Chapter 30: The Entrance Exam


The morning sun bathed Eldoria as Dabi stood at the door, ready to leave for his exam. His siblings, Mira and Eli, watched him with eager eyes.

"Good luck, Dabi," Mira said with warmth.

"You'll do great!" Eli added, brimming with confidence.

Dabi smiled at them and nodded. "Stay safe. I'll be back soon."

With that, he left, heading towards the national academy entrance exams. His heart pounded, knowing this was one of the most important days of his life.


At the academy, over 200,000 candidates gathered, each one determined to secure a spot. Among them were many noble-born, some boasting legendary classes and powerful families. Dabi noticed the air of superiority from them, but he was used to being underestimated.

"They don't know what I'm capable of," Dabi thought, focusing on the task ahead.


The first part of the exam was the Talent Test. Candidates placed their hands on a stone that glowed, measuring their talents. The legendary class candidates made the stone blaze with brilliant light, showcasing their incredible potential. When it was Dabi's turn, the stone glowed steadily. He was marked above average, but not enough to make waves.

Next came the Level and Stats Test, where everyone's current level and stats were examined. Dabi performed decently, but still fell short of the top tier candidates, most of whom had been nurtured by wealth and lineage.

"I'll make up for it in the combat test," he reassured himself.


Finally, the Combat Test began. Each candidate was assigned a monster based on their level. Dabi faced a mutated low-level creature, fast and vicious. But his combat experience, honed by training with his pets and through solo missions, paid off. He quickly dispatched the creature, leveling up to Level 30 in the process.


System Notification: Level Up! New Level: 30 New Skill Unlocked: Dimensional Rift (Space Control) Unallocated Stat Points: 10 Mana increased by 30


Just as Dabi began to relax, the ground trembled. A massive Mid-level Boss, a creature at Level 50, burst into the arena. The other candidates, many still struggling with their lower-level monsters, stared in shock. Fear rippled through the crowd.

But Dabi stood firm. He quickly realized that the boss's strength outmatched his current power. He needed to allocate his points—and fast.


System Notification: Unallocated Stat Points: 38

Dabi made his decisions swiftly:

Strength: +15 (New total: 48)

Endurance: +15 (New total: 49)

Agility: +5 (New total: 41 (+10 from the ring))

Memory: +3 (New total: 48)


Updated Stats:

Strength: 48

Agility: 41 (+10 from the ring)

Endurance: 49

Intelligence: 53

Mana: 135

Memory: 48


With his enhanced stats, Dabi activated his new skill, Dimensional Rift. The air around him shimmered as he created rifts in space, allowing him to slip through dimensions and avoid the boss's massive attacks. The rifts also amplified his speed, enabling him to strike swiftly and efficiently.

The boss, enraged by Dabi's evasiveness, roared as it tried to hit him, but Dabi was too fast. Using his rifts, Dabi attacked from unexpected angles, gradually wearing down the boss.

Finally, Dabi used a combination of his wind and lightning elements, channeling the energy through a rift to deliver a devastating strike. The blow hit the boss's weak spot, and with a final roar, the creature collapsed.


System Notification: Mission Complete! Reward: 5,000 Experience Points, 5,000 Gold Coins, and Skill Progression Dimensional Rift Leveled Up! New Skill Gained: Dimensional Storage (Space Storage)


Dabi stood victorious. The crowd, including the legendary class candidates, watched in awe. The boy they had dismissed as unremarkable had defeated a mid-level boss in front of their eyes, using an extraordinary space-control ability that few had ever witnessed.

Dabi felt the rush of victory and leveled up again, but this time there were no unallocated points left—he had used them all.


Dimensional Rift had leveled up, evolving into a more advanced skill, and Dabi unlocked a new ability: Dimensional Storage. This new skill allowed him to store objects in a pocket dimension, giving him access to items and weapons anytime, anywhere, with no weight or space restrictions.

Exhausted but satisfied, Dabi made his way back home, ready to prepare for the national academy admission. He knew the real challenge was only beginning, but now he had proven himself to everyone.

The final test day ended

, and as Dabi lay in bed, he thought to himself, "When I wake up, the real journey begins."
