Chapter 50: The Shadow's Fall - Part 2


The Wraith Lord's towering figure loomed over Dabi, the swirling shadows around it creating an aura of suffocating dread. Its violet eyes gleamed with a malevolent intelligence, studying Dabi as if weighing his worth.

System Notification: Wraith Lord Detected.

Boss Creature: Mid-Level Dimensional Gate.


The Final Battle Begins

Dabi felt his muscles tense as the Wraith Lord raised its long, shadowy blade. Without hesitation, he darted forward, using his space control ability to close the distance in a blink. His sword clashed with the Wraith Lord's blade, sending a shockwave of energy rippling through the cavern.

"This thing… is on a different level," Dabi muttered under his breath, narrowly dodging a horizontal slash that could have severed him in two.

The battle raged on. The Wraith Lord moved with surprising speed for its size, each swing of its blade crackling with dark energy. Dabi countered with a barrage of elemental attacks, lightning sparking from his fingertips, followed by a surge of flame to push back the darkness.

But no matter how many times Dabi struck, the Wraith Lord seemed to regenerate, its body reforming from the shadows as if it were made of pure darkness.


Day Six: Battle of Attrition

By the sixth day, Dabi had learned that raw power alone wasn't enough to defeat the Wraith Lord. The key lay in endurance and strategy. Every time the Wraith Lord's form reappeared, Dabi would focus his attacks on its weak points—the glowing violet eyes and the core of its shadowy form.

"You're regenerating… but I'm getting faster," Dabi thought, sweat pouring down his face. His agility and endurance were pushed to their limits, each strike of his sword draining his stamina.

Finally, on the sixth day, Dabi saw his opening. After hours of continuous battle, he summoned his remaining mana to fuel one last devastating spell: Thunderstorm Convergence. Dark clouds formed above, and bolts of concentrated lightning rained down onto the Wraith Lord, striking it repeatedly.

The Wraith Lord howled, its shadowy form flickering as the lightning pierced through its defenses. Dabi, seizing the moment, dashed forward with a final strike, plunging his sword into the Wraith Lord's core.


System Notification: Boss Defeated.

Mission Complete!

Level Up: You have reached Level 50.


The Wraith Lord's form disintegrated into shadows, leaving behind a faint, glowing essence. Dabi collapsed to one knee, breathing heavily. The battle had taken everything out of him—his mana reserves were almost depleted, and his body was aching all over. But the mission was complete.

As he caught his breath, a golden light appeared before him, accompanied by a familiar system notification.


System Notification: Reward for Level 50 Mission – 10,000 Gold Coins and a Mystery Gift.

Inventory Updated.


Dabi's exhaustion began to fade as the adrenaline slowly subsided. His thoughts shifted from the victory to his condition. Despite having defeated the Wraith Lord, he realized that his strength was far lower than what he needed to face future threats.

He stared at his sword, noticing how heavy it felt in his hands. "I need more strength," Dabi muttered, making a decision.


Stat Allocation

With his recent level-up, Dabi had earned new points to distribute. His body still felt the strain of the battle, and he knew that relying solely on his agility and mana wasn't enough anymore. He needed raw power to withstand tougher enemies in the future.


Current Stats (Level 50)

Strength: 73

Agility: 70 (+10 from the ring)

Endurance: 68

Intelligence: 68

Mana: 450

Memory: 54


He decided to allocate 10 points to Strength, boosting it from 73 to 83. Additionally, reaching Level 50 had granted him 100 extra mana, bringing his total mana to 550.


Dabi's New Stats (Post Level 50 Allocation)

Strength: 83

Agility: 70 (+10 from the ring)

Endurance: 68

Intelligence: 68

Mana: 550

Memory: 54


As Dabi stood up, feeling the newfound strength coursing through his body, the golden light from the mystery gift intensified. From the light emerged a small, intricately carved box. Dabi's heart raced as he opened it.

Inside was an egg, unlike any he had ever seen. The shell shimmered with faint, otherworldly colors, as if it were reflecting different dimensions. A faint aura emanated from the egg, filling Dabi with a strange sense of anticipation.


System Notification: Mystery Gift – Dimensional Egg Acquired.

The egg contains a creature of unknown origin. It will hatch when certain conditions are met.


As Dabi looked at the egg, his thoughts wandered to his two companions. Fen, his baby Fenrir, had become a reliable ally during their adventures, showcasing incredible potential even at such a young age. Alongside Fen, there was Whity, the curious and playful creature that Dabi got from 2nd egg. Whity's intelligence and mischievous spirit had endeared him to Dabi, often finding ways to assist during missions, no matter how chaotic.

"I can't wait to see what this new companion will be like," Dabi thought, imagining how this mysterious egg might add to his growing team. The bond between them would only deepen, and he hoped that this creature would join Fen and Whity in their quest to uncover the truth behind his parents and the dimensional gates.

With the mission completed and the egg secured, Dabi made his way out of the cavern, his thoughts focused on the future. He had grown stronger, both physically and mentally, but he knew that the challenges ahead would only get harder.

As he exited the gate, the familiar scenery of Astral Heav

en Academy greeted him. Exhausted, but victorious, Dabi knew this was only the beginning of something greater.
