Chapter 3: The Struggle for Strength

After defeating the Grunt Wolf, Dabi realized just how long the road ahead of him truly was. Killing a single low-level monster had taken all of his effort and strategic thinking, and that was only enough to push him to level 2. His journey to becoming strong enough to protect his siblings seemed overwhelming.

But Dabi was determined. No matter how weak he was now, he would find a way to grow stronger. He knew that he couldn't do this alone, so he sought out opportunities to level up faster.

That's when he heard about the Outskirts Cleanup Group.

It was a small team formed by the town guards to patrol the borders of the town and eliminate low-level monsters before they became a threat to civilians. The group allowed newcomers like Dabi to gain experience by fighting under the protection of more seasoned fighters. The perfect opportunity for him to learn and grow.

Dabi approached the group leader, a burly man named Grigor. With a large axe strapped to his back and scars across his arms, Grigor looked every bit the seasoned warrior. He eyed Dabi skeptically when he saw the frail boy standing before him.

"You want to join the Cleanup Group?" Grigor asked, crossing his arms.

Dabi nodded, trying to hide his nervousness. "Yes. I want to help, and I need to get stronger."

Grigor let out a chuckle. "You don't look like you can lift a sword, boy. We deal with monsters out there—real threats. Are you sure you're ready for that?"

"I'm not strong," Dabi admitted, "but I'm smart. I'll find a way."

Grigor raised an eyebrow at Dabi's response but seemed to respect his determination. "Fine. You can join us for the next patrol, but if you get hurt out there, it's on you."

The following day, Dabi joined the Cleanup Group as they headed out to the outskirts of town. The group was small—four experienced fighters and two other recruits like Dabi, both of whom were clearly stronger and better prepared than him.

As they ventured into the forest, the team quickly encountered their first set of monsters: Goblin Scouts, small and fast, but dangerous in groups. The fighters sprang into action, cutting down the goblins with ease. Dabi, however, struggled to keep up. His heart raced as he watched the battle unfold. His mind calculated every movement, but his body was too slow to react properly.

After the goblins were cleared out, Grigor glanced at Dabi. "You didn't fight."

"I… I'm trying," Dabi stammered. "I just need to learn the patterns."

"You won't get stronger just by watching. You need to kill to level up."

Dabi clenched his fists. He knew Grigor was right, but it wasn't that simple for him. His intelligence was his strongest weapon, but when it came to actual combat, his body simply wasn't fast or strong enough. Still, he refused to give up.

The group pressed deeper into the outskirts, and soon they encountered another group of low-level monsters, this time Horned Rats. They weren't much stronger than the Goblin Scouts, but they moved in erratic patterns, making them harder to hit.

Dabi watched as the other recruits charged in, taking down the rats with ease. He, on the other hand, was still trying to find an opening. His body trembled as one of the Horned Rats turned toward him, its beady eyes locking onto him as it prepared to charge.

Dabi's mind raced. He calculated the rat's speed and angle of attack, then dodged just in time as it lunged at him. Using a nearby rock, he blocked its path, forcing it to change direction. Dabi raised his weapon—a short sword he had borrowed from the group—and struck, but his weak arms only grazed the rat's side.

The rat screeched and leaped at him again. Dabi barely avoided the attack. He was growing tired. His endurance, even with the small stat boost he had gained, was far from enough to keep up with this pace.

But then he remembered his strategy. He wasn't here to overpower the monster—he was here to outsmart it.

As the rat lunged again, Dabi used the environment to his advantage. He led the creature into a narrow space between two trees, then quickly trapped it by blocking the exit with a fallen branch. The rat, unable to move freely, became an easy target. Dabi struck, this time landing a clean blow on its neck.

The creature fell.

A screen popped up in front of Dabi:

+30 Experience Points

1/5 Monsters Defeated

Continue to Level 3

Dabi let out a breath he didn't realize he had been holding. One down. Four more to go.

The rest of the day followed the same pattern. Dabi struggled to kill the monsters, each battle more difficult than the last. The other recruits were far ahead of him, but he refused to give up. Each time, he analyzed his enemy's movements, used the environment to his advantage, and fought smart rather than hard.

By the end of the day, Dabi had finally managed to defeat five monsters. His body was bruised and exhausted, but the notification on his screen made it all worth it:

Level Up!

Dabi collapsed onto the ground, his body aching, but

a smile crept across his face. He had leveled up to 3.
