Chapter 6: The First Solo Mission (Continued)


The First Solo Mission (Continued)

Dabi's heart pounded in his chest as he stared down the monstrous Fang-Bearer. It was larger than anything he had fought before, its fangs gleaming in the fading light, dripping with venom. But his new skill, Quick Analysis, had shown him its weaknesses: its vulnerable underbelly and its poor vision in low light. This was his advantage.

Dabi darted forward, his mind racing through the strategy he had devised. He moved quickly, staying low to the ground to avoid the Fang-Bearer's initial swipe. The creature roared, its massive claws tearing through the air, but Dabi was already at its side, slashing at its legs to throw it off balance.

The battle was intense. The Fang-Bearer was fast despite its size, and its relentless attacks forced Dabi to stay on the defensive, dodging and rolling out of the way whenever it lunged. But Dabi's mind was sharper. He studied its patterns, learned its timing, and finally saw an opening.

With a swift movement, he plunged his sword into the creature's exposed underbelly. The Fang-Bearer let out a final, deafening roar before collapsing to the ground, defeated.


System Notification:

Mission Complete: Eliminate the Fang-Bearer

Reward: 500 Gold Coins

Bonus Reward: Mystery Gift


Panting and covered in dirt and sweat, Dabi stared down at the fallen creature. It had been his toughest fight yet, but he had done it. The system's message flashed before his eyes, confirming his victory and the rewards he had earned. A small smile crept across his face—he was getting stronger.

But what caught his attention most was the Mystery Gift. As the Fang-Bearer's body disappeared, a small object was left behind where the creature had fallen. Dabi approached it cautiously, kneeling down to inspect it. It was… an egg.

He lifted the egg gently, studying it closely. It was large, with strange markings etched into its shell, and there was a faint warmth radiating from within. Whatever was inside, it was alive.

System Notification:

Item Acquired: Unidentified Egg

Information Locked—Will be revealed upon hatching.

Dabi tucked the egg into his bag, feeling a sense of curiosity but also a weight of responsibility. Whatever this creature was, it had been important enough for the Fang-Bearer to protect it. But the system wasn't ready to reveal its secrets yet.

As he stood up, he glanced at the other reward: 500 gold coins. It was more money than he had ever held in his life, and he already knew what he would do with it.


Later that evening, after returning to town, Dabi headed straight to the gear shop. With the 500 gold coins, he carefully selected new equipment: a more durable sword, a lightweight but protective leather armor, and a pair of boots designed for speed and agility. The gear would make him more formidable in combat, and it was a necessary investment for the battles ahead.

As Dabi walked out of the shop, fully equipped and with the egg safely tucked in his pack, he felt ready to take on whatever the world threw at him next. He was no longer the weak boy from the village outskirts—he was leveling up, getting stronger with every step.

But the journey ahead was long, and the mystery of the egg weighed on his mind. Whatever lay inside, Dabi knew it would

play a crucial role in his future.
