Chapter 43: Shadows of the Past


As the sun set over Astral Heaven Academy, Dabi and his siblings returned home after a rigorous training session. The air was thick with a sense of urgency, and Dabi couldn't shake the feeling that something significant was about to happen.


Uneasy Dreams

That night, Dabi fell into a restless sleep. Images of his parents haunted him in his dreams, their faces a blur against a backdrop of swirling darkness and flickering lights. He saw himself standing before a massive dimensional gate, its surface shimmering ominously.

"Dabi…" a voice echoed in the distance, familiar yet distant. "You must be strong. They are watching…"

Dabi jolted awake, heart racing, the remnants of the dream lingering in his mind. He glanced around the dimly lit room, the familiar sight of his siblings sleeping soundly beside him providing a small comfort. Yet the unease within him refused to fade.

"I need to find answers," he whispered to himself, determination hardening in his chest.


A Meeting with Zen

The next morning, Dabi decided to seek out his friend Zen. He needed someone to share his thoughts with, someone who understood the burdens of ambition and family ties. After breakfast, he made his way to Zen's dormitory, eager to discuss his dreams and the lingering tension he felt.

"Hey, Zen! You around?" Dabi called as he approached the door.

Zen opened the door, a sleepy smile stretching across his face. "Dabi! Good to see you, man. What's up?"

"Can we talk? I had a weird dream last night, and I feel like something's off," Dabi admitted, stepping inside.

Once seated, Dabi shared his dream and the sense of urgency that had enveloped him. Zen listened intently, nodding along. "It sounds like a warning. You've been through a lot, Dabi. Maybe it's time to dig deeper into your past and the dimensional gates."

"I think you're right. I need to learn more about my parents and what happened to them. But I also want to make sure Mira and Eli are safe," Dabi replied, his voice firm. "I want to make sure they're not dragged into whatever this is."


Planning Ahead

"Let's gather information," Zen suggested. "We could talk to the academy's elders or search through the archives. There might be something about your parents or the dimensional gate."

"Good idea. We can make a plan to investigate during our free time. But we also need to keep training; I want us all to be ready for whatever comes next," Dabi said, feeling a renewed sense of purpose.

The two friends spent the morning discussing strategies, jotting down ideas for their investigation and how to improve their skills. Dabi felt a flicker of hope; with Zen by his side, he could face whatever challenges lay ahead.


Shadows Lurking

Meanwhile, in the hidden corners of the academy, Kordath continued to plot his next move. He had been observing Dabi's progress, recognizing the threat that the young hero posed to his plans.

"Kordath, sir," a hooded figure approached, bowing respectfully. "What are your orders?"

"Keep an eye on Dabi and his siblings," Kordath instructed, his voice cold and calculating. "We cannot let them uncover the truth. If they grow stronger, they will interfere with my plans."

"Understood. We will ensure they remain distracted. But what of the tournament?" the figure asked.

"The tournament is a perfect opportunity to sow discord," Kordath replied, a sinister smile playing on his lips. "Let them think they're safe, but they'll soon realize that shadows lurk even in the brightest places."


A Surprise Encounter

Back at Dabi's home, he and Zen finished their planning and decided to take a stroll around the academy grounds. As they walked, they spotted Mira and Eli practicing their skills under the watchful eye of their caretaker.

"Looks like they're making progress," Dabi remarked, pride swelling in his chest.

Just then, a commotion drew their attention. A group of older students was gathered, a challenge issued for a sparring match. Dabi recognized a few of them from his previous encounters. Among them stood a tall, imposing figure, a smirk plastered on his face.

"Anyone brave enough to take me on?" the student taunted, eyeing the younger students with disdain.

Zen turned to Dabi, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "How about you show them what you've got?"

"Maybe… but I need to be careful. I don't want to attract unnecessary attention," Dabi replied, glancing at his siblings.

Just as he was about to decline, a familiar voice chimed in.

"Dabi! You should do it!" Mira called out, her enthusiasm infectious. "Show them what you can do!"

With encouragement from his siblings and Zen, Dabi felt the fire of determination rekindle within him. "Alright, I'll take on the challenge!"


The Match Begins

As Dabi stepped forward, the crowd began to gather. He felt the pressure of their gazes but also the support of his siblings.

The older student laughed, crossing his arms. "You think you can take me on, little boy?"

Dabi clenched his fists, adrenaline pumping through his veins. "I'm not just any little boy. I'm Dabi, and I've trained hard for this moment."

The match began, and Dabi quickly showcased his newfound abilities. He dodged attacks with agility and precision, his Phantom Step allowing him to move gracefully. As the duel progressed, he summoned his Phantom Sword, its ethereal glow illuminating the arena.

The older student was taken aback by Dabi's skills but quickly regained his composure. The match was intense, and Dabi found himself at the edge of his limits, pushing his abilities to the fullest.


Unforeseen Consequences

Just as Dabi prepared to deliver a final blow, a sudden surge of energy erupted from the crowd. Kordath, hidden among the spectators, had unleashed a wave of dark magic to disrupt the match.

Dabi stumbled, confusion filling his mind. "What was that?"

The crowd gasped, and chaos erupted. Students began to panic, and Kordath slipped away unnoticed, his sinister plan set in motion.

"Dabi! We need to get everyone to safety!" Zen shouted, snapping Dabi back to reality.

As Dabi glanced at his siblings, he realized that the shadows were closing in, and they had to confront the darkness threatening their newfound peace.


With the tournament looming and new dangers on the horizon, Dabi knew the tim

e for preparation was over. He would have to rally his friends and face whatever threats awaited them.
