The Gods' Concern

The people of the empire who were dying were receiving small blue light from their bodies and being stored in Avarice.

Albus was shocked to see all this.

"Impossible! That monsters! No we-we can't beat! But our soldiers are just one-sided genocide!" Albus shocked

Seeing the commanders and soldiers with him, it seemed that they had gone mad

Then a ninja comes there.

"Ah, then the commanders of the enemy are here."

"Ehh .. who is he?"

A few soldiers point their swords at the ninja even though they are trembling with fear.


The heads of the soldiers became detached from their bodies.

The blood starts to come out strongly

"Stay away from us!"



"Wilhelm, start building bases after losing the Empire's troops."

"Yes, my lord."

Scene Change: Heaven: The realm of gods:

Gathered around a large oval table in their heavenly home sat eight gods. Of course, there were officially nine main deities in Falmart. However, as the goddess of the Underworld, Hardy mostly resided in her underworld residence weaving plans on how to catch Rory Mercury, the apostate of Emroy.

Emroy was the God of Darkness, War, Death, Violence, and Insanity and did not really care what that woman was doing in her free time. Moreover, he found it amusing that Hardy was always failing with her plans. He just watched and laughed while leaning back in his heavenly throne as that wench always failed with her plan to capture his Rory. He was the God of Insanity amongst many things after all. He loved crazy things.

The 11 deities who sat around the table were Emroy, God of Darkness; Lunaryur, the God of Music; Deldort the God of Covenants, Zufmuut the God of Light and Order; Palapon, the God of Revenge; Flare, the God of the Sun; Wareharun, The Goddess of Trees and Forests; Mirita, the Goddess of Fertility; Duncan, the God of Blacksmithing and La and Elange, the twin gods of Study and Knowledge.

They had called an emergency meeting around a week after the other gate opened.

"What did Hardy do this time? Which backwater world did she open her damned gate to?" frowned Deldort the God of Covenants.

The one who answered was Zufmuut, the God of Light and Order. "We don't know. It seems that the Empire has evidently enraged one of the gods on the other side so much that one of them personally stepped through the Gate with an army of creatures. I assume everyone felt his presence? "

Everyone nodded.

Palapon, the God of Revenge, scoffed. "You speak nonsense, Zufmuut. We are no longer capable of taking the form of the mortals. Why do you assume other gods can? I think you just confused his with one of the God's apostates from the other side."

"Technically it is possible to have mortal flesh again." The harmonious voice of La and Elange spoke. "You just need to take over a human or any other creature." Explained the twin gods.

"Still, mortal bodies are not capable of withstanding the amount of power which that boy emitted, and he completely disappeared from my senses when their mages activated those strange magical wards. Since then, I can't even find him. Moreover, I can't even look behind their wards after they activated their defenses." said Mirita, the Goddess of Fertility.

"It is possible to make such wards? La and Elange?" Wareharun, The Goddess of Trees and Forests, turned her head towards the twin gods.

They thought about it for a moment then both of them shook their heads in unison. "We have no knowledge about such magic."

"This is disturbing. What could a foreign god want in our realm? If he wants revenge, why can't he just come into our realm and demand justice?" said Flare, the God of the Sun.

"I don't know. But the soldiers and those demons of theirs armor and weapons that I have never seen before. I would not mind the opportunity to study their art." Said Duncan, the God of Blacksmiths as he fondled his long beard and chuckled in a happy manner.

"Maybe he is angry because of Hardy opening the gate on his world and disturbing his slumber. Maybe we should reason with his through a good ballad." Explained Lunaryur.

"Huh. This is disturbing. They massacred the army of the empire. Also, their horses ate the spirit of the warriors. And they took away the experience of all the warriors." Emroy said.

"We are also angry at the warriors for stealing their experience" la and Elange said.

"What are you planning to do, Zufmuut?" asked Deldort uneasily.

Zufmuut sighed and massaged the bridge of his nose. "We can't do anything in the current situation. The best we can do is to summon Hardy and question her. Everyone agree?" He looked around with a tired expression.

Everyone nodded.

"Good, let close this meeting. Everyone keep their eyes open." With that, the eight deities disappeared from around the table.