Chapter 67: The Beginning of the Second Semester


The second semester had begun, and Dabi, now rested and more focused, walked into the academy grounds with renewed energy. After his time in the dimensional gate, his skills were sharper, and his stats had improved, giving him a deeper sense of confidence. He had also formed a contract with the last survivor of the Dimension Caretakers, and though she was recovering at his home, Dabi couldn't shake the feeling that her existence would soon bring significant changes in his life.

Today, however, his focus was back on the academy. As he stepped into the familiar halls, Professor Miran summoned him to the office.

"Dabi, I have a task for you," Professor Miran said, seated behind a mountain of papers.

Dabi stood in front of the desk, awaiting instructions.

"In a few days, some nobles and wealthy students will be coming for a special test. They help the academy meet its annual budget. Your role is to help manage the situation by overseeing their arrival and making sure everything goes smoothly."

Dabi's face remained neutral, but inwardly, he felt a wave of unease. Nobles. He wasn't fond of dealing with them, especially after his previous encounters. His conflict with Reniel Vantore still lingered in his memory. However, he understood the importance of maintaining the academy's reputation, so he nodded.

"Understood, Professor," Dabi replied, already bracing himself for what lay ahead.

As he left the office, he spotted Zen waiting for him in the courtyard. Zen, his long-time friend and training partner, was lounging under the shade of a tree, looking as casual as ever. Upon seeing Dabi, Zen stood up and approached him with a grin.

"So, what's the mission this time? Fighting another boss? Or are we going to hunt down some rare monsters?" Zen asked, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Dabi shook his head. "No, nothing exciting like that. I've been tasked with helping the academy manage some incoming nobles and wealthy students for a special test."

Zen's smile faded slightly, and he groaned. "Nobles, huh? That sounds... unpleasant. You're going to be surrounded by a bunch of snobby kids who think they own the place."

Dabi smirked. "Yeah, tell me about it. But it's an order, so I'll manage."

Zen sighed and shook his head. "Well, if you need backup, you know where to find me. I'm not letting you face those vultures alone."

Dabi chuckled. "I appreciate it. But let's hope it won't be too much of a problem."

As they continued walking, another familiar voice called out from behind them. "Hey, Dabi! Zen!"

It was Elena, one of their classmates who had joined their group during the first semester. She was a talented mage specializing in elemental magic, and her fiery personality matched her combat style. She jogged up to them with a cheerful smile, her reddish-brown hair bouncing as she moved.

"What's up?" she asked, falling in step beside them.

"Dabi here has been assigned the oh-so-fun task of dealing with the new batch of noble kids," Zen replied with a smirk.

Elena raised an eyebrow. "Nobles? Well, that sounds like a drag. Are they as arrogant as the rumors say?"

"Probably worse," Dabi muttered.

Elena rolled her eyes. "Great. Just what we need—more stuck-up brats walking around like they own the academy. You'd think their families' money would buy them some humility, but no."

Zen laughed. "Humility? With nobles? That's a foreign concept to them."

They continued chatting, discussing their training schedules and how they had each grown since the first semester. The trio reminisced about their past missions, including Dabi's recent encounters in the dimensional gate. Zen, as usual, seemed eager to dive back into more battles, while Elena voiced her concerns about the ever-growing challenges they would face as they leveled up.

"I wonder how much more intense the academy will get this semester," Elena mused. "I heard we're supposed to take on even more dangerous missions."

"Wouldn't surprise me," Dabi said. "We've already seen things most students haven't. But that's the point, right? To push us beyond our limits."

Zen smirked. "Well, bring it on. I'm ready."

As the day went on, they spent time in the training grounds, honing their skills. Dabi practiced his precision with his dimensional control and phantom steps, while Zen worked on refining his sword techniques. Elena focused on combining different elemental spells, creating complex magic that impressed even the instructors.

As the sun began to set, the trio gathered by the academy gates, reflecting on how much had changed since their first day at Astral Haven.

"Seems like we're all growing," Zen remarked, his eyes scanning the horizon. "But you, Dabi... you've really changed. Stronger, smarter. You're not the same guy who walked through these gates in the first semester."

Dabi glanced at his friends, a faint smile on his face. "Neither are you two. We've all grown. And we'll need every bit of that growth for whatever comes next."

With that, they left the academy grounds, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them in the new semester.
