Chapter 44: Into the Darkness


The chaos from the sudden wave of dark energy rippled through the academy grounds, throwing students into a frenzy. Dabi's heart raced as he instinctively moved to shield his siblings from the chaos erupting around them.

"Stay close to me!" Dabi called out, gripping Mira and Eli's hands tightly. He could sense their fear, but he refused to let it consume him. They had trained for moments like this, and now was the time to put that training to the test.


A Rallying Cry

As panic spread, Dabi turned to Zen. "We need to help calm everyone down and get them to safety. There might be more attacks coming."

"Right! Let's gather the others and make sure everyone is accounted for," Zen agreed, his expression serious. Together, they began moving through the crowd, shouting orders to their fellow students.

"Form a line! Head toward the main building! Stay together!" Dabi barked, his voice cutting through the noise. The urgency in his tone resonated with those around him, and students began to follow his lead.

As they worked to organize the crowd, Dabi felt a surge of confidence. He had faced formidable opponents and overcome great challenges, and now, he needed to show his strength in leadership.


A Tipping Point

Once most of the students had reached the main building, Dabi and Zen returned to the academy grounds, searching for any sign of Kordath or the source of the dark magic. The air felt thick with tension, a stark contrast to the earlier excitement of the tournament.

"Do you think Kordath is behind this?" Zen asked, scanning the area for any signs of danger.

"It wouldn't surprise me," Dabi replied, recalling the sinister presence he had sensed during their match. "He's been watching me, waiting for the right moment to strike. We have to find him before he can do any more damage."

Just then, a familiar voice interrupted their conversation. "You two seem deep in thought. What's going on?"

Dabi turned to see his classmates Kira and Remi approaching, their expressions a mix of concern and curiosity.

"There was an attack, and we need to find Kordath," Dabi explained, urgency creeping into his voice.

"Then we'll help you," Kira said, determination sparking in her eyes. "We're not going to let him get away with this."


The Hunt Begins

The four of them made their way through the academy grounds, searching for any clues that could lead them to Kordath. Dabi felt a surge of hope with his friends by his side; they had each faced their own challenges, and together, they were stronger.

As they navigated the familiar halls, they stumbled upon an abandoned classroom. The door creaked open, revealing a darkened room filled with dust and debris.

"Maybe we should check in here," Remi suggested, stepping cautiously inside. The others followed, their instincts telling them that something significant lay hidden within.

Inside the classroom, they found an ancient tome lying on a desk, its pages yellowed with age. Dabi picked it up, feeling a strange energy emanating from it.

"What is it?" Kira asked, peering over Dabi's shoulder.

"It looks like a journal," Dabi replied, flipping through the pages. As he read, his eyes widened in shock. "This is a record of Kordath's experiments with dark magic and dimensional gates. He's been trying to harness the energy of the gates for his own purposes!"

"That's dangerous!" Zen exclaimed. "He could tear open a gate at any moment!"

"We have to stop him before he does anything irreversible," Dabi stated firmly. "We need to rally more students and put a plan into action."


Gathering Allies

Emerging from the classroom, Dabi and his friends hurried to the main building, where students were still gathered. He climbed onto a nearby bench to get everyone's attention.

"Everyone, listen!" Dabi shouted, his voice steady despite the chaos. "We've discovered that Kordath is behind the dark magic attack! He's trying to manipulate the dimensional gates for his own gain, and we need to stop him!"

Murmurs of concern rippled through the crowd, but Dabi pressed on. "I need all of you to help me defend the academy. We can't let Kordath endanger our home and our families. Together, we are stronger!"

The students exchanged glances, nodding as determination filled the air. One by one, they began to step forward, ready to join Dabi in the fight against Kordath.


The Calm Before the Storm

As the group gathered, Dabi felt a sense of unity among them. He had always fought for his family and friends, but now, they were all fighting for one another.

