Chapter 19: The Hunt for Strength


The days continued to pass, and Dabi felt himself growing stronger with each training session and battle. He had settled into a rhythm that combined taking care of his siblings, honing his skills, and contemplating the mysteries of the second egg.

One afternoon, Dabi sat in the backyard, watching Eli and Mira play with Fen, their Fenrir pup. He smiled as he observed the bond growing between them. The sun cast a warm glow over the garden, and Dabi felt a wave of contentment wash over him. But beneath that contentment lay a restless energy, a need to challenge himself further.


System Notification: New Mission Available: Eliminate the Forest Guardian (Level 19 Boss Monster)


Dabi's eyes lit up at the notification. The Forest Guardian was a powerful beast, known to protect the depths of Darkwood Forest. Defeating it would not only earn him valuable experience but also prove that he was ready to face even greater challenges. The reward was enticing: 4,000 gold coins and a chance at a rare item.

He clenched his fists, excitement coursing through him. "This is it," he thought. "This mission could be the push I need to reach level 20."

Before leaving, Dabi gathered his siblings. "I have a new mission," he said, a determined look on his face. "I need to take down the Forest Guardian. I'll be gone for a few days, but I'll be careful."

Mira's eyes widened with concern. "Is it dangerous?"

"I'll be fine," Dabi reassured her, crouching down to meet her gaze. "I've grown stronger, and I have new skills to use. Just make sure to take care of Fen and the egg while I'm gone, okay?"

Eli nodded enthusiastically. "You can do it, Dabi! We believe in you!"

Dabi felt a rush of confidence at their encouragement. He hired a nanny to look after his siblings for the duration of his mission, ensuring they would be safe and cared for. After saying his goodbyes, he set out toward the depths of Darkwood Forest, determined to find the Forest Guardian.


As he ventured deeper into the forest, the atmosphere shifted. The air grew thick with magic, and shadows danced among the trees. Dabi remained alert, recalling everything he had learned about the forest's inhabitants. He moved quietly, using his Phantom Step skill to blend into the surroundings.

The sounds of the forest surrounded him: rustling leaves, distant animal calls, and the occasional snap of a twig underfoot. He navigated through dense underbrush, his heart racing with anticipation. He could sense that he was getting closer to the Guardian's lair.

Suddenly, a roar echoed through the trees, shaking the ground beneath him. Dabi's heart raced. "That must be it!" he thought, adrenaline coursing through him. He steeled himself, ready to face the challenge ahead.

As he approached a clearing, he finally saw the Forest Guardian: a massive beast resembling a lion, covered in shimmering emerald scales and surrounded by swirling vines. Its eyes glowed with a fierce intelligence, and Dabi could feel its power radiating from across the clearing.

Dabi inhaled deeply, recalling his training. "I can do this," he whispered. He activated his Elemental Manipulation skill, channeling fire into his fists, preparing for the fight.

The Forest Guardian charged at him with ferocious speed, its massive paws pounding the earth. Dabi dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the creature's claws. He countered with a flaming punch, hitting the Guardian on its flank. The fire erupted, but the Guardian roared defiantly, turning to face him.

Dabi fought with everything he had, utilizing his agility and endurance to evade the Guardian's powerful strikes. He combined his elemental skills with his physical prowess, striking fast and retreating quickly to avoid the beast's retaliatory blows.

After a fierce back-and-forth battle, Dabi began to find a rhythm. With each strike, he pushed himself further, drawing on his growing confidence and newfound skills. He weaved between attacks, using Phantom Step to vanish from sight and reappear for a surprise attack.


System Notification: Experience Gained: Level Up


Dabi felt a surge of power as he realized he had leveled up. "I can't stop now!" he thought, focusing his energy on the Guardian. With renewed determination, he unleashed a series of elemental attacks, blending fire and wind to create fiery tornadoes that disoriented the Guardian.

Finally, with one last burst of strength, Dabi delivered a devastating blow, sending the Forest Guardian crashing to the ground. The earth trembled as the beast let out a final roar before falling silent.

Panting and exhausted, Dabi surveyed the scene, a rush of adrenaline and triumph washing over him. He had done it—he had defeated the Forest Guardian.


System Notification: Mission Completed!

Reward: 4,000 Gold Coins, Rare Item: Elemental Stone (Enhances elemental abilities)


Breathing heavily, Dabi smiled in triumph. He had proven himself once again. As he caught his breath, he picked up the Elemental Stone, feeling its power resonating in his hands.


New Level: 19

Stat Points Gained: 3


He opened his status screen to see the results of his victory:


New Stats: Strength: 30

Agility: 29 (+10 from the ring)

Endurance: 31

Intelligence: 47

Mana: 30 (+4 from the level-up)

Memory: 45


With a grin, Dabi allocated his new stat points into Mana. His elemental abilities would only become stronger, allowing him to unleash more powerful attacks in the future.

"Let's head home," he said to himself, a sense of satisfaction filling him. He had faced the challenge and emerged victorious. With the Elemental Stone in his possession and his siblings waiting for him, Dabi felt ready for whatever came next.

As he made his way back, he could already envision the excited expressions on Eli an

d Mira's faces when he shared the story of his triumph and his newfound abilities.
