Chapter 18: Harnessing the Elements


The days turned into weeks as Dabi settled into a routine of training, missions, and caring for his siblings. Each morning, he would wake up early, eager to practice his combat skills and experiment with the elemental abilities that he had begun to unlock.

With his recent level-up to 17, Dabi had gained new insight into his elemental skills. He had always been fascinated by how elements could be manipulated, and now he felt ready to explore their potential more deeply.


System Notification: New Skill Discovered: Elemental Manipulation (Allows the user to enhance attacks with elemental attributes)


Dabi grinned at the notification. This skill opened up a world of possibilities. He recalled his previous battles, envisioning how he could combine his physical strength with elemental attacks.

Determined to test this new skill, Dabi decided to visit a secluded area in Darkwood Forest, a place where he often trained. It was quiet, with only the sound of rustling leaves and distant animal calls.

As he prepared for his training, he closed his eyes and focused on his elemental energy. He had always felt a connection to the elements, but now he needed to channel that energy effectively.

"Let's see what you can do," he whispered to himself.

Dabi visualized a fireball forming in his hand. Slowly, he concentrated, and to his amazement, a small flame flickered into existence. Excited, he took a step back and unleashed it toward a nearby tree. The fireball soared through the air before making contact, igniting a small patch of bark.

"Wow! That's incredible!" Dabi exclaimed, marveling at his creation. He felt a rush of power surging through him, motivating him to push further.

He spent the next few hours experimenting with different elements. He conjured gusts of wind to enhance his agility, sending him soaring into the air for powerful aerial strikes. He even tried using water to create slippery surfaces, making it harder for monsters to approach him during training.

With each attempt, Dabi grew more adept at combining his physical attacks with elemental forces. The possibilities were endless, and he was eager to explore how these skills could impact his future battles.


System Notification: Experience Gained: Level Up


Dabi felt a wave of energy as the familiar sensation of leveling up washed over him. He opened his status screen to see the results of his hard work.


New Level: 18

Stat Points Gained: 3


He smiled, feeling proud of his progress. He knew exactly where to allocate his new points.


New Stats: Strength: 30

Agility: 29 (+10 from the ring and +3 from level up)

Endurance: 31

Intelligence: 47

Mana: 26

Memory: 45


"More mana means I can use my elemental skills more freely," Dabi mused. He was excited at the thought of unleashing more powerful attacks, especially when facing tougher monsters in the future.

After finishing his training, Dabi returned home, eager to share his discoveries with Eli and Mira. They were waiting for him, their faces lighting up as he walked through the door.

"How was your training?" Mira asked, bouncing on her toes.

"Great! I discovered a new skill that lets me use elemental attacks!" Dabi replied, enthusiasm spilling from his words.

Eli's eyes widened in awe. "Like fireballs and stuff?"

"Exactly!" Dabi confirmed. "I can enhance my physical attacks with fire, wind, and even water! It's incredible!"

"Can you show us?" Mira begged, her curiosity piqued.

"Maybe later," Dabi said, glancing toward the corner where the second egg rested. "For now, let's focus on taking care of our new friend."

As they sat down for dinner, Dabi couldn't shake the excitement bubbling within him. With each level gained and each skill mastered, he was one step closer to being the protector he always wanted to be.

After dinner, the siblings gathered around the egg, discussing what it might hatch into. Their conversations were filled with dreams and aspirations for their new pet, fueling Dabi's determination to protect them and nurture their growing family.

As the evening came to a close, Dabi lay in bed, reflecting on the path ahead. He had faced challenges, but with newfound skills and the sup

port of his siblings, he was ready for whatever lay beyond the horizon.
