No More Games

Damian's Pov

I was snapped back into reality by the sound of Kara's voice calling my name. 

I was stunned by what I had just witnessed but even worse, I was frightened by the implications of it. 

 I had to quickly shift my focus to Kara, whose voice was getting closer and closer.

 I quickly detransformed as she came down the hill to meet me,

 "Are you okay?" She asked.

I could barely respond, my injuries were starting to heal rapidly. 

As I stuttered to answer her, we heard the loud voice of Jesse calling out to us, we ran as fast as we could towards him.

He was holding Susan in his arms, she was bleeding profusely, everyone was banged up and injured, but we had defeated them all. 

Chad came out from the building, he was limping badly and his left eye had been badly damaged. 

As he approached us, he threw the keys of the car towards me, 

"Drive, let's get out of here". He said as he limped towards the car.

I drove speedily, like a madman possessed, luckily there weren't many cops on the west side of Pine Hill. 

I was headed towards our clinic, Susan's state was deteriorating in the back seat of the car, but it was the thought of what I had just witnessed that truly troubled my mind. 

I drove speedily into the clinic compound. 

Jason had called them to inform them about Susan's critical situation and to prepare for her arrival.

 I drove into the clinic compound and the doctors carried her quickly into the treating room and locked the doors behind them. 

All the pack looked damaged and badly injured except for me. 

One of the perks of being a crossbreed is that you heal twice as fast. 

I looked like I hadn't even been in a fight. 

How did they know we were coming? Was the question on everyone's mind. 

They were prepared for us, almost like they were waiting for our arrival and they were certainly more than thirty. 

We were all gathered in the waiting room.

"They were expecting us, they knew we were coming".

"Everything played right into their hands". 

"How did they know we were coming?" Jason asked as he turned towards Chad.

"I don't know". "We were told by the elders to go in there and stop their operations", Chad answered and winced as he tried to bend his knee back to its normal position.

 He looked up and asked; " Did we get their Alpha?"

Everyone suddenly turned towards me, but my mind was somewhere else.

Chad shouted; "Dom, did you get Reuben?".

I snapped out of my thoughts, "No he got away". I replied

Chad got up from his seat and approached me, his knee was now firmly in position. 

 "What do you mean he got away?" He asked angrily.

 "I had him, we had a scuffle but he got away, he disappeared". 

" He vanished right into thin air", "I don't know how he did it". I answered him

Chad looked crazily at me and shouted," "I have known Reuben for a long while". 

"When he gets into a fight", "It's either he kills you or he dies trying". 

"So I'll ask you one more time Damian", 'Where the fuck is Reuben?".

I shouted back at him; "I already told you, I don't know". 

"He fucking disappeared". 

Jesse got up from his seat and looked at me, he had been quiet since we got into the hospital. 

He was badly hurt and he was really worried about Susan, he was the closest to her. 

He walked up to me, "C'mon Damian, you really expect us to believe that". 

"Werewolves don't fucking disappear''. 

 Chad spoke up again, "You were alone with him". 

"You say you fought with him right? he asked. 

I nodded my head in agreement. 

He continued; "Then how the fuck do you look like you just came out of the shower". 

"There are no fucking scratches on you". 

He paused for a moment and shouted; "I see it now, you let him go". 

"Cause you're the one who informed them that we were coming to the Creek".

I responded angrily", "Oh! Fuck you, you're just looking for a way to push the blame from yourself cause you took us into that ambush". 

"If we should be suspecting anyone of betrayal, it should be you".

Chad swung at me, I ducked and punched him in his tummy. 

He winced, "C'mon, come at me". he shouted angrily.

 He turned towards everyone, "Don't you guys see it".

"He's the mole". 

"Think about it, Have we ever seen him fully transform?" 

"C'mon think about it", He said to them.

 As he said that, Jason looked suspiciously at me, almost like he was concurring with what Chad was saying. He looked like a light bulb had been lit in his head.

 I would expect that from Jesse or even Susan but not him. 

I expected him to know that I would never betray them.

Kara spoke up in my defence, "Guys, let's calm down. 

"Susan is in a bad state right now, and I actually fought with Reuben". 

"He was far stronger than any other Werewolf I had faced, there could be plenty of reasons why Damian didn't get him".

Chad shouted at her;" Shut up, no one asked you to speak".

I pushed him on his chest and threatened", "Don't talk to her like that" 

Just then, the doctor walked into the room

Jesse quickly asked; "How's Susan doing?

 "We were able to fix some of her injuries, but she needs more blood or she will certainly die". 

'We don't have any more in the clinic, our bank is empty".

"One of you is going to have to donate some blood to her".

"I hope you know the consequences", The doctor replied 

He was looking straight at me, he further pointed out that I looked the healthiest and the most likely to survive the transfusion.

 Jesse speedily said to the doctor; "He will do it". 

He turned to look at me tears were beginning to flow down his cheek. 

He motioned for me to agree to the transfusion.

I shook my head in obvious confusion and pain, I said", "I can't".

Jason looked pleadingly at me, "C'mon man, this is Susan we're talking about", he said. 

"Brother I know, but I can't give her my blood". I replied.

I could hear Kara's voice shaking in tears, she couldn't give her blood, and neither could Chad because they had gone through a transfusion before.

 It was only Jason, Jesse, and I that were eligible but the other two were in pretty bad shape. 

Jesse begged me; "Damian, please for Susan's sake". "Don't let her die".

I shook my head in pain and disapproved of his request, if only he knew how quickly I would give my blood for Susan, how quickly I would give my blood for him but I couldn't. 

My blood wasn't normal, Susan would not survive with my blood in her system. 

It would only contaminate her and put her life more at risk.

Chad shouted", "Don't beg him, "get the fuck out of here and get out of our pack". 

"I regret the day I let you in here".

 I hid the tears that threatened to fall from my eyes and began walking out.

The doctor said", "She doesn't have much time".

Jesse opted to perform the transfusion against the doctor's advice. 

The doctor had said he looked too weak and might not survive the transfusion process, but there was no other option right mow. 

 The doctor agreed to the process and Jesse went out with him.

My heart was truly broken. 

I wish they understood that I wouldn't be saving Susan by giving her my blood, I would be killing her instead, but they couldn't know that they couldn't know that. 

If I revealed that I was a crossbreed to them, I'd be killed immediately and I'll never get the opportunity to avenge my mother's death.

I had to turn my focus away from them. There were more pressing issues at hand. 

Reuben knows who I am and it's only a matter of time before he tells everyone.

 I have to find him quickly and kill him before he tells anyone else.