2. She’s a Goddess?

Ichigo's senses flared as the Hollow's presence grew stronger. The moment Hestia's hand left his chest, his muscles felt coiled with a new kind of energy—lighter, but more intense, like his body was ready to move faster than ever before. His hand gripped his Zanpakuto, the familiar weight suddenly feeling different, as if the blade itself resonated with this newfound power.

"What did you do to me?" Ichigo asked, his voice low as he watched Hestia out of the corner of his eye. The Hollow was coming, but he needed to understand what was happening to him.

Hestia's face lit up with a smile. "I've only unlocked the first layer of your divine aura, Ichigo. It's not just spiritual pressure—it's a force that transcends even the strength of a Soul Reaper. Think of it as a channel for all the energy you've ever had. With it, you'll be able to mirror the abilities of those you fight, refine them, and make them your own."

Ichigo blinked. "Copy their abilities?"

She nodded. "You'll see for yourself soon enough. But for now…" Her gaze flickered toward the horizon, where the dark mass of the Hollow was approaching fast. "We have company."

The Hollow surged into view, its massive form lumbering toward them, its eyes glowing with malevolence. Its mask was larger than most Hollows Ichigo had encountered, jagged and cruel, like a monstrous beast carved from nightmares. Its claws scraped the ground as it roared, the sound vibrating through the air.

"Stay back," Ichigo muttered to Hestia, stepping forward with his sword raised.

But Hestia didn't move. Instead, she smiled confidently. "I'll be right here, watching. Trust me, Ichigo. You've got this."

Ichigo wasn't so sure. He'd faced plenty of Hollows before, but this time something was different. The divine power flowing through him wasn't something he fully understood yet, and it made him uneasy. But there was no time for hesitation. The Hollow charged, and with a deep breath, Ichigo dashed forward to meet it.

The world seemed to slow as he moved, his body lighter than it had ever been. His sword arced through the air, slicing cleanly through the Hollow's outstretched claw, severing it in a single stroke. The Hollow howled in pain, recoiling, but Ichigo didn't stop. He felt the rush of battle surge through him, his instincts sharpened by this new power. As he spun around for a second strike, his eyes glinted with realization.

In that moment, he could feel the Hollow's energy. Not just its spiritual pressure, but its raw, primal strength. The way it moved, the way it attacked—it was all clear to him, like reading a book. It wasn't just observation; it was as if the Hollow's abilities were unraveling themselves in front of him, and he could understand them on a fundamental level.

"Is this what she meant?" Ichigo thought, narrowly dodging another swipe from the Hollow's remaining claw. "I can… feel its power. It's like I know what it's going to do next."

Without thinking, he raised his hand toward the Hollow, and in that instant, something shifted. A ripple of energy passed through his arm—something foreign, yet familiar. The Hollow's form shimmered for a moment, and Ichigo could sense the faint outline of its abilities merging with his own.

Before he knew it, a blast of dark energy erupted from his palm—an exact mirror of the Hollow's own attack. The creature howled in surprise as the blast struck it, sending it staggering backward.

Ichigo stared at his hand, wide-eyed. "What the hell…"

"You're doing it," Hestia's voice cut through his thoughts, calm but filled with pride. "You've already started tapping into your divine aura. You copied the Hollow's attack, just like I said."

Ichigo's mind raced. He hadn't even meant to do it—he'd just reacted. But somehow, in the heat of battle, he'd mirrored the Hollow's technique perfectly. It was as if the divine power Hestia had given him wasn't just amplifying his strength; it was amplifying his connection to the enemies he faced, letting him absorb and replicate their abilities with ease.

The Hollow, now furious and wounded, bellowed as it charged again. Ichigo tightened his grip on his Zanpakuto, his pulse quickening. He didn't know how far this power could go, but there was no turning back now.

With a sudden burst of speed, Ichigo darted forward, closing the distance between him and the Hollow in an instant. His sword gleamed under the moonlight as it slashed through the creature's mask, cutting deep. The Hollow let out a final, gurgling cry before disintegrating into the night, its body evaporating into black smoke.

Silence fell over the street. Ichigo stood still, his chest rising and falling as he caught his breath. The weight of what had just happened hung heavy in the air. He hadn't just won the fight—he had done it using power he didn't fully understand.

"That was…" Ichigo started, but his words trailed off as he turned to face Hestia.

She was watching him with the same soft smile, her eyes glowing with a mixture of admiration and something else—something deeper that Ichigo couldn't quite place. "You're already starting to understand," she said quietly, stepping closer to him. "That was just a glimpse of what your divine aura can do."

Ichigo sheathed his sword, still unsure of what to make of everything. "This power… it's dangerous, isn't it? Copying abilities like that—it's too much."

Hestia shook her head gently. "It's only dangerous if you don't control it. But that's why I'm here—to help you. I'll guide you, Ichigo. I promise you'll never have to face this alone."

Ichigo hesitated, looking down at his hands again. The power felt overwhelming, and yet, there was a strange comfort in knowing Hestia was there to help him navigate it. He could sense the sincerity in her voice, and for the first time in a long time, he felt like he wasn't fighting his battles alone.

But something about her words stuck with him. She had said it as if they were connected, as if there was a bond between them that went beyond just power.

Ichigo opened his mouth to ask more, but before he could speak, a familiar voice called out from behind them.

"Kurosaki! What the hell was that?"

Ichigo turned to see Uryu Ishida approaching, his usual composed expression slightly marred by confusion. Orihime and Chad were right behind him, their eyes wide as they took in the aftermath of the battle.

"Uryu?" Ichigo said, blinking in surprise. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We sensed the Hollow," Uryu replied, adjusting his glasses as he surveyed the scene. "But by the time we got here, it was already… gone." His gaze shifted to Hestia, his brows furrowing in suspicion. "Who's this?"

Hestia stepped forward gracefully, her usual warmth returning as she greeted them. "I'm Hestia. And you must be Ichigo's friends."

Orihime blinked, her eyes lighting up with curiosity. "A friend of Ichigo's? You're so pretty! How do you know Ichigo?"

Ichigo opened his mouth to explain, but Hestia beat him to it, her voice playful. "Oh, I'm not just a friend. I'm the goddess who's going to help him become the strongest being in this world."

Orihime gasped in awe, while Uryu and Chad exchanged skeptical glances.

"A goddess?" Uryu muttered under his breath, his disbelief clear.

Ichigo sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's… a long story."


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