Chapter 42: Allocating Power


As the dawn broke over Astral Heaven Academy, Dabi awoke with renewed determination. The events of the previous days weighed heavily on him, and he knew he needed to prepare for the challenges ahead. With his siblings at his side and his pets by his feet, he felt a surge of energy coursing through him, ready to tackle whatever lay ahead.


Stat Allocation

Dabi had recently reached level 40, which meant it was time to allocate the 25 stat points he had earned from his latest mission. He gathered with Eli and Mira at their dining table, a sense of excitement filling the air.

"I need to make some important choices about my abilities," Dabi explained. "These points will help me become stronger and more capable in battles."

"Can we help you decide?" Mira asked eagerly.

"Sure! I'm thinking about focusing on my strengths and improving my agility, too. We need to be prepared for whatever Kordath has planned," Dabi replied, furrowing his brow in thought.

He opened his status screen, reviewing his current stats before making his allocations:

Current Stats:

Level: 40

Strength: 58

Endurance: 56

Agility: 46 (+10 from the ring)

Memory: 51

Intelligence: 60

Mana: 350 (increased by 100 from leveling up)

Skill Level:

Elemental Mastery: Advanced

Space Control: Level 2

Storage: Level 2

Phantom Step: Level 3

Phantom Sword: Level 3

With determination in his heart, he decided on his allocations. He wanted to increase his combat prowess while also ensuring his agility was high enough to dodge enemy attacks.

Allocation Plan:

Strength: +5 (now 63)

Endurance: +5 (now 61)

Agility: +7 (now 53 (+10))

Memory: +3 (now 54)

Intelligence: +5 (now 65)


New Stats After Allocation:

Level: 40

Strength: 63

Endurance: 61

Agility: 53 (+10 from the ring)

Memory: 54

Intelligence: 65

Mana: 350


Training Session with Siblings

Once Dabi finalized his allocations, he felt an electrifying surge of power. He called his siblings to the training grounds, eager to test his newly enhanced abilities.

"Let's start with some drills," Dabi suggested. "I want to see how my new stats feel in action."

Mira nodded, her determination mirroring his. "I want to get stronger, too! We can practice together."

Eli grinned, brandishing his wooden sword. "I'll train hard to protect both of you!"

As they began their training, Dabi demonstrated new techniques, moving with greater speed and power. Each strike felt more impactful, and he relished the feeling of progress. His siblings mirrored his enthusiasm, honing their own skills and techniques under his guidance.


New Skills and Progress

After several hours of practice, Dabi decided it was time to test his skills against Fen and Whity in a friendly sparring match.

"Alright, Fen! Show me what you've got!" Dabi called, preparing for the match.

Fen dashed forward, utilizing Ice Fang and Phantom Howl, which Dabi dodged with his improved agility. He retaliated with Phantom Sword, landing a few strikes on Fen while keeping an eye on Whity.

"Great moves, Dabi!" Mira cheered from the sidelines. "You're really fast!"

"Thanks! But I can't let my guard down. Whity, your turn!" Dabi called, directing his attention to Whity, who was readying himself for an attack.

The friendly match turned into an exhilarating display of skill, agility, and teamwork, with each participant pushing themselves to their limits.


A New Resolve

After their intense training session, the trio collapsed onto the grassy field, panting and laughing. Dabi felt a deep sense of satisfaction. He knew they were growing stronger together, and with each passing day, they were one step closer to facing the unknown threat looming over them.

As they rested, Dabi's mind began to wander to the rumors he'd heard about Kordath. He knew that he and his friends had to be ready for whatever was coming. There was still much to learn, and he couldn't afford to let his guard down.

"Let's keep training every day," Dabi suggested, his voice filled with resolve. "We'll become unstoppable together."

Eli and Mira nodded in agreement, their expressions determined. With their bond growing stronger, they were ready to face whatever challenges awaited them.


Unseen Threats

As they continued their training, the shadows grew longer, and Kordath watched from a distance, his eyes narrowing at Dabi's progress. He knew the time to strike was drawing near, and with each passing day, Dabi's strength made him more of a threat to his plans.

"Let's see how you handle the real test, Dabi," Kordath murmured to himself, a sinister smile creeping across his face. "Your growth will only make your fall that much sweeter."

With that ominous thought hanging in the air, Dabi an

d his siblings remained blissfully unaware of the storm brewing on the horizon, preparing for the challenges that lay ahead.
