I Believe You

Kara's POV

I knew deep in my heart that Damian wasn't the one who sold us out, he couldn't be. He was the kindest and most honest man I've ever known.


I was really surprised Jason did not stand up for him, I expected him to be the one strongly defending him because they were best friends, but instead he stood quietly and watched Damian get sent out of the pack.

I tried my best to defend him but Chad shut me down immediately. I was really scared when Chad shouted at me, but even then Damian stood up for me. Even when he was being accused of betraying us, he stood up for me and defended me. 

I truly believe him, he probably has his own genuine reasons for not giving his blood to Susan, but I know for sure that he didn't betray us.

It was heart wrenching when Chad told him to get out of the pack, I could feel my heart split into two, I wanted to run after him and pull him back. 

I wanted to tell him that I believed him, that I knew he would never do anything to betray us. I wanted to thank him for saving me from Reuben tonight, but I couldn't. I was just rooted to the spot and afraid of Chad.


I know I'm not supposed to feel this way, I'm the Luna of this pack and I'm supposed to listen to whatever my Alpha says, but my heart refuses to obey his commands any longer. My heart has refused to be in love with Chad any longer. 

My heart bleeds for someone else, I want to be with Damian, but deep down I know the traditions will not allow it, I will be bringing shame on my family.


 Chad, Jason and I sat down in the waiting room, nursing our wounds and waiting for the doctor to come back with a report about the surgery. 

I love Susan dearly, she is more than a friend to me, she is my sister. I truly hope the surgery is successful and Jesse and Susan come out of this hale and hearty.

Chad was pacing around menacingly, He hadn't said anything since he sent Damian out of the pack, all that I felt now for him was fear. 

He looked overly concerned and worried, I knew he was concerned about Jesse and Susan as their Alpha, but there was something different about how angry and worried he was. 

It was not a look of compassion on his face, I couldn't place it but something else was wrong.

Suddenly, the silence in the room was loudly broken as Chad exploded at Jason. 

He shouted at him, "this is all your fault, you're the one who brought that traitor into this pack". 

"Even when I refused to accept him, you persistently begged me to let him in". 

"You see where that has gotten us right?" 

"Susan and Jesse are almost dead".

Jason remained quiet and did not budge as Chad shouted at him. It seemed like his calm demeanor angered Chad the more, he wanted a reaction or maybe a fight. 

He approached Jason and held him by his collar. He pressed him against the wall. 

"How do I know you're not even working with him, maybe this has been your plan all along". 

"You wanted them to kill me so you can become the Alpha right?" Chad stupidly asks.

Jason had enough, he pushed Chad's hands off his collar and shouted back at him, 

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" 

"I've been a loyal member of this pack for thirty five years and you dare accuse me of betrayal". 

"I've fought alongside you, even when I didn't believe in the fucking mission". 

"I have put my body, heart and soul on the line protecting you, protecting this pack". 

"I would take anything from you Chad, but don't you dare question my loyalty".


The room was heavily tense, this was the first time Jason had ever stood up to Chad. 

They have had arguments in the past but Jason always conceded before the argument escalated, but not tonight, tonight he was livid.

Chad momentarily retreated, he backed off and sat down on the chair beside me while Jason kept on standing and staring intently at him. 

I could tell he was ready to fight if it came to that, but his stare was averted when the doctor stepped into the room. 


I stood up and ran towards him, I asked", "how are they?" "Did they make it?".

He calmed me down then replied, "the operation was successful but they are both still weak and need time to recover". 

"They will need a lot of protein, specifically meat". 

"So go and prepare that for them quickly, it will hasten up their recovery and assist their body recover rapidly". 

I nodded my head at him in rapt understanding, "thank you doctor, how can we ever repay you?". I asked gratefully

He smiled back at me and replied", "I am just doing my job, just like you people go out there and ensure that the world is safe". 

"Now hurry and go and prepare something great for them to eat when they wake up".


Jason said to me, "C'mon let's go". 

"I will drive you to the supermarket to get the ingredients, then we'll stop at the headquarters to prepare it". 

I nodded my head at him and turned back to Chad, "Are you coming?" I asked.

 I didn't want him to come but I had to ask, I was still the Luna, I was still his wife and it is still my duty to take care of him. 

He lifted his head up and replied sternly, "No" . 

Jason said to me, "C'mon Kara, let's go quickly so we can come back before they wake up". 

I walked out of the hospital with Jason and we headed towards our car which was parked close to the gate. 

As we approached the car, Jason stopped abruptly. 

"SHIT!!!" he shouted as he looked up at the sky.

 "What's wrong, Jason?" I asked suprised 

 "He took the key with him", he replied as he slammed the car door. 

I suddenly remembered, Damian was the one who drove us to the hospital cause he was the least hurt, and after what happened in the hospital, I'm sure he forgot to drop it back. 

I looked up at Jason and asked?", "what do we do now?"

 "We need to prepare the food quickly". 

 Just as the words left my mouth, before Jason could even respond, I heard his voice. 

His deep yet soothing voice that made my heart suddenly start beating faster. 

He asked", "How are they?" 

I turned around to look at him while Jason walked away, 

I took a deep breath and replied, "they are fine". 

"The doctor asked us to prepare some food for them". 

I was staring at him intently, he stretched out his hands and gave me the key. 

I took them from him, 

 "I believe you Damian". I said to him as he turned around to leave.

He turned around to look at me, 

"Take care of yourself Kara", he said and turned to leave. 

And before I could respond, he was gone. 

I wanted to say so many things to him. I could see pain in his eyes, almost like he had been holding back tears. 

I was already sure he didn't betray us but seeing him like this, confirmed it further.


I was snapped out of my thoughts by Jason calling my name, 

He shouted", "Kara, let's go, we don't have much time left". 

I entered into the car hurriedly and we drove off. 

I couldn't get the sight of Damian's face out of my mind, I could tell he was hurt, and from the way he looked at Jason, I could tell he was angry at him. 

Jason looked away from him while he was talking to me. 

I wondered if he truly believed Damian betrayed us.


I asked him, "Jason, do you really think he betrayed us?" 

He turned to look at me and then turned back to focus on the steering wheel.

 He then answered", "I don't know Kara".

He was driving speedily, I could tell he was angry, but I couldn't really tell why. 

Was it because he thought Damian had betrayed the pack? 

Or was it because of his argument with Chad?