish hair, emerland green eyes with oval glasses which enhances her charm even more. She have a very cute face which made her easy to attract people. Her voice was gentle, probably a job requirement.

'Man look at the queue! There is already 7 people ahead of me.'

Looking at their faces, when they are talking with Eina, there is no doubt they have a crush on her.

'Don't worry people I will surely Love her dearly when I get her.'


"Hello. I'd like to be registered as an adventurer and I request a private room for further questions."

Eina looked at him, a figure clad in black hooded hakama with a mask, a katana at hip. A suspicious figure, but there is something about him that make her very comfortable around him, she then looked at the queue after that replied "As you can see, there is still some people so im not available at the moment."

He said without any hesitation " I can wait."

Hearing this Eina looked at him and said " Alright "

After 3 hours nearly closing time Eina guided Arthur to a private conversation room.

After door was closed they sat across each other and Arthur finally took off his hood and mask then Eina stare at him. Dark silver hair, blue eyes, tender white skin comparable to elves, looks Comapareable to most handsome Gods or even better.

Eina asked hesitantly " Are you a God?"


'Not this again!'

"*Sigh* No I am not." He was really tired now. This thing haunt him this whole day.

"Really?" Eina was still suspicious.


Eina then give him a form to fill up about himself. Such as name, gender, age, from where he come from etc.

Through their brief conversation, Arthur learned her name was Eina Tulle, which he already knows. She was the same receptionist who helped the protagonist Bell, in the original story.

Arthur asked " Do all Gods register with the Guild when they start a Familia?"

Eina's serious and responsible nature came through right away.

"Yes. The Guild acts as a link between gods and adventurers. Each God registers with the Guild when they establish a Familia. The Guild can recommend certain adventuters to certain Familias, but these are just recomendations, not assignments."

Eina's words were straightforward, showing why she was the ace receptionist.

" I get it. I also know a rookie like me can't just walk into a top Familia, and I'm not going to bother you with that. I want to know any Familia with at leat a single Lvl 5 adventurer and some Familia without any members yet. "

As he can saw Eina raised a brow, he knew that her intrest was piqued.

She said with intrest " Can i ask why is that?"

Arthur didn't do anything just summon money and a box of pizza from storage then said " As you can see, I possess space magic, which allows me to store items inside dimensional storage. If this news got out, I will be hunted down from both justice and evil fanctions without any protection. Thats why I asked for Familias with Lvl 5 adventur to gain protection or a new Familia without any member so that only me and my God will know about this."

Arthur's words were clear, and Eina realized she had misundeestood him. She blushed slightly, surprised that this new adventurer was so realistic.

It wasn't her fault, lots of rookies had big dreams, some aim to join top Familias like "Freya Familia" Or "Loki Familia" Thinking way too highly of themselves.

Eina often wanted to tell them to stop being so full of themselves since the Familias judged based on ability.

Dealing with someone like Arthur, Who was aware of his situation, was a bit of a surprise for Eina.

"Sorry, I asumed you are one of those kinds of adventures."

"Miss Eina, you must deal with a lot of people like that. Don't worry about it. If you don't mind, could you help me find a suitable Familia?"

"Sure, just a moment."

Eina started looking for Familias that fit Arthur's conditions. He wasn't asking for much, but Eina have to recommend the trusted ones to Arthur.

"The strong Familias which have a Lvl 5 adventurer are Freya Familia, Loki Familia, Hephaestus Familia, Ganesha Familia, of which I recommend you not to try Freya Familia for your own good. With your looks, you will become Freya's favorite and then you will be killed by your own Familia members out of jealousy and Ganesha Familia is not recomemded too because they may be Orario's protector but they have too many members in their Familia, so there can be potential information leakage. As for a Familiar with no members yet, you can try Hestia Familia. She is currently staying with Goddess Hephaestus though."

'Hmm... It seems my judgement about Ganesha Familia seems wrong. As expected of Eina, Guild's ace.'

"Miss Eina, please tell me more about Loki Familia and their recruitment date."

Hearing this Eina seems hesitant then said " Do you really want to join Loki Familia?"

'Huh, did she finally took the bait?'

"Yes, why you ask?" He probed a little bit.

She said seems flustered " I... I have a good relationship with someone from Loki Familia, if you want I can recommend you. "

He smiled inwardly, ' she took the bait'

He smiled and said " Thank you Miss Eina. It would be a great help."

Eina said with a smile, then Arthur-kun do you want a personal advisor? It need to hand over your 5% of total earnings to your advisor. "

He smiled with a little tease, "Only, if its you Miss Eina."

Eina nodded with a little blush, then said " Day after tomorrow is my day off, I will take you to meet someone from Loki Familia. Be sure to come here at morning."

He nodded and said " Yes I will. Thank you Miss Eina you are a great help."

Saying that he left the Guild.