Chapter 69: A Second Chance


As the sun began to set, the final test concluded. Dabi watched as the noble students gathered around, their expressions a mix of relief and anticipation. The teachers were huddled together, discussing the students' performances. It had been a long day, and the students were clearly exhausted, but the real test hadn't even started yet.

After several minutes, one of the teachers, Professor Miran, stepped forward, addressing the group with a firm but measured tone.

"Congratulations to all of you," she began. "You've successfully completed this portion of the exam. Based on your performance, you will all be enrolled in Astral Haven Academy."

The noble students murmured among themselves, some smiling with satisfaction, while others remained more reserved, unsure of what was to come. Dabi crossed his arms, observing the group. This wasn't the usual route into the academy, and he knew many of these students had failed the regular admission process for various reasons.

"But," Professor Miran continued, her voice cutting through the chatter, "enrollment into the academy comes with certain responsibilities. As you may already know, every student must have a record of clearing at least one dimension gate. For many of you, that will be the next step."

Dabi raised an eyebrow. He hadn't been briefed on this part of the process. It seemed the academy was putting a lot of trust in him to guide these students through something as dangerous as a dimension gate. He glanced over at Zen and Elena, both of whom looked equally curious about how this would unfold.

Professor Miran continued, "Some of you may have awakened late, while others may have abilities that are not suited for direct combat. Some of you failed the entrance exam for various reasons. Regardless of the circumstances, you are now being given a second chance to prove your worth. But make no mistake, this is not an easy path. You will be entering a dimension gate under the guidance of Dabi."

At the mention of his name, all eyes turned to Dabi. He stood straight, his expression calm and unreadable, though inside, he felt the weight of responsibility settling on his shoulders.

Professor Miran nodded toward Dabi. "He will be your guide. His task is to ensure you return safely, but make no mistake—your success or failure in clearing the gate will be your own."

The nobles exchanged nervous glances. While some seemed eager for the challenge, others were visibly anxious. Dabi could tell that, despite their training and wealth, many of them were unprepared for the dangers that lay beyond the dimension gates.

Zen leaned over to Dabi and whispered, "Looks like you've got a babysitting job after all."

Dabi smirked but didn't reply. His mind was already racing, thinking about how to handle this new task. These students had failed for a reason, and leading them through a dimension gate was no small feat. It required coordination, battle readiness, and, above all, survival skills.

Professor Miran gave Dabi a small nod of acknowledgment before addressing the students one last time. "You will have a few days to prepare before entering the gate. Use that time wisely. Make sure your equipment is in order, your spells are prepared, and your minds are focused. Failure is not an option."

With that, she dismissed the group, and the students began to disperse, talking among themselves, some already making plans on how to prepare. Dabi remained where he stood, deep in thought. He knew the responsibility that had just been placed on him wasn't just about guiding them—it was about ensuring they survived.

Zen clapped a hand on Dabi's shoulder, pulling him from his thoughts. "Looks like you've got your work cut out for you. Think they'll make it?"

Dabi sighed. "It's not about if they make it—it's about how many of them don't."

Elena approached, her usual calm expression in place. "Dimension gates aren't forgiving. Even with a guide, they'll have to face the reality of what it means to survive out there."

Dabi nodded. He'd seen what happened to those who weren't prepared. Dimension gates were unpredictable, full of dangerous creatures and traps. These students, despite their wealth and status, weren't immune to the harsh reality that awaited them.

Zen grinned. "Well, at least it'll be interesting. I'll make sure to watch from the sidelines."

"You're not getting out of this," Dabi replied, his tone serious but with a hint of amusement. "I'll need all the help I can get. You and Elena are coming with me."

Elena smiled slightly. "It's not like we'd let you do this alone."

The three of them stood in silence for a moment, watching as the nobles continued to prepare. Dabi knew that this mission wasn't just a test for the students—it was a test for him too. He had to prove that he could lead, protect, and guide, not just himself but others.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the academy grounds, Dabi turned to Zen and Elena. "Let's get ready.

We're entering the gate in three days."
