Chapter 4: The Weight of Progress

As the sun began to set, Dabi limped back to the town with the Cleanup Group. Every muscle in his body screamed in pain. His legs felt like lead, his arms throbbed, and he was certain that every part of him had taken more hits than he realized. But in the end, it was all worth it.

Level 3.

He opened the screen again, watching the numbers shift. He had gained 3 more stat points, bringing him closer to his goal. But where should he allocate them this time? His body was still too weak, his endurance already being pushed to its limits. His intelligence and memory were his greatest strengths, but he knew he needed to become more well-rounded if he wanted to survive.

After a moment of thought, he placed 2 points into Strength and 1 into Dexterity.

Strength: 7

Dexterity: 7

Endurance: 7

Intelligence: 42

Memory: 45

The stat screen flickered, confirming the changes. He still wasn't anywhere near the average human, but every level mattered. Every point brought him closer to the strength he needed to protect Eli and Mira.

As the group entered the town gates, Grigor walked up to Dabi, nodding in approval. "You did better than I thought, kid. You didn't rush in like an idiot. You played smart."

Dabi appreciated the compliment, but it didn't feel like enough. "I struggled with every monster," he said quietly. "If I were stronger…"

"Strength comes with time," Grigor interrupted. "We all start somewhere. You think I was born with these muscles?" He flexed an arm, grinning. "No, I had to work for it. And you will too. Just keep leveling up. You'll get there."

Dabi nodded, though deep down, he knew his journey wouldn't be as simple as just 'working for it.' His body's natural weakness meant that every level would be a struggle. But he had one advantage no one else did: his mind. If he could continue to use his intelligence to outsmart his enemies, he would find a way to keep climbing.

After parting ways with the Cleanup Group, Dabi returned home. Eli and Mira were waiting for him, both of them beaming with excitement. As soon as Dabi stepped through the door, Mira ran up to him, clutching a small piece of paper.

"Dabi, look! I drew something for you!"

Dabi smiled, taking the paper from her. It was a simple drawing of their family—Mira, Eli, and Dabi standing side by side. In the corner, there were two large, fluffy creatures. "Those are your pets," Mira said proudly. "When you get strong, you'll have the best pets, and they'll protect us!"

Dabi felt a pang in his chest. Mira's innocence always reminded him of how much he had to protect. He would need to get stronger for them, just like she imagined. But first, he had to survive long enough to make it to that point.

After dinner, Dabi lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling. His body ached, but his mind was restless. He kept replaying the events of the day in his head—the fights with the monsters, the moment he leveled up, the thrill of progress. It was a small victory, but one that gave him hope.

He knew he couldn't just rely on the Cleanup Group to gain experience. If he wanted to level up faster, he needed to find more opportunities to fight. His sharp mind would help him outsmart enemies, but that alone wouldn't be enough. He needed to plan, to strategize, and most of all, to take risks.

That night, Dabi resolved to train even harder. He would venture further into the outskirts, face stronger monsters, and push himself to his limits. If he could just survive, he would level up faster. And each level would bring him one step closer to becoming the protector Eli and Mira needed him to be.

The next morning, Dabi rose before dawn. His body protested, but he pushed through the pain. After a quick breakfast with his siblings, he left the house and made his way toward the forest. He didn't join the Cleanup Group this time—this was something he needed to do on his own.

As he ventured deeper into the woods, Dabi's mind was focused. He replayed every battle he had experienced so far, analyzing what worked and what didn't. His intelligence gave him an edge. He had memorized the weaknesses of the monsters he faced, learned how to manipulate his environment, and recognized his own limitations. This time, he would be more efficient. He had to be.

After several hours of walking, Dabi encountered a group of Crawler Beetles, small, fast, and agile monsters that used their sharp pincers to attack. There were five of them, and Dabi knew this would be a tough fight. But he had a plan.

Using his intelligence, he lured the beetles into a narrow path between two large rocks. Their speed would be limited in such a tight space. Once they were trapped, he used his surroundings—rocks, branches, and his short sword—to slowly pick them off, one by one. It was grueling work, but after an exhausting battle, the final beetle collapsed, defeated.

A familiar screen appeared before him:

+60 Experience Points

Level Up!

Dabi wiped the sweat from his brow, his body trembling from exhaustion. He had leveled up again—Level 4. But more importantly, he had proven to himself that he could do this.

He would continue to struggle, to fight, and to grow. And with e

ach level, he would edge closer to his ultimate goal.
