The Storm of War

The cavalry of the Saderan Empire charged forward, their horses' hooves pounding the ground as they attacked Ragnarok and his commanders. But before they could even get close, a massive portal, larger than 500 meters, burst open behind the Sorcerous Empire's forces. The sound of its opening was like thunder, shaking the very foundations of the earth, causing the ground to tremble and the air to vibrate with energy.

Out of the portal poured a tidal wave of troops, vehicles, and creatures, a seemingly endless horde of steel and flesh. All Terrain Armored Transports, their treads rumbling as they moved, led the charge, their armored hulls glinting in the sunlight like a sea of metallic beasts. The air was filled with the acrid smell of smoke and oil as they churned forward, their cannons and machine guns blazing as they tore into the enemy lines.

Behind them, Hybrid creatures, their B-class strength evident in their powerful physiques, strode forward, their eyes glowing with an unnatural hunger. Their bodies were a mix of human and beast, their muscles rippling beneath their skin as they moved, their claws and teeth razor-sharp and deadly. They were the product of dark magic and twisted science, created to be the ultimate warriors, and they moved with a deadly precision that struck fear into the hearts of their enemies.

Armored giants, towering over 20-30 meters tall, strode forward, their massive feet shaking the ground with each step. Their armor was a deep, burnished silver, adorned with intricate runes that glowed with a soft blue light. Their eyes burned with an inner fire, their faces set in determined expressions as they marched forward, their massive fists swinging in great arcs that crushed everything in their path.

Assault creatures, 10 meters tall, with razor-sharp claws and teeth, charged forward, their eyes glowing with an unnatural hunger. They were the product of dark magic, created to be the ultimate killing machines, and they moved with a deadly precision that struck fear into the hearts of their enemies. Their bodies were a mass of writhing, pulsing tendrils, their skin a deep, mottled purple that seemed to shift and writhe like a living thing.

Behind them, infantry troops of various races poured out, their armor glinting in the sunlight. Hobgoblins, their eyes glowing with a malevolent intelligence, marched forward, their cruel faces set in determined expressions. Dwarves, their beards flowing behind them like rivers of gold, strode forward, their axes and hammers at the ready. Goblins, their eyes glowing with a wicked glee, scurried forward, their knives and daggers flashing in the sunlight.

Ghouls, their skin a mass of rotting flesh, marched forward, their eyes glowing with an unnatural hunger. Beastmen, their bodies a mix of human and animal, strode forward, their eyes burning with a fierce inner fire. Bugbears, their bodies a mass of chitinous armor, marched forward, their mandibles clicking with a deadly precision. Giants, their massive bodies towering over the battlefield, strode forward, their eyes burning with a fierce inner fire.

Valkyries, their armor glinting like gold and silver, flew through the air, their wings beating with a powerful rhythm. Ogres, their massive bodies lumbering forward, their eyes burning with a fierce inner fire. Erqigdlets, their bodies a mass of writhing, pulsing tendrils, marched forward, their eyes glowing with an unnatural hunger. Trolls, their bodies a mass of regenerating flesh, strode forward, their eyes burning with a fierce inner fire.

Humans, their faces set in determined expressions, marched forward, their guns and swords at the ready. Vampires, their eyes glowing with an unnatural hunger, strode forward, their fangs bared in a deadly snarl. Elves, their bodies a mass of lithe, athletic grace, marched forward, their bows and swords at the ready. Dullahans, their bodies a mass of skeletal armor, marched forward, their eyes glowing with an unnatural hunger.

Drak-Elves, their bodies a mix of human and dragon, strode forward, their eyes burning with a fierce inner fire. Undead, their bodies a mass of rotting flesh, marched forward, their eyes glowing with an unnatural hunger. Wood-Elves, their bodies a mass of living wood, marched forward, their eyes burning with a fierce inner fire. Fauns, their bodies a mix of human and goat, marched forward, their eyes glowing with an unnatural hunger.

Cantors, their bodies a mass of musical instruments, marched forward, their eyes burning with a fierce inner fire. Lizardmen, their bodies a mass of scaly armor, marched forward, their eyes glowing with an unnatural hunger. Toadmen, their bodies a mass of warty flesh, marched forward, their eyes glowing with an unnatural hunger. Demons, their bodies a mass of twisted, nightmarish flesh, strode forward, their eyes burning with a fierce inner fire.

The infantry troops of the Saderan Empire, realizing the futility of their situation, turned and fled, but the members of the expeditionary forces were relentless, chasing them down and cutting them down without mercy. The sound of gunfire and screams filled the air, the smell of smoke and blood hanging heavy over the battlefield.

In the sky, war planes soared, their engines roaring as they strafed the fleeing soldiers. Power suit Soldiers, their armor glinting with a metallic sheen, flew through the air, their guns blazing. Magic Casters, their hands weaving intricate patterns, unleashed powerful spells that ripped through the enemy ranks. Dragons, their scales glinting like gold and silver, breathed fire that incinerated everything in their path.

The soldiers with wings, a mix of Angels, Demons, and other winged creatures, flew through the air, their swords flashing in the sunlight as they struck down their enemies. The battlefield was a scene of utter chaos, the sounds of war echoing through the air as the Sorcerous Empire's forces continued their relentless onslaught.

The Saderan Empire's army was crumbling, their soldiers fleeing in terror as the Sorcerous Empire's forces closed in for the kill