Chapter 70: Chaos in the Gate


Dabi, Zen, and Elena led the group of thirty noble students through the swirling portal into the mid-low level dimension gate. The air immediately grew thick with an otherworldly pressure, and the ground beneath their feet shifted slightly, as if the dimension itself was alive. Dabi scanned the surroundings, his instincts already on high alert. This wasn't going to be an easy task, but he had been through worse.

"Stay close and follow my instructions," Dabi called out, his voice calm but firm. "Don't wander off. We're here to clear this gate and get you all the experience you need, not to babysit anyone."

Most of the students nodded, clearly aware of the seriousness of the situation. However, some of the nobles, used to their wealth and privilege, seemed uninterested in following orders. They whispered among themselves, occasionally shooting glances at Dabi as if to challenge his authority.

Zen walked beside him, muttering under his breath, "Some of these guys are going to be a problem."

"I know," Dabi replied quietly. "We'll deal with them if it comes to that. For now, focus."

As they made their way deeper into the gate, Dabi pointed out landmarks and warned them about potential dangers. "Don't touch anything unfamiliar. Keep your weapons ready. If something doesn't feel right, trust your instincts and alert me immediately."

But of course, not everyone was listening.

A particularly arrogant noble, named Harvin, was lagging behind, carelessly fiddling with various bottles from his oversized satchel. His family was known for their potion crafting, but judging by the disorganized manner in which he carried them, it was clear Harvin had little to no understanding of the potions' actual effects.

Dabi noticed it immediately. "Hey, be careful with those—"

Before he could finish, one of the bottles slipped from Harvin's grasp, shattering against the rocky ground. A sickly, pungent odor immediately filled the air. Dabi's eyes widened as he recognized the scent.

"Berserk potion," he muttered, his tone darkening.

The reaction was instantaneous. All around them, the creatures lurking in the shadows of the dimension began to stir. Their eyes, once passive, now burned with a ferocious intensity. The berserk potion had done its job, sending every monster within range into a mindless rage.

Zen cursed under his breath. "We need to get out of here—now."

Dabi quickly turned to Zen and Elena. "Get the students back to the entrance. Protect them. I'll deal with this."

Elena hesitated for a moment, concern flashing across her face. "You can't fight all of them alone."

"I'll be fine," Dabi said, already moving into position. "Just make sure they're safe."

With a reluctant nod, Zen and Elena began rounding up the students, ushering them toward the gate. Most of the nobles were panicking now, realizing the gravity of their situation. Harvin, pale-faced and shaking, muttered apologies under his breath, but Dabi had no time to deal with him. His focus was on the horde of enraged monsters charging toward them.

Dabi took a deep breath, centering himself. His mind sharpened, his instincts taking over. This wasn't the first time he had been outnumbered, and it wouldn't be the last.

The first wave of monsters came crashing down like a tsunami, but Dabi was ready. With a swift motion, he unleashed a series of powerful attacks, cutting down the creatures one after another. His agility, bolstered by his recent stat allocations, allowed him to dodge their berserk attacks with ease, while his strength gave his strikes enough force to take them out in a single blow.

For what felt like hours, Dabi fought relentlessly, the ground beneath him littered with the bodies of defeated monsters. Each time he thought the tide would let up, more appeared, driven mad by the lingering effects of the berserk potion.

His stamina was draining, but Dabi pushed through, refusing to back down. He couldn't afford to leave the gate uncleared—not with the students' safety on the line. The monsters seemed endless, but Dabi's will was stronger.

At last, the final wave approached, led by the dimension's boss—a towering, monstrous figure with glowing red eyes and dark, swirling energy radiating from its body. Dabi gripped his sword tightly, narrowing his gaze. This was the moment he had been waiting for.

The battle was fierce, with the boss's berserk strength far surpassing anything Dabi had faced so far. But Dabi's experience and skill prevailed. He used his new agility to outmaneuver the beast, striking with precision at its weak points. With a final, decisive blow, Dabi brought the boss to its knees, its body disintegrating into shimmering particles of light.

Dabi stood over the remains of the boss, breathing heavily but victorious. The notification from his system flashed before his eyes.


System Notification:

You have defeated the Dimension Boss.

Gained 5 levels. (Current Level: 65)

Gained 25 unallocated stat points.

Reward: One-Time Use Egg Incubator (Hatches egg 1000x faster)

Reward: 15,000 Gold Coins

Reward: New Skill: Space Jump


Dabi took a moment to review his rewards, noting the new skill and the one-time use incubator. He smiled slightly. The incubator would come in handy for his next pet, and Space Jump would give him the ability to move across short distances instantly—an incredibly valuable skill in battle.

But there was no time to rest. Dabi looked around, the battlefield now silent and still. The gate had been cleared, but there was still work to be done. He made his way back to the entrance, where Zen and Elena were waiting with the students.

When he arrived, the students were visibly shaken, but alive. Zen raised an eyebrow, clearly impressed.

"Looks like you had fun," Zen said, smirking.

Dabi shrugged, w

iping the sweat from his brow. "It's done. Let's get them out of here."
