The Game has changed

Damian's Pov

A few minutes later Chad and Kara walked in holding hands. 

I looked away from them as Chad began to address the pack. 

 "Guys I've been really stressed lately and that's why I'm a bit grumpy". 

"Regardless I'm your leader, your Alpha". 

"So I need you to trust me when I give you an order", Chad said as he got up to leave.

The team nodded in agreement and began making their way towards the jeep. 

As I stepped out of the building to head towards the car, 

I heard Kara calling my name. 

She pulled me over to the side while the others entered the car.

 "Hey I'm sorry about Chad, he has been going through a lot lately". She said as she looked into my eyes.


 "Yeah, well that doesn't mean he should take it out on the team". I replied.

She nodded her head in agreement and replied, " Yeah I know, and I'm not saying he's right but please cut him some slack".

I understood where she was coming from, I nodded my head in agreement and said to her, "You're right". 

"We are all going through our different problems and I'm sorry for being rude to you the other day".

 "Don't worry, you don't have to apologise". She smiled and replied before we were interrupted.

Chad called her name and started heading towards where we were. 

Kara quickly moved a few feets away from me. 

Chad came up to us and turned to Kara, "Hey babe, what's going on?" he asked.

 "It's nothing babe", "we were just going over the plans of the mission". Kara answered"

He nodded his head and kissed her forehead whilst giving me a stern look.

He locked her hands in his as they began heading towards the car, then he suddenly smacked her ass and turned to see if I was watching while giving off a sly smile, then he walked off with her into the car.

I knew he did that to spite me but I didn't care, my mind was focused on one thing only, killing those who took my mum away from me. 

I had no time to be distracted by love and its tricky games. I walked behind him and got into the car.

The drive to Pine Hill was a long and awkward one, everyone was quiet, and in their thoughts. 

There was an expectant feeling of what we were about to face, deep down we all knew that thirty Gray Werewolves was much more than we ever had to face.

My heartbeat began racing, I knew I was going to have to fight without transforming, a technique I have been using since I joined the pack to keep my identity safe, but something felt different about this time.

The Gray Werewolves were more malicious in their attacks than ever before, they were going on killing sprees and New Jersey has been a top target for them. 

The news stations and medical agencies believe it's some sort of virus, and they are urging citizens to take safety precautions. 

If only they knew this wasn't a virus created in a lab, that these were age-long creatures hell-bent on getting rid of the human race, and it was our job to stop them.

Jesse broke the silence and asked" " Has anyone been able to figure out why the Gray Werewolves started attacking humans again?". 

"They have been silent for over a hundred years", "Why now?"

Jason replied", "I have been thinking about it too". 

"Last time they showed up, we kicked their asses and killed a lot of them". 

"It seems strange that they would come back now".

I jokingly added; "What do you mean we?" 

"You're not even up to a hundred", "How did you kick their asses"?

Jason laughed it off and said; "C'mon man, you know what I mean". 

We all laughed in unison.

Chad added to the conversation from the driver's seat. 

He pulled the car to a halt and said; "I was around the last time we went to war". "It was ugly, and a lot of people died".

 "A lot of our people died, that's why we have to end this before it even starts". 

"So when we get into the building , "we fight hard", "not just for ourselves but for the thousands of lives we will be saving".

I noticed Kara had been quiet throughout the whole drive, she hadn't said a word. 

Maybe she disliked the way Chad had touched her at the headquarters, but that's none of my business.

The strong smell of blood filled the air as we entered Charlton Creek, an abandoned warehouse on the west side of Pine Hill. 

We all came down from the car and silently made our way to the back of the building.

It was a three-story building, so Chad divided us into groups of two. 

Chad and Kara would take the top floor, Jesse and Susan would take the second, and Jason and I would take the ground floor.

We could hear chatter from the building, followed by a loud scream. 

You could hear pain and agony in the voice of the victim, Jesse and I rushed into the ground floor.

The room was dimly lit and had a lot of rooms, the lights continued to switch off and on. 

Jesse transformed, his senses had become twice as sharp, he could sense every movement in the room. 

" There's nobody here," he said. And just as the words came out of his mouth, we heard a scream from the second floor, it was Susan's voice. 

We turned quickly to run up the stairs and as we moved, we were immediately surrounded by Gray Werewolves, they were at least ten in number. 

We could see the slimy green venom dripping from their extremely long fangs. 

Jesse and I took a step back and put our backs against each other. 

Jesse said in a low voice, "You might wanna transform now Dom".

I nodded my head in acknowledgment but I knew I couldn't do that, I couldn't reveal what I was to anyone, not even my pack. 

We squared off with five Grays each, they had a menacing look about them. 

The first of them lunged at me with a right hook and I ducked to the left and dodged it.

 I hit him with a left hook on his jaw and he sprawled to the floor. 

