3. New Bonds & New Powers

Ichigo could feel the weight of Uryu's stare, and it wasn't hard to guess what the Quincy was thinking. A goddess? Divine power? It all sounded absurd, even to him—and he was the one who had just used that power to obliterate a Hollow. But explaining it to his friends was going to be another challenge entirely.

"Look," Ichigo began, feeling the need to address the skepticism hanging in the air, "I don't really get it either, but—"

"Wait," Orihime interrupted, her wide, brown eyes sparkling with excitement as she stepped closer to Hestia. "You're really a goddess? Like, from the heavens? Oh! Do you have wings? Can you fly? Do you grant wishes?"

Hestia's face broke into a cheerful grin, and she chuckled softly, her long black hair swaying as she shook her head. "Not exactly like that, Orihime, but close enough! I am a goddess, but my powers are more focused on supporting people, helping them reach their full potential." She glanced toward Ichigo with a knowing smile. "And right now, Ichigo's potential is far greater than even he realizes."

Ichigo shifted uncomfortably under the weight of her words. It wasn't that he didn't appreciate her help—he did—but there was something about the way she looked at him that made him feel exposed, like she could see right through him. And then there was the part where she kept talking about his potential. That wasn't new to him. Everyone always said he had potential, but this time it felt different. This time, the stakes were higher.

"I'm still not sure how I feel about all of this," Ichigo admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. "But if you can help me protect the people I care about, I guess we're on the same side."

Uryu cleared his throat, his tone sharp as he finally spoke up. "I'm not entirely convinced. Kurosaki, you've tangled with enough powerful entities to know that power always comes with a price. What does she really want from you?"

Hestia, unfazed by Uryu's suspicion, turned her bright blue eyes toward him. "I understand your concern, Uryu. You're protective of your friends, and that's admirable. But I'm not here to take anything from Ichigo. I'm here to give." Her voice softened as she spoke, her gaze shifting back to Ichigo. "I want to build something with him—a familia. A bond stronger than anything you've seen in the spiritual world."

Orihime clapped her hands together, her face lighting up even more. "A familia? Like a family?"

"Exactly," Hestia said, beaming. "In my world, a familia is more than just a group of adventurers. It's a family, bound together by loyalty, trust, and a common goal. I want to help Ichigo and all of you create something like that here. Together, you'll be able to face anything that comes your way."

Uryu's eyes narrowed, but he remained silent. Chad, who had been listening quietly up until now, finally spoke up, his deep voice rumbling through the air. "You're saying this power will make us stronger too?"

Hestia nodded. "Yes, Chad. All of you will benefit from the divine aura I've given to Ichigo. He's the center of it, but as part of his familia, you'll grow stronger alongside him."

Ichigo glanced at his friends. Chad and Orihime were clearly intrigued by the idea, while Uryu remained skeptical. For a moment, he wondered how Rukia would have reacted if she were here. She'd probably roll her eyes at the thought of a goddess showing up out of nowhere to grant him power, but at the same time, she would've been the first to acknowledge the necessity of getting stronger. The enemies they faced were growing more powerful by the day, and if Hestia's divine aura could give them an edge, maybe it wasn't such a bad idea.

But then, there was something else Ichigo couldn't ignore—Hestia's fixation on him. She wasn't just helping him because she had to. There was something deeper there, something he couldn't quite put his finger on. And his friends had already noticed it too.

As if reading his thoughts, Orihime leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a playful whisper. "I think she likes you, Ichigo."

Ichigo nearly choked. "What?"

Orihime giggled, glancing at Hestia. "She keeps looking at you with those big, dreamy eyes. It's kind of romantic, don't you think?"

Ichigo's face reddened instantly. "You're imagining things," he muttered, glancing at Hestia, who seemed to be completely unaware of the conversation happening between them.

"Oh, come on, Kurosaki," Uryu said dryly, his arms crossed over his chest. "Even I can see it. And I'm the last person to care about something like this."

Ichigo's eye twitched. "It's not like that!"

Chad remained silent, but the faintest hint of a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. Ichigo shot him a look, but the taller boy simply shrugged, as if to say he was staying out of this one.

Hestia, blissfully unaware of the teasing happening behind her, turned to face the group with a determined expression. "There's more you need to know about what's coming. The Hollows you've been facing—they're not the only threat. There are other forces at play now, ones that even the Soul Society can't handle. That's why I've come."

Her tone grew serious, and Ichigo felt the weight of her words settle over him like a cloud. He wasn't new to hearing about impending threats, but the fact that a goddess was getting involved suggested that whatever was coming was far beyond what they'd faced before.

"I don't expect you to trust me completely," Hestia continued, her eyes flicking to Uryu, "but I do ask that you trust Ichigo. With my power, he'll be able to stand against anything that comes our way. And with your help, we can protect this world."

For a moment, no one spoke. The reality of what Hestia was saying was beginning to sink in. If what she said was true, then they were about to face enemies more powerful than anything they'd seen before. And Ichigo, with his new abilities, would be their best chance at survival.

Finally, Uryu sighed, adjusting his glasses. "Fine. I'll go along with this for now, but I'll be watching. I don't trust easily."

Hestia smiled, her eyes twinkling. "That's all I ask."

Orihime beamed. "I think it's great! We're like a real team now—oh, wait, no, a familia! I love that!"

Chad nodded in agreement, his quiet strength reassuring as always. "We'll need to train more. If what she's saying is true, we'll need to be ready for anything."

Ichigo let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. He wasn't sure if he fully trusted Hestia yet either, but his friends were with him, and that was what mattered. And as long as they were together, he knew they could handle whatever came next.

"Alright," Ichigo said finally, his voice firm. "If we're doing this, we're all in. Let's get stronger together."

Hestia's smile widened, a soft blush coloring her cheeks as she looked at him. "Thank you, Ichigo. I promise I won't let you down."

Ichigo gave her a small nod, though the flush on her cheeks didn't escape Orihime's notice. She nudged Ichigo with her elbow, whispering, "See? She totally likes you."

Ichigo groaned, burying his face in his hand. "This is going to be a long day…"


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