Chapter 29: The Final Challenge

A week had passed since Dabi had joined the rookie academy camp with the city guard. The training had pushed him to his limits, testing his skills and resilience. After four intense days of drills and exercises, he had reached a pivotal moment: the final boss fight against a notorious beast that had been threatening the outskirts of Eldoria.

The atmosphere at the training grounds was charged with excitement and anticipation. Dabi stood alongside his fellow recruits, their eyes locked onto the city guards as they outlined the plan for the upcoming battle.

"Listen closely," the commanding guard said, his voice steady and authoritative. "Today, we face the Blackthorn Beast, a creature that has terrorized our supply routes. You've all trained hard for this moment. Trust your skills, support each other, and remember your training."

Dabi felt his heart race with a mix of anxiety and excitement. He had trained for this moment, and now he was ready to prove himself. Alongside him, his teammates exchanged encouraging glances, all ready to take on the challenge together.


As they approached the designated area, the group noticed the darkened silhouette of the Blackthorn Beast lurking in the shadows of the trees. The creature was massive, with thick, thorny hide and glowing eyes that reflected the dim light. Its growl sent a shiver through Dabi, but he steeled himself.

"Now!" the guard shouted, and the team charged forward, battle cries echoing through the clearing.

Dabi tapped into his elemental master skills, conjuring swirling winds and bolts of lightning as he engaged the beast. He maneuvered swiftly, dodging the creature's powerful strikes and coordinating with his fellow recruits. They worked together, creating distractions and attacking from different angles, exploiting the beast's vulnerabilities.

With each hit, Dabi felt the surge of adrenaline coursing through him. He combined his skills with his teammates, executing combo attacks that he had practiced over the past week. As the battle raged on, Dabi's focus sharpened, and he found himself in a rhythm, dodging and striking with precision.


After a fierce battle, the Blackthorn Beast let out a final, earth-shattering roar before collapsing to the ground. The recruits cheered, their voices rising in triumph as the guards began to assess the situation.


System Notification: Mission Complete!

Experience Points Earned

Level Up!

New Level: 29

Unallocated Points: 28


Dabi could hardly contain his excitement. He had not only survived the mission but had also grown stronger in the process. As the adrenaline began to fade, he felt a sense of accomplishment wash over him. He had proven himself not only to the city guard but to himself as well.

As he returned home, the journey felt different. The familiar streets of Eldoria welcomed him back, but Dabi knew that the real test was just around the corner. With the entrance exams for the national academy admissions approaching, he had to prepare diligently.


A Week Later

The days flew by as Dabi focused on his preparations. He trained hard, refining his skills and ensuring he was ready for the challenges ahead. The thought of the entrance exams loomed over him, fueling his determination to succeed.

Finally, the night before the exams arrived. Dabi lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, his mind racing with thoughts about what lay ahead.

Tomorrow marks a new beginning, he thought. When I wake up, the admission test day will start.

With those thoughts, Dabi closed his eyes, letting the exhaustion of the past weeks wash over him, knowing he had prepared as best as he could. Tomorrow would be a day of opportunity, a chance to take the next step in his journey.

As sleep embraced him, Dabi dreamed of the academy, the friendships he would forge, and the challenges he would face, all while knowing he was ready to seize his destiny.
