It's Our Time Now

Reuben's POV

I appeared in front of the Charlton bridge, it was some miles away from the Creek. 

"I Can't believe it worked". I muttered to myself. 

The experiment was successful, I was able to teleport myself away from him. 

I'm out of breath and gasping for air as I begin trying to understand what just happened. 

Different thoughts were running around in my head."Yes I was able to teleport but I was lucky I was able to".

"I just came face to face with an abomination, we were told they didn't exist".

My abdomen is bleeding profusely, I have to get off the bridge and try to reach the elders, all the members of my pack are dead. 

The information given to us was great but it was incomplete. 

They had told us their exact number, their various strengths and weaknesses but we underestimated them, they were a really strong pack. 

It didn't help that they had a 'Mahevah' on their team, he fought so effortlessly, he was faster and stronger than us without even transforming. 

I have to hurry off this bridge and inform the elders quickly. 

Our headquarters was still a far distance from the bridge. I'm not sure I'll be able to make it. The large cut on my abdomen seemed to be getting worse instead of healing, maybe this is one of the effects of being slashed by a cross breed.


I was starting to garner attention from onlookers who were wondering why I was limping and why my entire upper body was soaked with blood. 

I gently came down from the bridge and started heading towards the direction of our headquarters. 

We always tried to abstain from these areas. This area is the territory of the Arctic Werewolves and it is highly dangerous for us, the Gray Werewolves.

 I am on my own with no sign of help in sight, I have to get off the road quickly. 

I tried stopping a taxi but no one would stop to pick me up in my condition. 


I was fading fast and my legs couldn't carry me any longer, I had lost too much blood. I could hear whispers from people passing by, some were starting to take out their phones to call the police.

 I couldn't let the police see me or I would be killed by my people. We were never to allow the normal human world to know who we are or what we are. 

My teleportation powers weren't working, I've been trying to teleport to our headquarters but it was all to no avail, maybe I would die at the hands of a 'Mahevah'.


I had lost my phone during the fight so I had no one to call, I tried to keep on moving but I suddenly dropped to the floor. My legs can't carry me any longer, I can't move anymore. 

My body has given up on me, my visions were blurred and my eyes were beginning to close. 

As I slowly faded away, I could hear a familiar voice calling my name and I could also see a huge figure coming closer to me or maybe I was hallucinating, maybe this was my final thought before my death.


I woke up to a bright light shining down on my face. The Arctic elders always said that after our life here on earth, we would go back to the Creator for judgment. 

While we, the Gray Werewolves believed that we would be reincarnated and rule again as the kings of this world.

This world was way too marvelous for these scrawny little, weak and feeble humans to be in control of. 


My thoughts were broken off by the sound of a loud ringing noise in my head, it felt like my head was going to explode. 

I screamed aloud in excruciating pain until the pain stopped. I could hear someone calling my name.It was our doctor Raphael. 

He said", "Reuben, you've lost a lot of blood, you need to rest". 

I nodded my head to respond and said", "I'm okay". 

I tried to get up from the bed but I felt a sharp pain in my tummy that stopped me right in my tracks. 


Rapheal pushed me back down to the bed and said sternly, "You need to get some rest". "You lost a lot of blood, you're lucky to be alive". 

I listened to him and laid down to rest, then he injected me with a sedative.


I laid down back on the bed and as I closed my eyes to doze off, I saw the body of a lifeless girl lying on the floor right beside my bed. 

I think I recognized her, I struggled to remember who she was, my mind had switched off. I slept soundly.

I had a banging headache as I woke up from sleep, but the pain in my lower abdomen had reduced drastically. 

I could still feel some pain there but it wasn't as bad as it was earlier. 

I struggled to get up from the bed, my body was heavily bandaged and I counted about six stitches from my arms to my legs.

 I sat up on the bed, I looked at the right side of the bed, and there she was.


Now I remember, it was Rachel. She was a new recruit from the area, she had been running errands for us in the headquarters and I had tried to explore her beautiful body but she refused. 

Now her lifeless body lay down on the floor beside me. I truly wondered what might have happened to her, not that I cared. 

My train of thoughts was broken by the sound of a familiar deep and stern voice. 

A voice that always sends a deep fear into my heart.


It was my father Kael, he was one of the elders of the tribe. 

He looked down at Rachel's lifeless body and said", "We used her blood to save you, you lost a lot of blood son". 

He came closer. "She was reluctant to donate her blood to you". He paused and chuckled then said", "so we took it from her".


"How are you holding up?" He asked. 

I replied frightenly, "I'm feeling better Sir". He put his firm hands on my shoulders and asked", "That's good, How about your pack?". "We didn't see any of them with you". 

I responded as I looked away from his stern gaze, "I was the only one who survived".

He paused and shook his head in disappointment. 

He asked angrily; "How could thirty of you be beaten by six measly Arctic Werewolves". "Is this what you train for?"

"You're a disgrace Reuben" was what he was about to shout at me before I interrupted and said; "It worked".

 His face froze in obvious confusion. 

I stood up from the bed and walked towards the fridge to get some water, then I turned around and looked him in his eyes and said", 

"It worked, I was able to teleport". That was how I got out of the building.


The anger on his face was erased and was now immediately filled with joy. 

The Gray Werewolves had been working on this scientific procedure for over seventy years now. 

We were kidnapping and draining the blood of Sorcerers and mixing it with ours. 

For so many years the products of this experiment died immediately but we didn't give up, we pressed on and now I was the first and only successful operation. 

I could understand the joy on my father's face. 

"This would change the entire outcome of the war", my father said as he quickly called in the doctors and all our resident staff at the headquarters.


He directed them " I need you to prepare the private jet and the transport vehicles". 

He turned to Raphael and said; "Pack up his medications, he's coming with me". 

I could see the concerned look in Raphael's eyes, he knew I wasn't ready to travel yet.

Father looked at me and said "You're going with me to the elder's meeting in New York". 

I nodded my head in response and replied "Yes father, I'll come with you", "but there's something else I have to tell you". 

He shouted at me "Dress up and get into the car, I don't want to hear anything else". 

I picked up my clothes from the table and tried to put them on. I knew I didn't feel strong enough to handle a long distance journey but I couldn't say no to him. 

I made my way towards the door after dressing up and the cold eyes of Rachel's lifeless body stared at me. 

My father pointed to one of the staff and said to him, "Lock the doors and make sure no one enters here until I'm back". 

He signaled to me to get into the car, the he turned around and screamed at the staff, "Someone get that fucking dead body off the floor". 

He closed the door behind him and came down the stairs. 

He entered the car and we made our way to the airport.