Commanders and Bodyguards

Ragnarok sat behind his desk, his eyes surveying the room as his new commanders and bodyguards introduced themselves. His office was a grand, high-ceilinged chamber with walls lined with dark wood paneling and adorned with intricate carvings. The air was thick with the scent of old books and leather.

Selina, the Succubus, stood before him, her raven-black hair cascading down her back like a waterfall of night. Her eyes gleamed with an otherworldly allure, and her full lips curved into a sultry smile. She wore a fitted, crimson-red dress that accentuated her curves, and her wings, though folded, seemed to shimmer with an ethereal light.

"I am Selina," she purred, her voice husky and seductive. "I will act as your personal secretary."

Next to her stood Albert Hond, the General, a towering figure with a rugged, battle-hardened face and a stern expression. His short, blond hair was flecked with gray, and his piercing blue eyes seemed to bore into Ragnarok's very soul. He wore a crisp, formal uniform adorned with medals and insignia, and his presence exuded an aura of authority.

"I'm Albert Hond," he said, his deep voice firm and commanding. "General in the expedition army. Glad to be working under you."

William Lokuvesk, the Vampire, smiled lazily, his fangs glinting in the dim light. His eyes gleamed with an unnatural hunger, and his skin seemed to radiate an aura of death. He wore a black, velvet cloak with a crimson lining, and his dark hair fell to his shoulders in loose, flowing waves.

"I'm William Lokuvesk," he drawled, his voice low and hypnotic. "Lieutenant General in the expedition army and commander of the 308th SS division. Glad to be working under you."

Alfons Mais, the Major General, stood with his back straight, his eyes fixed intently on Ragnarok. His short, dark hair was slicked back, revealing a prominent widow's peak, and his face was etched with deep lines and scars. He wore a formal uniform with a stern expression, and his presence seemed to command respect.

"I am Alfons Mais," he said, his voice firm and authoritative. "Major General in the expedition army and Commander of the 609th Infantry Division."

Marcia Anderson, the Brigadier General, stood with her shoulders back, her eyes shining with a fierce determination. Her short, curly brown hair was tied back in a ponytail, and her face was set in a resolute expression. She wore a practical, combat-ready uniform, and her presence seemed to exude a sense of no-nonsense efficiency.

"My name is Marcia Anderson," she said, her voice crisp and confident. "Brigadier General in the expedition army and commander of the 29th Hunter Regiment. I will obey all your orders without any question."

John Campbell, the Colonel, grinned affably, his eyes twinkling with good humor. His short, sandy-blond hair was mussed, and his face was creased with laugh lines. He wore a more relaxed, casual uniform, and his presence seemed to radiate a sense of camaraderie.

"My name is John Campbell," he said, his voice warm and friendly. "Colonel in the expedition army and Commander of the 5th Dragonoid Brigade."

Altair, the Lieutenant Colonel, stood with his eyes fixed intently on Ragnarok, his face set in a determined expression. His short, dark hair was slicked back, revealing a prominent forehead, and his eyes seemed to burn with an inner fire. He wore a formal uniform with a stern expression, and his presence seemed to command respect.

"My name is Altair," he said, his voice firm and authoritative. "Lieutenant Colonel in the expedition army and Commander of the 14th sword Division. I will do my duty faithfully."

Gandalf, the Undead, stood with his eyes glowing with an otherworldly energy. He wore a long, flowing cloak with intricate, mystical symbols embroidered on the hem, and his presence seemed to radiate an aura of ancient wisdom.

"My name is Gandalf," he said, his voice low and mysterious. "I am Commander of the expedition army Magic casters regiment."

Joseph Finder, the birdman, stood with his feathers ruffled, his eyes shining with a keen intelligence. His face was a blend of human and avian features, with a sharp beak and piercing, yellow eyes. He wore a more relaxed, casual uniform, and his presence seemed to radiate a sense of curiosity.

"My name is Joseph Finder," he said, his voice high-pitched and enthusiastic. "The head of the expedition army's research and Medical division. We will study everything in the world on the other side of the gate and make sure that no unknown disease spreads in the army."

Wilhelm Brandt, the Dwarf, stood with his back straight, his eyes fixed intently on Ragnarok. His short, dark beard was braided with intricate, dwarven patterns, and his face was etched with deep lines and scars. He wore a formal uniform with a stern expression, and his presence seemed to command respect.

"My name is Wilhelm Brandt," he said, his voice firm and authoritative. "The commander of the expedition army's engineers Corp."

Ragnarok nodded, his eyes surveying the room as he acknowledged each of his commanders. Then, his gaze fell upon the three men standing in the corner of the room.

"I'm King Bradley," said the Homunculus, his voice smooth and cultured. "I'll be your personal bodyguard." He wore a formal, black suit with a crisp, white shirt, and his face was a mask of elegance and refinement.

"My name is Beelzebub," said the Demon, his voice low and menacing. "I will also act as your bodyguard." He wore a dark, tattered cloak with horns protruding from his forehead, and his eyes seemed to burn with an inner fire.

" I am YoRHa No.2 Type B," said the automaton, her voice mechanical and detached. "I will save you until I am destroyed." She wore a sleek, silver armor with glowing, blue circuits, and her eyes seemed to shine with an artificial intelligence.

Ragnarok nodded, his eyes lingering on each of his bodyguards before he spoke. "I hope you will do your job properly. Are our army is ready?"

"Yes," replied Albert Hond, his voice firm and confident. "Everyone will leave as soon as they receive your order and destroy the enemies on the other side of the gate."

Ragnarok's eyes narrowed, his mind racing with possibilities. "Hmm....But I have a better idea. Follow me."

With that, he rose from his chair, his commanders and bodyguards falling into step behind him as he led them out of the office.