Chapter 7: Family Bonds and New Resolve


Dabi's journey back home was quieter than usual. The weight of the Fang-Bearer's defeat and the mysteries surrounding the egg rested heavily on his mind. But as he neared the small house on the outskirts of the town, the familiar light in the windows gave him a sense of comfort. His siblings, his last family, were waiting for him.

Opening the door, the smell of food greeted him. His younger brother and sister were sitting around the table, their eyes lighting up the moment they saw him. They rushed toward him, excitement radiating from their smiles.

"Dabi! You're back!" his brother exclaimed, running over. His sister followed closely, her eyes catching the glint of Dabi's new sword and the strange object he was carrying in his pack.

"You look different," his sister remarked, a mixture of curiosity and concern in her voice. "What happened out there today?"

Dabi set down his things and pulled out the egg, placing it gently on the table. The glowing surface of the egg seemed to pulse slightly under the dim light. Both siblings gasped in awe, leaning closer to examine it.

"Is that… an egg?" his sister asked, reaching out hesitantly.

"Yeah," Dabi said, sitting down. "I got it after defeating a boss monster. The system called it a mystery gift, but I have no idea what's inside. All it says is that its information is locked."

His brother placed his hand on the egg, marveling at its warmth. "Can we help? Maybe we can take care of it while you're out. It seems important."

Dabi paused for a moment. The idea of entrusting them with the egg felt right. They were his closest family, and having them help with this strange new responsibility would allow him to focus more on his own growth. He nodded slowly. "Alright, but be careful with it. We don't know when it'll hatch or what it will become."

Both of them beamed with excitement, already imagining what kind of creature might emerge from the mysterious egg. It gave them something to look forward to, something they could be a part of in Dabi's journey.

After they settled down, the three of them shared a simple meal together. They talked about their day, with Dabi keeping some of the more dangerous details to himself. It was moments like these that reminded him of why he had to keep pushing forward. His siblings were all he had left, and he would do anything to protect them.


The next day, Dabi resumed his hunts, venturing out into the nearby forest again. With the confidence and skills he had gained from defeating the Fang-Bearer, he fought through packs of low-tier monsters, refining his techniques with every battle.

Each encounter was a test of his newfound strength, and Dabi relished the challenge. His new gear made him faster, his strikes sharper, and his defense stronger. Yet, despite the improvements, he still felt the gap between him and the stronger hunters in the region. His stats were still lower than the average person his age, but he knew his mind would always be his greatest weapon.

After hours of intense fighting, a familiar notification blinked before his eyes:


System Notification:

Level Up! Dabi has reached Level 7.

6 Stat Points Available for Allocation.


Dabi took a moment to rest, reviewing his stats carefully. After reaching Level 6, his stats had been as follows:

Strength: 10

Dexterity: 9

Endurance: 10

Intelligence: 44

Memory: 45

Now, after defeating additional monsters and reaching Level 7, he had gained 6 additional stat points to allocate.


Dabi's Stats (After Level 7 Allocation):

Strength: 10 + 3 (new points) = 13

Dexterity: 9 + 1 (new point) = 10

Endurance: 10 + 2 (new points) = 12

Intelligence: 44 (remains unchanged)

Memory: 45 (remains unchanged)


With his new allocation, Dabi felt a surge of confidence. He knew the upcoming battles would be tougher, and he needed to balance his physical and mental strengths if he wanted to survive.

As he considered his options, he leaned back against a tree, his mind racing with thoughts.

"How can I level up faster?" he muttered to himself. The current pace wasn't enough. If he wanted to protect his siblings and uncover the truth about his parents, he needed a method that would propel his growth faster than anyone else. There had to be a secret to leveling up more efficiently—something hidden in the system or in the way the world worked.

His mind raced through the possible strategies, thinking of every battle he had fought, every system message he had received. He knew the answers were out there—he just had to find them.

With a deep breath, Dabi stood up, determination burning in his eyes. The path to power

lay ahead, and he wouldn't stop until he found the key to unlocking it.
