Back To The Plan

Damian's Pov

After Jesse opted to go through with the surgery, I left the hospital.

 I didn't belong in that pack anyway, honestly I don't belong anywhere. 

There is no one like me, no one who has gone throught what I am going through, so I can't explain or talk to anyone about anything. I must keep myself focused on the one thing that has given me a reason to live all this while.


I had walked a long way from the hospital before I realized that I was still with the car keys after driving them to the hospital. I rushed back to the hospital, and there I saw Kara and Jason standing by the car. 

I asked them about Susan and Jesse's welfare and Kara affirmed that they were okay, I was glad to hear that. Jason walked away as I spoke to Kara, he didn't want to speak to me, I could tell he was angry at me, well I was angry at him too, I was angry that he thought that I could do such a thing to them, that I could betray them in that manner.


I'm done thinking or caring for them, right now, I am on a hunt to find Reuben. He should never have gotten away from me. The pack refused to take me seriously when I said he disappeard, the Arctic Werewolves and humans are in trouble, the Gray Werewolves have discovered a way to teleport. 

This means it will be difficult to kill those who killed my mother. I have to come up with a plan, but first off I must stop Reuben from exposing my secret. Only the Creator knows if he hasn't told his people already.


I'm on my way to Daniel's place. I was able to get a piece of Reuben's shirt from him during our fight, I'm going to give it to Daniel to help me track him. 

I knock on his door and he opens, I called him earlier to inform him I was coming.

"What's up brother, you sounded worried on the phone", Daniel asks as I enter into his parlor. 

"Someone else knows who I am", I reply. 

"How come?" Daniel asks in shock.

"I got into a fight with him when we attacked the Grey Werewolves, he was very strong, he is an Alpha". 

"I had to transform against him and when I was about to kill him, he disappeared". I reply

"Disappeared, Damian?"

 "What do you mean?". Daniel asks again,

"Daniel I mean he disappeared, he vanished right into thin air". 

"One moment he was in front of me and the next second he wasn't". I answer him hurriedly

"That's not possible Damian, Only we sorceres are capable of that and even then it takes a significant amount of power". Daniel states as he paces around the parlor.

"Well Daniel it is possible, I saw it with my own eyes, but that isn't the problem now, Daniel". 

"He knows about me, if he tells anyone, the entire Werewolf kingdom is going to come after me". 

"I have to find him and kill him".


I put my hands into the breast pocket of my jacket and show Daniel the piece of Reuben's shirt I had with me. 

"I tore a piece of his shirt while we were fighting". 

"I need you to help me track him immediately". I asked him hurriedly

"Okay, shut all the windows, go into the kitchen". 

"In the third drawer inside the cupboard, you will see some packs of candles". 

"Bring seven stick of candles and a bowl of water and set it up here", he said to me as he pushed the seats in his parlor to create space for himself, so he could sit down on the floor and set the candles.

He put them on the floor and used them to form a circle around him, he collected the bowl of water from me and set it up right in front of him. 

I have seen Sorcerers perform rituals before and I know they always need to light up the candles, I wanted to go back into the kitchen to get a lighter but just as I was about to leave, the candles lit up by themselves. 

I turned back to see Daniel deep in concentration, his mouth barely moved as he whispered some spells. 

We were lucky his wife wasn't at home, she gave Daniel an ultimatum that he had to quit doing magic unless she wasn't going to marry him. 

Daniel agreed and has stopped practicing the mystical arts of spell casting, sorcery, teleportation and all other skills he possessed. 

He was only using his powers because it was me. 

We grew up together, he lived right beside me and we have remained close ever since, only him, Joseph and Sandra my foster parents knew who and what I was. 

Well I have to add Reuben to that list...…


My thoughts were quickly brought to a halt. 

"He has taken off the shirt, I can only point you to where he was when he last wore the shirt". 

I can't give you the exact location where he is now, Daniel said to me. 

I nodded my head in understanding of what he just told me. 

He proceeded and muttered more spells. 

"Trenton city, No 4, Kingston drive", Daniel said as the fire from the candles went off.


I reached for a notepad that was on the table and wrote down the address. 

"Thank you brother, I owe you one". I said to him as I headed towards the door. 

Daniel picked up his jacket and headed towards the door with me. 

"Where do you think you're going", I asked him.

"Where do you think?", he asked me back. 

"No Daniel, you're not coming with me". 

"You have a beautiful and amazing wife with a kid on the way, I can't let you put your life in danger because of me", I said to him as I held him back. 

"Dom, for all we know he could have told more people by now". 

"He could even be on his way to the Gray Werewolves headquarters". 

"You need my help to stop him and you know it". 

"I'm not taking no for an answer". Daniel said as he shrugged of my hands and headed toward his car. 

I let out a sigh of frustration, I knew I couldn't change his mind but I also know that I don't want to put him in danger. 

"Are you coming or not?" He asked as he revved the engine of his car. 

I lock the door behind me, not that I need to, no one can enter into a Sorcerers house except invited. 

I entered the car and we drove off.

Chad's POV

I waited behind as Kara and Jason went to get the food like the doctor advised. 

My plan didn't go like it was supposed to, Reuben and his pack were only supposed to be fierce towards Damian, and leave the rest of us after some time.


We made a deal. I and Reuben have known each other for a long time. 

He is a Gray Werewolf while I'm an Arctic Werewolf, but we were still able to get along, he believed strongly that Werewolves should rule the human world just like every other Gray Werewolf and I really don't have a problem with that ideology.

The Arctic Werewolves have made it their duty to protect these measly humans, 

I'm only a part of this fight because my father taught me this was the right way but I don't believe any longer that we should put our lives on the line for the human race.


I hate Damian. Ever since he came into this pack , he has tried to upstage me and I see the way Kara looks at him, I know he envies my position as an Alpha. 

The plan with Reuben was for him and his pack to lie in wait inside the building and then attack us but not aim to kill anyone except Damian. 

Since they would have a large number, they would just subdue us but not hurt anyone except Damian, but Reuben screwed me over. 

They were fierce and brutal and they aimed to kill us all. 

We had to fight back. The only suprise, is that Reuben would run away from Damian, Reuben is a lot of things but one thing he's not is a coward. 

Why would he run from Damian? 

I have to find Reuben and end him before he exposes my betrayal and he elders find out about this.