I wasn't in a full Werewolf state but one of the benefits of being a crossbreed was that even in my normal form, I was twice as strong and faster than the others.

Jason had mauled three of them to the ground, he was quick and menacing, his blue eyes popped in the dark, he was a true reflection of an Arctic Werewolf.

I took down the next guy with a quick kick to the head, he stumbled and moved back to regroup, his partner swung his long claws at me and I slipped to the right and dodged the attack of the incoming Gray. 

I gave him a kick to his knee and as he dropped to the floor as I snapped his neck.

It was now five versus two, Jesse and I had killed five of them and prepared to engage with the five that were standing in front of us. 

As we squared off with them, we heard the loud sound of a window breaking, followed by another loud thud as two bodies dropped on an abandoned vehicle outside the building.


The Grays on the ground floor used the distraction to their advantage and jumped on us. 

For a moment it seemed like they were about to sink their dripping venomous fangs into our necks but we broke out of their hold.

 Jason delivered a low leg kick to one of them, while I threw a solid punch to the body of another, before being kicked to the floor by an assailant at my back.

 I could hear the sound of Jason's claws slashing through their flesh as I got up to my feet, but I could also hear the muffling groans of a woman being strangled. 

It was a voice I was familiar with, it was Kara. 

I looked outside in search of her and found a huge fully transformed Gray Werewolf with his muscular arms wrapped around Kara's neck, she was fading.

Jason had heard the groans too, he ducked under the swing of one of the Grays and sunk his blood-dripping claws into his stomach, he signalled with his head to me, to go out and assist Kara. 

 He mouthed the words, I'm okay, go out and help her".

I sprinted right through the door and just as the huge Gray Werewolf was about to sink his teeth into Kara's neck, I wrestled him off her and we tumbled down the hill. 

We landed down by the riverside and as I got up to my feet, I saw the glaring black eagle on his right chest, a sign that he was not just any ordinary Werewolf, he was an Alpha. 

I recognized him from the video footage Chad had shown us earlier. 

His name was Reuben the Alpha of the Vile pack. 

We squared off, he chuckled as he looked at me and asked", 

"Don't tell me they haven't taught you to transform yet?".

 'Oh! "They have, I just don't need to transform against you". I replied

He hurled himself at me and I quickly moved to the side and delivered a kick straight to his knee. 

He responded with a right jab which I blocked with my left hand and kicked his knees again, his leg wobbled. 

I kicked him on his knee one more time but this time I followed up with a powerful right jab to his face, he jerked backwards. 

He staggered and tried to regain his balance, he let out an angry howl and his red eyes suddenly became sharper.

He looked up to the moon and howled at me again, it was obvious he was enacting the special strength that the moon gave to an Alpha.

He sped towards me and launched his attack, his strikes were too quick for me, he delivered a kick to my stomach and then lifted me from the ground and slammed my back to the floor.

 I struggled to get up, and he delivered a kick to my knee, his strikes were now twice as hard, and I couldn't anticipate them. 

I managed to slip past his right jab to my head but he quickly followed with a sharp lunge with his claws on my abdomen.

 I was bleeding and struggling to breathe, as I stumbled backward to give myself from distance from him, he sped towards me and kicked me down to the floor. 

My back crashed against a huge rock, he stood above me, and my eyes were blurred from the blood dripping from my head. 

He sat on my chest and began to deliver blows to my head.

My mind was beginning to fade, I knew I couldn't die now, not before killing those who had decimated my mother.

I made a promise to avenge her. I had to do something I hadn't done in a long while. 

I let out a loud howl and suddenly I could feel the strength of a thousand soldiers. 

A strength I had not allowed myself to feel for many years. 

I had transformed into my full Werewolf state. 

My facial structure had changed and strengthened, I could feel my fangs sharpening and edging out, the hair on my body grew rapidly as I pushed him off me.

 I could see the fear in his eyes, as I stopped his hand as he attempted to blow me. 

The hands that had felt like a truck hitting me, suddenly felt like a piece of paper in my hand.

 He shrieked in fear as he gazed at my multi-color eyes, a feature that revealed I was something different.

 I snarled at him, I knew I was going to have to kill him, no one could know who I was. 

He stumbled back in disbelief and mouthed the words, "Mahevah".

I jumped on him and struck him to the ground, I sat on his chest just like he had done to me, and I delivered multiple blows to his head. 

He managed to shrug me off and attempted to get up, I pushed him back towards the walls of the hill. 

 I swung my claws to punch through his heart, but instead, I hit it against the wall. 

He had disappeared, vanished right into thin air.

Teleportation wasn't one of the gifts the Creator had given to the Werewolves, only the Sorcerers could do that.

 I searched around for him but I couldn't find him anywhere, he was right in front of me and in one second he was nowhere to be found. 

How could this be possible? I asked myself.