There's No Way Back

Kara's POV 

We finally arrived at the hospital, we rushed in excitedly to see Jesse and Susan. 

Chad was in the waiting room, he stayed throughout the operation and even waited till they both woke up. I know he can be arrogant and rash at times, but there's no disputing the fact that he is a great Alpha and he cares deeply for his pack even though he doesn't show it a lot.


Jason, Chad and I were waiting in the room for the doctor to give the orders that we could go in to see Susan and Jesse. 

I could feel the extreme tension in the room between Chad and Jason, I know Chad is never going to apologize to Jason for what he said to him, but I have to try to make peace between them, this pack has become my family and it's also become the most important part of my life. 

It seems that I have already lost Damian, I don't want to lose them too. 

So I stood in the middle of the room and faced Chad and Jason who were sitting at opposite sides of the room and said, "Guys I know you're angry with each other, and you've both said things that were wrong". 

"But let's not forget how long we've been together, how much we care for each other".

"Chad doesn't care for anybody, the only person he cares for is himself", Jason interrupts and stands up to leave the room.

"No Jason, don't leave". 

"We have to fix this", I plead with him

"No Kara, there's no fixing this". 

"I'm done with him, I've had enough of his bullshit". Jason turns back and replies.

"And who do you think you're talking about like that", Chad asks as he gets up from his seat and begins to approach Jason.

"It's you I'm talking about". 

"What are you going to do about it?" Jason asks as he moves away from the exit door and begins to approach Chad.

"Okay guys, let's not do this right now , Jesse and Susan are still recovering". 

"Let's not fight, especially not here", I plead with both of them.

"Well tell that to this ungrateful bastard here", Chad retorts as he takes a step back.

"Ungrateful?" Jason asks. 

"You're the most selfish, egoistic son of a bitch I've ever seen" . Jason says as he looks straight at Chad. 

Chad edges closer to Jason, "Me?" 

"I'm selfish?" 

"Well why didn't you call me selfish when, I picked you up from the street when your foolish whore of a mother left you all alone",Chad says. 

And before the words completely left his mouth, Jason punched him straight on his jaw. 

"How dare you?" Jason asks as he begins to pummel Chad to the ground. 

Chad throws him off and delivers a kick to his stomach and follows it with a powerful left hook to Jason's jaw. 

Jason stumbled and fell backwards, Jason was no match for Chad, and Chad had no intention of stopping this fight. 

Jason transformed and lunged his sharp claws at Chad, but Chad ducked under the right claw of Jason, but he was immediately slashed across his face by Jason's follow up attack with his left claws. 

Chad was infuriated at the sight of blood dripping from his face, he transformed. 

Chad is much bigger and stronger than Jason and as an Alpha he had extra powers that the moon gave to him. 

He weaved another lunge from Jason and lifted him up and slammed him down on the glass table. The table shattered with glass sprawling all over. 

I kept screaming at him, "Stop!!! 

"Chad stop, you don't need to do this". 

But my cries were falling on deaf ears. Chad continued to pummel Jason. 

He hovered above his chest and began delivering blows directly on Jason's head. 

Jason was fading quickly. 

"Chad, you're going to kill him". 

"Stop", I said as I tried to pull him off Jason. 

In the twinkling of an eye, he flung me backwards and I crashed as I hit my head on the wall. 

I could feel blood flowing down from the back of my head, I couldn't get up from the floor, there is nothing in the world as powerful as an Alpha's blow, and our Alpha was bent on killing Jason. 

Thankfully, Dr Martin stepped into the room and pushed Chad off Jason.

"What is the meaning of this?!?" he exclaimed, his voice was trembling with anger and shock at what he was witnessing.

"Your friends are barely recovering, and you guys are here about to kill yourselves". 

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" he asked angrily as he looked at Chad .

Just then, I heard that soft soothing voice, that voice that always comforted me anytime I had those occasional arguments with Chad, it was Susan, my sister.

"What's going on guys?", she asked softly as she limped into the room with Jesse who was barely able to walk. 

Jesse asked, "Guys what's going on?" 

"We heard loud banging from the room". 

I mustered my strength and got up from the floor and ran towards them and hugged them tightly. 

They asked again,"What's going on?" 

"It's nothing", Dr Martin responded

"You guys shouldn't be walking in your condition", he said to them as he motioned for them to go back inside their room. 

Thankfully the food didn't pour away during the fight. I quickly picked up the cooler from the chair I was sitting on before this whole fight started. 

If I knew, I would never have gotten up to try and make peace between them in the first place. 

I approached them with the food, they had already left towards the direction of their room, Dr Martin ushered me to their room. 

I looked back to see Jason, who had been on the floor with his head resting on the wall before Susan and Jesse walked in. 

He struggled to get back to his feet, his face was beyond bloody, his nose had been disfigured. 

I wanted to run and help him, to hug him, but Dr Martin called my name from the hallway, "Kara, they need to eat now". 

I went into the hallway and entered their room. 

Dr Martin alongside some of his staff had already sat them down on their bed, I was so glad they made it through the operation.

"What happened, Kara?" Susan asked again as I began dishing their food,

"It's nothing", I quickly replied and tried to plaster a smile on my face.

"Kara, you're bleeding from the back of your head". 

"Who did this to you?" Jesse asked as he noticed the patch of blood that was showing evidently through my hair.

"I said it's nothing guys". 

"Just eat your food".


"You almost died, now is not the time to be asking questions". 

"Just eat now and get better okay", I said to them as I handed their plates of food to them.

I left the room for them to eat, I didn't want them to keep asking questions. 

I was on my way to the bathroom to go and wash the blood off my hair when I saw Dr Martin treating Jason. 

I walked into the treatment room as he asked Jason, 

"What the hell were you thinking fighting the Alpha of your pack?" 

"Did you really think you would win?",

I couldn't really hear Jason's response, my head was spinning, I was getting weaker and weaker and suddenly I dropped to the floor. 

My eyesight was blurry, I could see Dr Martin rushing towards me and calling for help from his colleagues, and that was all. 

I blanked out completely.