Chapter 68: The Arrival of the Noble Students


The morning sun cast a soft glow over the academy grounds as Dabi stood at the gates, awaiting the arrival of the nobles and wealthy students. His job today was simple yet tedious: oversee the entrance exam and ensure everything went smoothly. He had been briefed on the details—thirty students were set to arrive, each one from a powerful family that contributed to the academy's budget.

Dabi sighed. He wasn't particularly thrilled about the task, but it had to be done. Beside him stood Zen and Elena, both looking mildly interested in the upcoming events.

"Thirty of them, huh? That's a lot," Zen remarked, leaning against the gate, arms crossed. "Are we supposed to babysit them or something?"

Dabi smirked. "No babysitting. Just making sure they don't break anything—or anyone."

Elena glanced at the list of names Dabi had received from Professor Miran earlier that morning. "So, what's the plan? We're supposed to test them, right?"

Dabi nodded. "Yeah. They're going to be divided into groups of fifteen. You and Zen are going to be their opponents in a three-minute sparring session. The teachers will be observing and grading their performance."

Zen's eyes lit up with excitement. "Oh, this might be fun after all. I'll get to see what these so-called nobles are made of."

Elena, on the other hand, looked more skeptical. "Let's just hope they can put up a fight and aren't all talk."

As they stood there, a line of luxurious carriages began arriving one after another, each emblazoned with the crest of a noble family. The students stepped out, dressed in fine robes and armor, looking confident, if not slightly arrogant. Dabi scanned the group, already recognizing the air of superiority that hung around them.

Once all thirty students had gathered, Dabi stepped forward, his voice calm but commanding. "Welcome to Astral Haven Academy. My name is Dabi, and I'll be overseeing your exam today. Behind me are Zen and Elena, two of my fellow students, and they'll be your opponents during the sparring session."

The nobles exchanged glances, some looking unimpressed, while others whispered among themselves. Dabi paid no mind to their reactions and continued. "You'll be divided into two groups of fifteen. Each group will take turns sparring with Zen or Elena. The fight will last three minutes. Your performance will be graded by the teachers observing from the stands."

He gestured toward the training grounds, where several academy instructors sat, ready to evaluate the noble students' abilities. Dabi could see some of the nobles sizing up Zen and Elena, likely underestimating them based on their casual demeanor.

"Any questions?" Dabi asked.

A tall boy with sharp features and expensive-looking armor stepped forward. His face bore the mark of a prestigious family, and he spoke with a tone that dripped with arrogance. "I'm not sure why we need to fight students like you. We should be facing the real instructors, don't you think?"

Dabi didn't react to the challenge in his voice. Instead, he gave the boy a neutral stare. "If you think you're ready to take on the instructors, feel free to prove it here first."

The boy smirked but said nothing further. Dabi split the group as instructed, directing one group to Zen and the other to Elena. As the first group approached the sparring ring, Zen stretched his arms, a grin spreading across his face.

"This is going to be interesting," Zen muttered under his breath as the first group of students entered the ring.

"Three minutes on the clock. Begin!" Dabi called out.

The nobles moved with speed and precision, clearly well-trained, but Zen was faster. He weaved between their attacks, his sword flashing in quick, controlled movements. He parried blows, using his agility to dodge and counter effortlessly. It was clear that Zen wasn't going all out, but even with his restrained power, the students struggled to land a hit.

As the first three minutes ended, the students were breathing heavily, some of them looking frustrated at their inability to corner Zen. Dabi observed from the sidelines, his keen eyes noting how each student performed under pressure.

Next, it was Elena's turn. She faced the second group with her characteristic calm and focus. As soon as the match began, she summoned fire and wind magic, creating a whirlwind of flames that forced the students to work together to break through. Despite their coordination, Elena held them off easily, her control over her elemental magic impeccable.

After another three minutes, the group was exhausted, many of them sweating profusely from both the exertion and the heat of Elena's fire magic. Elena, meanwhile, looked as composed as ever.

Dabi signaled the end of the sparring session and called the groups to attention. "That's it for the first round. The teachers will now review your performance. Take a moment to rest while we prepare for the next round."

The nobles gathered in small groups, talking amongst themselves. Some were clearly impressed with Zen and Elena's abilities, while others tried to downplay their loss.

Zen walked over to Dabi, wiping sweat from his forehead. "Not bad for a warm-up. But honestly, I expected more from them."

Elena nodded. "They're strong, but they lack practical experience. They rely too much on their training and not enough on adapting to the situation."

Dabi agreed. "That's typical for nobles. They train in controlled environments, but when it comes to real combat, they're out of their depth."

As they waited for the teachers to give their evaluations, Dabi glanced over at the group of students. This was only the beginning of the test, and he had a feeling the rest of the day would be just as eventful.
