Chapter 71: A New Awakening


Dabi emerged from the dimension gate with the group of noble students, Zen, and Elena. The bright light of the academy grounds was a stark contrast to the dark, chaotic dimension they had just left behind. The students, though shaken, seemed relieved that the ordeal was over. A few even managed grateful glances in Dabi's direction, acknowledging the role he had played in keeping them alive.

One of the teachers approached the group, a satisfied smile on his face. "The exam is over," he announced. "All of you have successfully completed the test. Your next challenge will be to prepare for the academy's curriculum."

Dabi nodded and exchanged quick farewells with Zen and Elena before heading home. It had been a long and tiring day, and he wanted nothing more than to rest. The adrenaline from the fight had worn off, leaving his muscles heavy with exhaustion.

Once back home, Dabi took a deep breath as the familiar surroundings brought him some peace. He immediately opened his system interface to allocate the new stat points he had earned from the dimension gate. His eyes flickered across the holographic display as the system chimed in.


System Notification:

25 unallocated stat points available.

Mana +100 added (Total Mana: 700).


Dabi quickly assigned the points, deciding to spread them evenly across his stats. His power was growing rapidly, and he needed to keep his balance in check to make sure he wasn't vulnerable in any area.


Dabi's Updated Stats (Level 65):

Strength: 87 → 92 (+5)

Agility: 94 (+10 from the ring) → 99 (+5)

Endurance: 83 → 88 (+5)

Intelligence: 68 → 73 (+5)

Mana: 600 → 700 (+100)

Memory: 59 (+5)


Satisfied with the new distribution of his points, Dabi closed the system interface and leaned back, his mind already racing toward the next day. His thoughts briefly lingered on the egg he had been keeping since the last mission. The void egg. Something about it felt different, more significant than any of his other pet eggs.

The next morning arrived, bringing with it the promise of something new. Dabi sat outside with his siblings, Eli and Mira, both of whom were excited for what was about to happen. His two pets, Fen and Whity, were also present, lying lazily on the grass, watching with interest. The sun bathed the small yard in warm light as they gathered around the egg.

"This is it, huh?" Eli asked, his eyes wide with anticipation.

"Yeah," Dabi replied, pulling out the One-Time Use Egg Incubator he had received as a reward. He carefully placed the void egg into the incubator, watching as it began to glow with an ethereal light. The incubator hummed softly, its energy rapidly accelerating the hatching process.

Everyone watched in silence as cracks began to form along the surface of the dark, swirling egg. The void energy that surrounded it pulsed in rhythm with the earth itself, creating a strange yet powerful presence. Within moments, the shell shattered, releasing a brilliant surge of black and violet light.

From the remnants of the egg, a creature slowly emerged. Its form was sleek, almost shadow-like, with dark, smooth fur that shimmered like the night sky. Its eyes were a deep, swirling violet, glowing with an otherworldly power. The creature had wings that seemed to fade in and out of existence, and its body was both solid and intangible, as though it existed between worlds.

Dabi's system immediately kicked in, identifying the creature.


System Notification:

New Creature Hatched: [Void Lynx]

Level: 1

Type: Void Beast


Void Step: The Void Lynx can step through dimensions, becoming untouchable for short periods, allowing it to bypass physical barriers and evade attacks.

Void Slash: A dimensional attack that rends the fabric of space, striking enemies with unavoidable force.

Shadow Cloak: The Void Lynx can blend into the surrounding environment, becoming invisible and undetectable for a limited time.

Dimensional Sense: The ability to perceive rifts, gates, and hidden dimensions that others cannot sense, giving it heightened awareness in any environment.


Dabi blinked in surprise as he read through the system's description. The Void Lynx was even more powerful and versatile than he had expected. It was a creature tied to space and dimensions, much like his own growing powers. It would be a valuable companion in the battles ahead, especially as his challenges grew more dangerous.

"Whoa, it's so cool!" Mira exclaimed, leaning in closer to get a better look at the new pet.

"I've never seen anything like it," Eli added, his eyes sparkling with admiration. "It's like a shadow, but it's real."

Dabi smiled, feeling a sense of pride and anticipation. "Its name will be... Nyx," he decided, choosing a name that felt fitting for a creature of the void. "She'll be an important ally for us."

Fen and Whity both seemed curious, eyeing Nyx as she gracefully padded over to Dabi's side. Despite her ghostly appearance, Nyx's movements were smooth and fluid, as if she were moving through an entirely different plane of existence.

"Don't worry," Dabi said, stroking Nyx's head gently. "She's one of us now."

With the Void Lynx by his side, Dabi knew his journey was far from over. His power was growing, but so were the challenges. And now, with this new creature born from the void itself, he had an even greater edge in his quest to un

cover the truth about his parents and the mysterious dimensions they were tied to.
