We Have To Hurry

Damian's POV

I wanted to ask Daniel why he killed the guy after he had already told us everything we needed, but something about Daniel's eyes told me I shouldn't. 

He was really angry, I have never seen him this upset before. His eyes had turned red and he didn't even look at me as he walked into the building. 

I followed right behind him and entered the building with him, Daniel climbed up to the top floor while I surveyed the bottom floor. The place looked completely empty. 

I could see some medical instruments still with blood stains sprawled all over the table," this has to be where Reuben had his surgery after we fought", I thought to myself. 

The last Gray Werewolf we threatened and Daniel ended up killing told us Reuben was on his way to the headquarters in Washington.

 I don't have much time, I have to kill him as soon as possible. 

I began making my way up the stairs to meet Daniel and get out of the building when I heard a faint voice call out to me. 

"Help me please" , the voice faintly cried out.

I looked around and tried to hear where the voice was coming from, I edged closer to where the freezer was and tried to listen, the voice called out again. 

"Help me please". 

There was no one here, "Am I hearing things, or is there a body in the freezer", I asked myself. 

 As I moved closer carefully to open up the freezer, I heard a loud banging and scattering of objects coming from upstairs. 

My mind immediately went towards Daniel, what could be wrong?, was he under attack?, I thought to myself as I rushed upstairs.

I got upstairs quickly and saw Daniel standing in the middle of the room with a crazed look in his eyes. 

I asked, "What's wrong Daniel". 

"What happened?". 

There was no reply, he stood still. He was staring into the laptop on the table. 

I came closer, "Daniel what's wrong?" I asked again as I finally reached the middle of the room where he was. 

He pointed at the laptop and walked away. 

"You can play it for yourself", he said as he looked out through the windows. 

I wondered what it could be that would get Daniel so riled up, he was usually so calm and well tempered, but right now he was livid. 

I clicked play on the laptop screen and after watching for only thirty seconds, I understood why he was this angry, I understood why he killed that Gray Werewolf downstairs. 

They were putting Sorcerers through excruciating pain as they were drawing their blood out of their system. It looked from the video that they also had some Sorcerers working for them, cause they were also draining their fellow Sorcerers of their magic and transferring it into the blood of the Gray Werewolves. 

This was how Reuben was able to teleport, I wasn't paying attention when the Gray Werewolf was talking about this, I was only focused on finding Reuben and killing him before he shares my secret with anyone.

"I can't believe this, they are hunting us down, killing us and using our blood for a stupid experiment". 

"How dare they?" 

"And they also have our fellow Sorcerers walking along with them?" 

"How is that possible", Daniel angrily asked as he punched a hole through the hall.

I didn't know what to say, I didn't want to sound insensitive to his plight but the truth is the clock is ticking, every moment we waste is an opportunity for Reuben to tell the Werewolf world what I am. 

"We have to stop this Dom". 

"They must pay for this". Daniel said as he came closer to me. 

"Daniel I promise you, we will stop this". 

"We will make them suffer for committing this heinous act towards your people". 

"But first we have to find Reuben and kill him". 

"He is a key player in all this mess". I said to Daniel as I put my hands on his shoulders to comfort him.

"Yes, you're right". Daniel replied as he snapped out of his desolate mood. 

"Let's go to Washington and kill that son of a bitch", he said, with renewed hunger in his eyes. 

I shook his hand and nodded my head at him, I love him more than words can describe, he is my brother and he has been there for me through thick and thin. 

I knew I could count on him before I revealed what I really was to him, I remember it like yesterday. 

We were on our way back from the basketball court when I turned to him and said, "Daniel I have to tell you something very important, and you must never tell anyone else". 

He smiled at me and said " you know I will never betray you. 

And then I told him what I was, he couldn't even pretend to be surprised. 

I asked, "how did you know" 

 He replied "I'm a Sorcerer, remember". 

"I knew from the first moment I shook your hand you were something else".


"It took me a long while to decipher what it is you truly were, but after some time I realized it". 

"You're a Mahevah", he whispered playfully. 

Ever since, our bond has grown greatly. 

We headed down the stairs hurriedly and were about to leave the building when I heard that voice again, 

"Help me, please help me". 

"Daniel do you hear that", I asked as I stopped walking. 

"No, hear what?". Daniel asked 

"A voice crying for help", I replied as I moved closer to the freezer section again. 

"Dom, you know we don't have time for this", Daniel said as he walked with me towards the freezer section. 

I replied, "I know". 

 I opened up the freezer, and there it was, a lifeless body lying inside the freezer. 

I turned back to look at Daniel and beckoned him to come and take a closer look. 

"She's dead Dom". 

"We are in the headquarters of a Gray Werewolf pack, of course there will be dead bodies". Daniel said as he drifted backwards and walked away.

"I don't think she's dead Daniel, I can hear her". I said to Daniel as I looked closer into the fridge.

"What do you mean you can hear her?", Daniel asked as he walked back towards me. 

"I don't know how, but I can hear her crying out to me for help", I replied. 

"Dom, even if you can hear her, it doesn't mean anything, she's dead". 

"Let's go, she was a Gray Werewolf, no good is going to come out of carrying her out of this freezer". 

"We have to catch up with Reuben and his father before it's too late". Daniel said as he closed the freezer.

"My mom was a Gray Werewolf, remember?" I asked Daniel as I opened the freezer back. Something was drawing me closer to her, I couldn't leave her.

Daniel let out a sigh of frustration, "Okay carry her we will drop her at your place on the way to the airport". I bent down low to pick her up, she was really heavy. 

"Help, please", I asked Daniel. 

"Nope, your girl, your cross", he jestfully replies as he opens the boot of the car. 

I put her inside the boot and we drive off. 

"So what's our plan?" Daniel asked as he drives speedily towards my house. 

"Well firstly we need to get a quick flight". 

"You don't happen to know anyone who owns a private jet do you?" I asked Daniel with a mixture of fun and seriousness. 

Daniel smiled back at me, "Getting a flight won't be a problem". 

"I could simply compel them to let us on the quickest flight going to Washington", Daniel replied. 

"Okay that's good, well the second part of our plan would be to find Reuben". 

"I took one of the surgeon's gloves from the dustbin". 

"I'm positive that it's Reuben's blood on it", I say to Daniel as I show him the bloody gloves. 

"Will you be able to find him", I ask Daniel? 

"What do you take me for?" Daniel asks. 

"As long as, that is his blood on the gloves, I will find him", Daniel asserts.

We finally reached my house. It was a two hour drive from the Gray Werewolf headquarters to my house. 

Daniel stayed on the lookout while I carried the body of this dead girl, whom I have never met before and dumped her in my living room. 

I locked the door and headed downstairs to meet Daniel. 

I knew I was taking a risk carrying a totally dead stranger into my home, but I couldn't explain the pain I felt in my heart, and the urge to carry her out of the freezer and save her. 

I entered the car, and Daniel and I drove towards the airport. 

"I called Mia, to inform her I'll be traveling". Daniel said to me. 

"That's good, have you called some of your Sorcerer friends to inform them about what's going on", I asked Daniel.

"Not yet". 

"Since they have some Sorcerers working for them, I don't know who I can trust yet". 

"There is someone I want to see in Washington", Daniel replied as he turned left on Albert avenue, and headed straight to the airport.