Chapter 49: Into the Shadows - Part 1


The academy grounds were peaceful under the late afternoon sun, but inside Dabi's mind, a storm of thoughts brewed. The system's sudden notification of his Level 50 milestone had come with an unexpected mission: clearing a mid-level dimensional gate known as the Cavern of Eternal Shadows. He knew this mission would be no ordinary challenge. It would take time, effort, and careful planning.

But before he could step into the dimensional gate, there were things to take care of. His siblings, Eli and Mira, were too young to fully understand the dangers Dabi constantly faced, and he wanted to ensure they would be safe during his absence.


Preparations Begin

The first step was securing things at home. Dabi had recently entrusted the care of his siblings to a nanny, a kind woman named Sera, who had been recommended by Headmaster Raghnall Ferrin. She was efficient and attentive, someone Dabi had come to trust over the past few weeks.

As he packed his gear and checked his potions, Dabi made his way to the small house he had secured for Eli and Mira. Inside, Sera was sitting with the two children, guiding them through their studies. Both siblings looked up as Dabi entered.

"Big brother!" Mira called, running up to him with excitement. "Are you going on another adventure?"

Dabi smiled, ruffling her hair. "Yeah, Mira. But this one might take a few days."

Eli, more reserved, simply nodded from his spot at the table. "Be careful, Dabi," he said in a serious tone that reminded Dabi of their father.

Dabi knelt down to their level, looking both of them in the eyes. "While I'm gone, I need you both to listen to Sera. She'll take care of you, and if anything happens, I want you to use the emergency talisman I gave you."

Sera approached, her expression calm but reassuring. "Don't worry, Dabi. They'll be safe with me. I'll make sure they stay out of trouble."

Dabi nodded, grateful. "Thank you, Sera. I'm counting on you."

After sharing a meal with them, Dabi gave one last hug to each of his siblings. Eli and Mira promised to behave, and with a final wave, Dabi left the house, feeling a mix of excitement and concern. He knew he had to trust Sera, but the thought of being away for an extended period always weighed heavily on him.


The Gate Awaits

As Dabi returned to the academy's main grounds, he checked his equipment one last time. His upgraded leather chestplate, the gauntlets, and his potions were all in place. The portal to the Cavern of Eternal Shadows still swirled ominously, waiting for him.

Before stepping into the gate, Dabi glanced at his current stats:


Dabi's Current Stats (Level 49):

Strength: 73

Agility: 70 (+10 from the ring)

Endurance: 68

Intelligence: 68

Mana: 450

Memory: 54


He had learned to always approach new challenges with caution, and with a deep breath, Dabi stepped through the portal, vanishing into the unknown.


The Cavern of Eternal Shadows

The world shifted around him, and Dabi found himself standing at the entrance to the Cavern of Eternal Shadows. The air was thick with oppressive energy, and the darkness seemed to stretch endlessly before him.

Dabi activated his space control and prepared his elemental spells, knowing that the creatures inside this gate would test every skill he had. He gripped his sword tightly and ventured into the cavern.

The first day of battle was a test of endurance. Shadow beasts and wraith-like creatures attacked from all sides, but Dabi's agility allowed him to evade their swift, deadly strikes. His elemental mastery proved invaluable, as he used fire and lightning to illuminate the dark cave and strike at enemies lurking in the shadows.

By the end of the first day, Dabi was exhausted but determined. He found a small alcove where he could rest and replenish his mana using potions. There were no moments of true rest, however. The shadows moved constantly, and Dabi had to stay alert.


Day Two: Unyielding Darkness

The second day was even more brutal. As Dabi ventured deeper into the cavern, the enemies became more powerful and aggressive. Shadow warriors, clad in dark armor and wielding cursed weapons, stood in his path. Their attacks were relentless, and Dabi had to use every trick he knew to defeat them.

His agility and space control allowed him to stay ahead of their strikes, but the longer the battle went on, the more taxing it became on his stamina.


System Notification

Warning! Shadow Behemoth Detected.



A hulking figure emerged from the shadows, its massive frame barely fitting within the confines of the cave. The Shadow Behemoth let out a terrifying roar, shaking the ground as it charged at Dabi.

Dabi quickly summoned a thunder strike, sending a bolt of lightning crashing into the creature's hide. The Behemoth staggered but didn't fall. It swung its massive arm, and Dabi barely managed to dodge in time.

The battle raged on for hours. Dabi used his quick reflexes to chip away at the Behemoth's defenses, but the creature's resilience was unlike anything he had ever faced before. Only by combining his elemental powers with well-timed strikes was he able to finally bring the monster down.

As the Behemoth fell, Dabi collapsed against a cave wall, breathing heavily. He had survived another day, but the mission was far from over.


Day Four: The Wraith Lord

By the fourth day, Dabi had cleared most of the cavern, but he knew the final challenge was still ahead. Deep within the cave, he could sense the presence of something powerful—something ancient.

It wasn't until the end of the fourth day that he encountered it.


System Notification

Warning! Boss Creature Detected: Wraith Lord of the Shadows


The Wraith Lord appeared, a towering figure wrapped in shifting darkness. Its violet eyes glowed with malice, and

its presence seemed to drain the light from the cavern itself. This creature would be the true test.
