Chapter 5: The First Solo Mission

A week had passed since Dabi had joined the Cleanup Group, and in that time, he had managed to level up to Level 5. His body had become more resilient, his movements sharper, and his mind more focused than ever. Along the way, he had unlocked a new skill: Quick Analysis, a powerful tool that allowed him to instantly assess an enemy's strengths and weaknesses. It had saved him numerous times in battle, giving him a clear advantage despite his still relatively weak physical stats.

Leveling up to Level 5 had come with an unexpected bonus: an additional 10 stat points, which allowed Dabi to further fine-tune his capabilities.

Opening his status screen, he distributed the points carefully:

Strength: 10

Dexterity: 9

Endurance: 10

Intelligence: 44

Memory: 45

His intelligence and memory were still his strongest attributes, but his body was slowly catching up. With these new improvements, Dabi felt more prepared than ever to face the dangers ahead.

It was time to leave the Cleanup Group. As much as they had helped him in the beginning, Dabi knew that he would have to challenge himself solo if he wanted to grow faster. He approached Grigor early in the morning to inform him of his decision.

"You've made solid progress, Dabi," Grigor said with a nod. "But going solo is dangerous. Make sure you're prepared for what's out there."

"I will be," Dabi replied, feeling the weight of responsibility settling on his shoulders. His siblings depended on him, and this was the only way forward.

After parting ways with the group, Dabi ventured into the forest. As he walked through the dense trees, the system suddenly flickered to life before his eyes. He hadn't been expecting it, but the message was clear.


System Notification:

Mission Available: Solo Hunt

Objective: Eliminate the Low-Tier Boss Monster, the Fang-Bearer

Location: Darkwood Forest

Reward: 500 Gold Coins

Bonus Reward: Mystery Gift upon Completion


Dabi paused, his heart pounding. This was it—his first real solo mission. The system was pushing him to face a powerful opponent, far more dangerous than anything he had encountered before. The Fang-Bearer was a low-tier boss, but that didn't mean it wasn't a serious threat. A creature known for its sharp fangs, speed, and relentless aggression, it had terrorized the outskirts of town for weeks. Several adventurers had already failed to kill it.

But the reward… 500 gold coins and a mystery gift. The coins would be a massive help to him and his siblings, and the mystery gift could hold something valuable, something that could accelerate his progress.

He took a deep breath. This was the test he had been waiting for.

"I accept," he whispered.


Mission Accepted.


The system window disappeared, leaving Dabi alone with the weight of the task ahead. He knew the Fang-Bearer would be a challenge, but with his new skills and increased stats, he believed he had a chance.

Dabi spent the rest of the day preparing. He sharpened his blade, packed enough supplies for a long trip, and mentally ran through the tactics he had learned over the past week. He would have to rely on his Quick Analysis skill to find the Fang-Bearer's weaknesses and exploit them. There would be no room for mistakes. The Fang-Bearer was a predator, and Dabi would need to outthink it if he hoped to survive.

The next morning, Dabi set out toward Darkwood Forest, the air thick with tension. As he ventured deeper into the woods, his senses heightened. Every rustle of leaves, every crack of a twig had him on edge. He had fought countless monsters over the past week, but this was different. The Fang-Bearer was a boss, and bosses didn't go down easily.

After hours of trekking, he finally reached the clearing where the Fang-Bearer had been sighted. The area was eerily quiet, the trees casting long shadows as the sun began to dip below the horizon. Dabi could feel the creature's presence before he even saw it—an oppressive, primal energy that filled the air.

And then it appeared.

The Fang-Bearer emerged from the shadows, its massive form lumbering into view. It was larger than Dabi had expected, with thick fur matted with blood and sharp, glistening fangs that dripped with venom. Its eyes locked onto him, filled with a predatory hunger.

Dabi's heart raced. This was it. His first solo battle against a boss monster.

Without hesitation, he activated Quick Analysis, the skill flooding his mind with information about the creature. Its weaknesses were its underbelly, where the fur was thinnest, and its vision, which was poor in low light.

Dabi narrowed his eyes, formulating a plan. He had to be fast, precise, and above all, careful. There was no room for error.

With a deep breath, Dabi gripped his sword and charged toward the Fang-Bearer.
