Chapter 45: Into the Darkness (Continued)


As the dust settled, Dabi stood panting, his friends surrounding him. The clearing was silent except for their heavy breathing, and the weight of victory slowly sank in. Kordath lay defeated on the ground, the dark energy that had once surrounded him dissipating like smoke in the wind.

Dabi felt a surge of triumph but also a deep weariness. He had fought hard, and the battle had taken its toll on him. Suddenly, a familiar sound echoed in his mind—a series of notifications from the system.


System Notifications

Ding! You have successfully defeated Kordath, the Dark Sorcerer!

Ding! You have gained 5 levels for your remarkable performance in battle!

Ding! You have reached Level 45!

Ding! Your Storage skill has leveled up to Level 3!

Ding! You have received 25 Stat Points for your achievements.


Dabi's heart raced at the flood of notifications. Level 45! He could hardly believe it. The thought of unlocking new skills and abilities filled him with excitement. The details of his victories and growth played out in his mind, and he took a moment to absorb the information before focusing on his next steps.


The Aftermath

Zen, Kira, and Remi approached him, their expressions a mix of disbelief and admiration. "We did it!" Kira exclaimed, a bright smile breaking through the tension. "You were incredible, Dabi!"

"Yeah, you really showed him what we're made of," Zen added, clapping Dabi on the back.

Dabi felt a swell of pride at their praise, but he couldn't shake the lingering anxiety. "We need to make sure Kordath doesn't come back," he said, glancing down at the fallen sorcerer. "We should bind him or something to ensure he can't escape."

"I can help with that," Remi offered, her eyes determined. She began gathering vines from nearby trees, her natural affinity for plants aiding her in crafting restraints.

As Remi worked, Dabi opened his system interface, eager to allocate his new stat points.


Stat Allocation

Current Level: 45

Stat Points Available: 25

Strength: 63

Endurance: 61

Agility: 53

Intelligence: 65

Memory: 54

Mana: 350


Strength: +10 (now 73)

Endurance: +7 (now 68)

Agility: +5 (now 58)

Intelligence: +3 (now 68)

Memory: +0 (remains 54)

Mana: +100 (now 450)

Total Stat Points Allocated: 25


Dabi felt a surge of power as he allocated his points. His strength and intelligence had increased significantly, making him an even more formidable opponent. Satisfied with his choices, he closed the interface, ready to focus on the aftermath of the battle.


The Ties That Bind

As Remi finished binding Kordath, the group gathered around him, each member processing the events in their own way.

"Do you think he had any allies?" Zen asked, concern etched on his face.

"I don't know," Dabi replied, his expression thoughtful. "But we should stay vigilant. If he was working with someone, they might come looking for him."

"Let's take him back to the academy," Kira suggested, her eyes narrowing. "We can inform the headmaster and make sure he's locked up."

"Agreed," Dabi said, feeling a sense of purpose. They couldn't let this victory go to waste. They had to ensure the safety of their academy and the people they cared about.

With Kordath securely bound, they set off toward Astral Heaven Academy, their hearts lighter with the knowledge that they had triumphed over darkness. As they walked, Dabi felt a renewed sense of camaraderie with his friends, the bond between them strengthened by the shared experience of battle.


Back at the Academy

Upon arriving at the academy, they were met with a mixture of cheers and concern. Students crowded around, eager to hear about the battle, their admiration for Dabi and his friends evident.

Dabi explained the situation to the gathered students, sharing the details of the fight and their victory over Kordath. The atmosphere shifted from fear to relief as they realized that they were safe.

When they reached the headmaster's office, Raghnall Ferrin was waiting for them, his expression stern but relieved. "I heard about the attack," he said, glancing at Kordath. "Well done, Dabi. You've proven yourself a capable leader."

"Thank you, Headmaster," Dabi replied, feeling a swell of pride.

"We will ensure that Kordath is dealt with appropriately," Raghnall continued. "You and your friends should take the time to rest. You've earned it."


Reflections and New Beginnings

Later that evening, as Dabi sat with Mira and Eli at home, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered after the battle. They were safe for now, but he knew that darkness could return.

"Mira, Eli, I want you both to promise me something," Dabi said, his voice serious. "Always stay close to me, no matter what happens. I want to protect you."

"I promise, Dabi!" Mira said, her eyes wide with determination.

"Me too!" Eli added, enthusiasm shining in his gaze.

As they spoke, Dabi felt a sense of hope. They would face whatever challenges lay ahead together. The bond between them was unbreakable, and with each battle, they would grow stronger.

In the days that followed, Dabi focused on his training, honing his skills and preparing for whatever came next. He knew that the tournament had only been the beginning. New challenges awaited him, and he was ready to face them head-on.

With his siblings by his side and his friends supporting him, Dabi felt invincible. The world was v

ast and full of potential, and he would explore every corner, driven by the desire to protect those he loved.