"Alright, here's the plan," Dabi began, outlining their strategy. "We'll split into teams to search the academy and surrounding areas for Kordath. If anyone finds him, signal us immediately."

Dabi looked at Zen, Kira, and Remi, feeling the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. "We'll be the first team. Stay close and watch each other's backs."

"Got it!" Zen replied, clenching his fists.

"Let's do this!" Kira added, determination lighting her eyes.

As the teams dispersed, Dabi felt a fire ignite within him. He had faced challenges alone before, but this time he had allies, friends willing to fight alongside him.


The Encounter

The search led them to the outskirts of the academy, where the forest loomed ominously. The trees whispered secrets, and shadows danced between the branches.

"Stay alert," Dabi warned, feeling a sense of foreboding. "Kordath could be hiding anywhere."

Suddenly, a flicker of movement caught his eye. "Over there!" Dabi pointed toward the trees, and they all moved cautiously toward the source.

As they approached, they found Kordath standing at the edge of a clearing, dark energy swirling around him like a storm. He looked up, a cruel smile spreading across his face.

"Ah, Dabi. I was wondering when you'd come to play," Kordath taunted, his voice dripping with malice.

"Stop this, Kordath! You can't control the dimensional gates!" Dabi shouted, stepping forward.

Kordath laughed, the sound echoing through the trees. "Control? I am beyond control, boy. I am the harbinger of chaos!"


A Battle Unfolds

With a wave of his hand, Kordath unleashed a torrent of dark energy, sending a shockwave through the clearing. Dabi instinctively raised his arms, conjuring a barrier with his Space Control to shield himself and his friends.

"Now!" Dabi shouted, urging his friends to attack.

Zen charged forward, channeling his own skills as he launched a flurry of energy blasts toward Kordath. Kira and Remi flanked him, combining their powers to create a dazzling display of elemental attacks.

But Kordath was ready. With a flick of his wrist, he deflected their attacks, the dark energy swirling around him like a protective shield.

"Is that all you've got?" he mocked, his eyes gleaming with madness.

Dabi felt a surge of anger, pushing through the fear that threatened to engulf him. "No! We won't let you win!"

Gathering his focus, Dabi called upon his skills. "Phantom Step!"

With a burst of speed, he dashed toward Kordath, dodging the dark energy blasts aimed at him. In one fluid motion, he activated Phantom Sword, its blade glowing with ethereal light as he swung it at Kordath.


A Turning Point

Kordath's expression twisted with surprise, but he quickly regained his composure, launching a counterattack. The two clashed in a fierce battle, energy crackling around them as their powers collided.

"Your strength is impressive, Dabi, but you're still a child playing with fire," Kordath sneered, pushing Dabi back with a wave of dark magic.

Dabi gritted his teeth, refusing to back down. "I'm not just a child. I'm a protector of my family and friends, and I won't let you destroy what we've built!"

With renewed determination, Dabi focused on his memories of his siblings, their laughter and strength inspiring him. He drew on his Elemental Mastery, conjuring a wave of energy that surged toward Kordath.

"Feel the power of my conviction!" Dabi shouted, channeling all of his emotions into the attack.

The energy struck Kordath, sending him stumbling back. Dabi seized the moment, pressing his advantage. He unleashed a series of rapid strikes, each one fueled by his desire to protect his loved ones.


The Final Clash

As the battle raged on, Kordath's dark energy began to flicker, his confidence faltering. "You… you're stronger than I expected," he spat, anger seeping into his voice.

"This ends now!" Dabi declared, summoning all his remaining strength. He focused on the dark energy surrounding Kordath, tapping into his Space Control to manipulate it.

With one final push, Dabi channeled everything he had into a devastating attack. "Phantom Burst!"

A brilliant light erupted from Dabi's attack, engulfing Kordath in a

whirlwind of energy. The dark sorcerer's expression twisted with disbelief as the power overwhelmed him, dissipating the darkness around him.
